Chitownsmoke(Sour D X Budda Kush Grow)

i can actually smell it. it makes my mouth water now. lemme find a place were i can setup theese 2 1000 watters and its over
veg it indoors all winter poplars!!!!!!!! then transplant outside in the spring! you will get big yield. like i said before yield is low on this strain, but it dont even matter what you get is amoung the best in the world

OMG... I've seen lazy, and I've been lazy, but to be so lazy as to not bother putting the end of a cigarette into a hole in a filter before putting it into one's mouth and inhaling?! Now I've seen it all!!! :lol:

Considering that something this small is a "revolutionary" thing in the world of vaping to date, I'm sure it'll take a lot of time before something as small as you're suggesting could be implemented. Plus, cigs are expensive as hell already... a vape built into a cig would be way too expensive for the average Blow Joe sitting on the couch buying a carton every few days. (Every few days? lol) I would think most people would be a lot more willing go through the exhaustive work of placing the filter on the cigarettes than they would be to pay extra money per cigarette. ;)

the pic is the electronic cigs but maybe they could develop a ionic filter to remove tar an carcinogens on regular cigs less parts less cost

haha hell the sad part is im not exaggerating at all there's people who seriously smoke a carton every few days its tragic but it really comes down to laziness to putting them on each cig how many people do you kno that if they were givin one of these devices would actually use it on every cig they smoke maybe one or 2 not the millions that are smokers that wouldn't at all and yeah their already expensive but hell you jus proved my point you wouldn't spend an extra 2 dollars a pack to save your life their shouldn't be a price on health but hell there is but if they actually spent research and development money on developing a self contained vape cig it would revolutionize the smoking industry and prolly bring America out of its current funk hell addictions is where the moneys at ask any dough boy ridding in a donk lol:leaf:

hahaha thank god for spellcheck

the pic is the electronic cigs but maybe they could develop a ionic filter to remove tar an carcinogens on regular cigs less parts less cost

haha hell the sad part is im not exaggerating at all there's people who seriously smoke a carton every few days its tragic but it really comes down to laziness to putting them on each cig how many people do you kno that if they were givin one of these devices would actually use it on every cig they smoke maybe one or 2 not the millions that are smokers that wouldn't at all and yeah their already expensive but hell you jus proved my point you wouldn't spend an extra 2 dollars a pack to save your life their shouldn't be a price on health but hell there is but if they actually spent research and development money on developing a self contained vape cig it would revolutionize the smoking industry and prolly bring America out of its current funk hell addictions is where the moneys at ask any dough boy ridding in a donk lol:leaf:

hahaha thank god for spellcheck
In the long run you save money and your health,
The tobacco costs less if you buy it seperate... duhh
and you could put bud in there :)
i posted it to show katatoniwic oops if that aint rite.... but yeah were waitin on the ladies to go back on stage bro