Chocolope 6 weeks in flower

hi all im growing chocolope in coco 7 plants 4 under a 600watt in canna coco, nutes canna coco a & b rizotonic, canazyme, boost & pk 13/14. 3 under 600watt also canna coco, nutes ionic grow, bloom and boost im using ripen for the last 2 weeks purely because im moving home and having to finish a bit early but to be honest i have noticed no difference between canna nutes and ionic and ionic being half the price im gonna stick with ionic pic 1 is canna 2 and 3 are ionic enjoy2.jpg1.jpg3.jpg


Well-Known Member
NICe work buddy beautiful whats the smell i been looking at this strain i heard it a Closet buster


Well-Known Member
Nice job man! Chocolope is one of my favorites for sure. Lokks like you got one of each pheno, it has 2 main phenos, the more sativa, looser buds, and the other one with thicker buds and leaves. Both are awesome keepers in their own right, but the fatter one has a more pronounced raw chocolate flavor and smell, or at least mine did. Here's a shot of one outdoor last year, it started flowering ahead of most I had.102_5783.jpg
thanks for all your replies the smell is long lasting i brushed up against it and the smell stayed with me for hours (-; great smell. Nice outdoor bud wheezer the buds on my photos have got even fatter 2nd pic its actually 2 buds which are both about 12-14" long and about 4" thick my fav plant by far