chillies to mask the taste of san pedro?


Well-Known Member
i love mescaline containing cacti, but they taste 100000x worse than the worst thing i've ever put in my mouth. yesterday took a cutting from my san pedro, and i was thinking that it might make it easier to choke down the tea that i'll make from if i ate something REALLY fucking hot before i started drinking it to kind of kill my taste buds for a little while. what do you guys think? does this sound like a good idea to anyone else? because iv never read of anybody trying this and it seems like someone would have thought of it by now

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
shove a bunch of cie cubes in your mouth for a few minutes :D that works for me on harsh tastes. if i got a really strong skanky smoke going, that i can't bare to taste without a gag reflex, i just numb the heck out of my mouth then attack it as fast as i can :D
I just got a 12in cutting in the other day - people who have never tried it have no clue how bad the taste really is. I use the boiling method from erowids then cut the shit out of it with lemon juice and sierra mist, it is still nasty as hell but it makes it almost bearable. (As for the chilli's, I've had San Pedro and habenero salsa, and it was still horrible.)


Well-Known Member
I just got a 12in cutting in the other day - people who have never tried it have no clue how bad the taste really is. I use the boiling method from erowids then cut the shit out of it with lemon juice and sierra mist, it is still nasty as hell but it makes it almost bearable. (As for the chilli's, I've had San Pedro and habenero salsa, and it was still horrible.)

i do use lemons in my tea, but its only to lower the ph and help extract the alkaloids. personally, i think lemon juice makes it taste a lot like vomit.


Well-Known Member
Get That shit that numbs your teeth. Cant think of the name exactly. But you can pour out the whole tube in you mouth..rested on your tounge and swish it all around your mouth for like a minute. You wont taste anything.
GG I say.


Well-Known Member
Get That shit that numbs your teeth. Cant think of the name exactly. But you can pour out the whole tube in you mouth..rested on your tounge and swish it all around your mouth for like a minute. You wont taste anything.
GG I say.
orogel? i dont know about the whole bottle, but thats deffinatly a good idea.