Well-Known Member
dunno but I still have a live male, I will have seeds to send you if nobody else makes any.
pops!!!!!! bust a nutt on all them strains!!!!!! lets see what happends!!!!! w/e happends will be good!!!
dunno but I still have a live male, I will have seeds to send you if nobody else makes any.
i appreciate the love..... you been wanting to grow to grow the sourkush for years now... your cool has hell ill see to it you get to grow out some fresh ass f5's......
dude, your monkeyass better hook up tryna with some SK. he been following SK journals for a long time. in fact I'm not sure how other peeps got to cut in line in front of him. take care of your boyz homie
haha. thanks bro. kkday and I got some projects in the works too. when it's all said and done, I got your getting some too.... and the hommie whyte......... i know everybody loves them some sourkush!!!!!
pops!!!!!! bust a nutt on all them strains!!!!!! lets see what happends!!!!! w/e happends will be good!!!
haha. thanks bro. kkday and I got some projects in the works too. when it's all said and done, I got your back.
i would love some exotic hawaiin grown crosses..... even if there sativa dom.. just make sure they dont go longer then 9 weeks in bloom lol
nah I'm not crossing SK with anything. I have other afghani strains to cross into everything else, sk will be amazing as it gets climatized over the years and I don't think I'll ever feel the need to cross it into anything else. between me and my hippie grower buddy we got some of the best kushes in california I bet. and we're even messin around with some sativa crosses too, I'm hella stoked.
hahaha! ya man, no problem. you know I'm a sativa guyand the beans you will get down the road, is authentic hawaiian beans and strains. not the mickey mouse kind that you find at the seed banks. these are real 808state beans.
lol some etiopian schwagg sativas huh?> lmmfao
hahahahah! lol these ethiopian swagg beans will have you acting retarted for a few hours, lol
and thats all i ask for........ add a can of spam to every 5 gallons of dirt..... just mix it right in and let the endo and ecto bacterias have at it lolol........ mix some poi into the water when you water too!!!
man listen....... if you threw some sk pollin on that beastly ass fucking purple kush and gave me some of those f'1s i would consider that has love!
..... and not the kind of pigs that go oink oink. it's the five-0 kinda pigs.
what what happend???
not gonna happen, sk is sk, other kushes are other kushes. these lines are never crossed in my mind.
man u cant do that for me????????????????? that is too much too ask? after you were the first one i gave sk to grow, and i always get in trouble for sticking up for you its like that now hommie?