ok so sadly two of the tahoe were males..... i have one tahoe left that i hope is female.. she stinks soo much i would hate for her to be male!!! the violator kush showed sex today its female has advertised... cali hash plant still no sex... and all 3 sk have pistils everywere has they should there from female bubba dom clones.... i really hope that last tahoe is female man!!!! i should know by next time i water.... i killed the two males.. they were barly showing male so i couldnt harvest there nutts..... i couldnt take the chance of them pollinateing my shit since it will be another week or more till next time i see em..... i fed alotta leaves to the pothead chinchilla... he smahed most of em and looked to be a lil baked.... he ate like 12 big ass stank fan leaves and got another dozenleft.... so now im down to 6 plants..... i need a large yield... i also put in those organic spikes in the ground... they were a bitch on some of the soil to get into the ground.. i waterd my plants, those spikes turn to like a mush... i hope they becom useable fast... i may have to get some other water soluble org. nutes......