Child predator gets busted

Please quote anything I have said that is racist. Please quote any death threats. I will sit here and beat off while you go search for those. Your tiny penis is tiny, and you are just pissed because you know I won't let you pollute this board with your bullshit. :rolleyes:
filthy white skin is racist
I ll come back and talk to you when you've calmed down, ur not worth my ink when u behave like this lmfao
I concur wholeheartedly. Pad is one of my all time favorite members, intelligent, sincere, and a great personality. I've read the sections of his threads that people have linked to which they thought were offensive, and I just couldn't see it. I think people are reading things into his prose that aren't objectively there. Either that, or I'm really missing something, which has happened before. Just my opinion, but I love me some Pada...
His stuff in politics has always been enlightening and intelligent...I hope this other stuff isn't true...benefit of the doubt from my 4 eyes...
Peer pressure is high school shit. After that you pick your like minded friends that you have shit in common with...same way you pick your wife. I'm a GDI first...that is attracted to philosophies, interests & sense of humors similar to mine...discussion over.
lol who rattled your cage, shall we......... have a dance-off to sort it?
As a pancake

and there's like 31 pages over there that proves it ...

No fucking wonder Trump has a chance

Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men's blood
Daniel Burnham

It works with lies too.
so u guys are getting Donald trump for pres.....too fukin funny, I like him lol
Well, the current thinking is that he would be pummeled in the general erection. I am not so sure. I think the polls are quite possibly missing a lot.

The next two weeks will tell a lot as to whether the Reps can replace him in an open convention. It has happened many times before. I cannot offer insight to this as the Republican party excluded me long ago. We will see if the Republicans climb up on that particular tiger.

I am still hoping for the longshot that is Bernie Sanders. I would love to see Sanders and Cruz go head to head. Looooove it.

Whatever you say about America's politics, Bernie is a ray of hope that there are more of us with our heads on the outside of our assholes than inside.

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