CHILL WINSTON! GG's escape to paradise!

hey gg hows it going just stoping in to see if the new pics were up yet. Ill be starting my first bubleponics setup up as soon as i get my newts. Im only starting out with one plant as i have never done this method b4. Ill be posting my grow as soon as i recive the rest of my materials. anyways keep up the good work and hope to see them babies soon later
Just read 46 pages of business.
Great job on the build. great job on the grow especially from seed. i got a few ideas from looking through the pages so thats cool.
What I don't understand is why you built tables that high if you're gonna grow the things 5 feet tall? Those are lollipopped like mine. Thats a lot of plants and a lot of work. Can't wait to see them heavy into bloom. you might as well go get some stakes cause there is no way in hell they are stay up right... and they seem to be getting a little too tall for such small bags.
Hell even the clones are tall already!
And as far as taking clones off the top it works fine, it may take longer to root with some strains, but in my last case (OG kush) it was the first to root of the 56 I cut.
I'll be doin a stadium grow this next time around with about a hundred plants so its interesting to watch you're outta control grow!
I'll do one side in square pots (3 1/2 gallon) and the other in 2 gallon bags, we'll se how it goes. Good Luck!
I knew GG was a fed. I told you GG..I knew you were a fed and you didn't even know it!!! one of the best SoGs ive ever seen, boss lady!!! major props.
wow..ya give some praise and ya get called dumb as a rock..I dont know where I are anymore. is this still rip? keep it up GG!
wow ....... just wow i will be watching this grow GG u have a talent for this ... or the payroll for it i think both this cant be ur first grow how long have u been growing for and are we flowering yet?
Been three weeks since you posted------where you at GG????????

Hi Von,

Dont worry I am alive and well, and so are all the babies, or I should say mothers...

I have been put into hiatus mode, so right now the only job I have is keeping a very healthy stock of mothers alive, why some kinks get worked through...

We have like 45 of those tall ones from the beggining (the ones I like the most) and around 72 clones from them all just happily vegging.

Nothing is going to flower at the moment.

Just building up good phenos...

Also I have aquired 3 little phenos from some freinds in the mean time...

Ill try to get some new pics up soon...
Glad to hear thing are going well-Looking forward to some new pics when you get a chance. Thanks for the reply--sometimes a wait turns out better things in the long run----less mistakes----better results---talk to ya soon...
thats a very nice setup you've got their dude. i've thought of that before, but at the moment i'm limited to supplies and and money.... not that i'm a cheap grower either... cause u pay for wut u get. plus i live at my moms house. i'll post up some of the new pics soon. this is my 4th day of flowering i can see bells on more that half of them... and i see white pistil sprouting from 2 of those bells. pretty much they were kept in smaller pots than they should have been for their age. at 2 weeks they were still in sprouting box shaped like a egg carton... at 4 they were in a 6 inch pot...and they still are... althought i took like for of them and move them a some bigger 12 in pots i found day 1 of flowering. nutes have been unbalanced, am using veg bio nutes ... organic with tap water that i try 2 let sit 4 atleast three days... now that i am in my 1st week of flowering i am doing a 1/1 ratio of veg and bloom.. and i am using distilled water from the store which i heared that comes with a natural ph level of 6.5, after which i will switch over 2 complete bloom next week. sense switching over alot of that leafs stop getting brown dry spots but some now the high leaves... are slightly curling down and some of them are growing very slow, the branches that is.i am growing in a bath... 600 watt hps,with 2 lil 26 watt floro helpers at each end and a decsent fan their are 14 of them. size varies, but their all pretty much are the same age except the 2 of the tallest... the a lil younger.i got my seeds from a hermie power kush i think... or maybe.. but i know its some kind of purple stuff. and i have plenty more. bout 75% of them look like their going 2 be females but you never know. lol i posted some more recent pics . let me know dude.. and do u have a crop now. i grown be4 ... but they were just test subs, this is more first crop.... i would have waited longer to veg. but i'm eager 2 start a new crop.. wut ever i make i am going 2 invest towards a new crop. hopefully al goes well. i wanna plan a box like yours but grown with 2 cfls out put equivalent of 600 watt and maybe hydro.i'm think cropping 20. variety of diff strains tho. thanks 4 the reply. is this enough info lol
hey GG i uh been watchin you from over there behind tha bushes..and I just wanted you to know your the most special smartest prettiest dope grower I ever met. I trust that your plants are still growing? oh baby. I could sleep in your grow room. I would eat the dirt.
hey GG i uh been watchin you from over there behind tha bushes..and I just wanted you to know your the most special smartest prettiest dope grower I ever met. I trust that your plants are still growing? oh baby. I could sleep in your grow room. I would eat the dirt.

I have 140 dead rootballs, full of coco, that they say is re-usable, you could come help me break em all up and sift out roots... if you want....