child shit


Well-Known Member

Smoke one and have some peace people ! silly fights are silly!

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
Stump is/was a good guy. Funny how the internet works: we would all laugh smoke and find common ground in a real room in person but give us a veil of interweb secrecy and its all about how we don't agree on what we nitpick about shit we hate. Small as the community is we have probably spoke face to face already. RareD, I could walk up in your genetics store....I mean gardenklub and talk for an hour about plants and politics and smile and laugh with you but when I log in here ghostyfuckwad or whatever your new name is is busting balls like 24/7. Well to your internet persona I say fuck you and to the man behind the curtain I look forward to knowing what you really think and how you act when anonymous as I speak to you in person. You won't know me, but I bet you don't greet me at the door with a comment about fucking my friends mother so that'll be nice.


Well-Known Member
CT said it. If everyone was around the fire with a bong, hell- we'd be sitting around the fire with a bong. :o or some such...

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
hahahaha You would make the worst mod ever. No joke.
Finally I get a laugh out of this guy. learn from me Pirate, not to grow (hahah), but to let your guard down for a second here and there, maybe even poke fun at yourself a little (Yes, that def was a sarcastic comment, about being a mod, on my part). Either way, I'm glad you Cory and Sunni had a laugh... And my feelings aren't hurt, I'm smiling. peace + respect

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Stump is/was a good guy.

Funny how the internet works:
we would all laugh smoke and find common ground in a real room in person
but give us a veil of interweb secrecy and
its all about how we don't agree on
what we nitpick about shit we hate. ...
Yea Stump is kool he was forum glue has a good heart Marty too


Well-Known Member
ill put your name in the hat perhaps just a mod tip watch what you say in your posts and how you act to others as it is all taken into account
So I blew it already, thank God that weight is lifted off my shoulders.. Time to let loose


Well-Known Member
i can read everything i hope you realize that you did start bullshit and trouble, you were infact the aggressor. i get it you apologized but than you started back up again, than youmade a thread acting like you were the victim i first sided with you than read the thread in question and realized it took 2 to tango and you were NOT the victim as much as you said or made it out ot be you were. I am not incorrect because i can READ EVERYTHING. lol perhaps you forgot exactly what you said
I take responsibility for what role I played, I started to point out that my posting is sometimes affected by my condition. Look at the word usage.....the namecalling. When, I know repeatedly calling someone a douchebag, or mocking is non agressive behavior then things will be diffferent. The disability thread is based upon my personal experience and I don't feel victimized, I feel others ought to know what many forget. It was a thread about respect not my problems. It was very well responded to, I remember what I said and some of it I regret. You allow the unapologetic to cruise but I am sick and make a stand out of frustration and you tell me what I already know, why? Read my history.....I am not a troublemaker. I have a right to say the truth as I see it as do you. What is your endgame? Mine is to defend myself respectfully against assertions that don't take into account serious issues. When someone unknowingly slanders a disabled person I get upset, the victimization is subtle from your chair but not from mine. If acting you call it then so be it, those people hit home and deserve a little truth(which it was). Did anyone take responsibility for their actions? Did my thread seem insincere to you? I know you are a mod and that is why I explain........the side you take is unnecessarily critical. It is negative, unbalanced, and, offense. My final point is I can say what I like unapologetically, you are in a position of neutrality and I am using this site respectfully and helpfully. This had no precedent and no point in bringing it up really. I apologize again and I stand by my thread about disabled, I acted poorly to habitually awful members, I was in no mood for abuse and there will not be a next time.


Well-Known Member
Be prepared. I can guarantee you she's got all your posts on reference. Why pick a fight with a mod even if you disagree bro? It will be better for you to just move along. A forum does count as somebody's 'turf' in the end best respect it mate.
This is not an issue I brang up suddenly. This is public domain, I get the practice I need to make my point honestly and respectfully which are usually mutually exclusive. If it becomes combative I will not go further but go back and the thread we met on. I am disabled and doing my best. I don't tolerate disrespect in that area. I did everything in my ability to rectify and grow from the situation, if misunderstandings occur because of the truth so it goes. Apology refuted, I explain myself because I want to. I view it as charitable...I enjoy the chance to show my feeling about things that people ignore and don't respect. This is about popularizing ideas that effect the quality of this site and make better people.....if I am singled out for my behavior, this is not where I belong anyway. Honesty, support, sharing, ideas, and learning is why I am here and I distinguish between fighting and responding honestly. Non-action is a wise choice in most instances....agreed, but this is a mistake I make for others to learn what to expect in terms of neutrality from moderators. Look, the act of expression is for some and not others. These are responses to the mistakes I am guilty of making, the chickenhawks I insulted, and the way I am represented. In time, you become a reflection of the strength and fullfillment you embody....this is no time to be meek. I hope I am understood for who I am, but I would settle for my point to be respected. I hope the music is brewing full force and your garden is happy.


Well-Known Member
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Be more respectful right? Isn't that the problem? I don't get what about this is helpful or make either of us any better. You dont know me, but ironically you are partially correct. I am confident, I believe in my talent, and it is a great tool as an artist. I have delusions too....that people seek to better themselves, that truth is valued, that I am an asshole, and you are one of the good ones. Thanks for help in the past, I hope you find some talent.