choose best option led

That's cool. Yeah, i heard some nonsense like that too. Even if it was true that the Effect was slightly reduced. The whole other half of the plant is getting 400-600ppfd depending on locality. Plus synergistic effects happen throughout, not focalized on only the areas getting high or low light (unless UVB blasting or bare diode exposed)
The plant balances & digests, just as we do.
All the "Data" your looking for will not be available for another yr or 2 unless you hear what i say with an open-mind, consider the fact that i have been trying all these things in my garden for 7 yrs about now & see it all with my own eyes & scale. I pay attention to Patients responses on finished mat. & have nothing to gain or lose whether you or others believe me or not.
Not just EmmersonEffect anyways. EmmersonEffect is just one of many undiscovered or unproven effects of a broad spectrum. Each n every wavelength correlates with another n another n another.

Minding what we learned by Burplating & everything learned from WhiteBoyin, & never combing what you've learned about both to consider more then what the led company told you is NO better then believing the burple lies or the white lies put on by both.
They both carry so many truths when used properly.
Oh man. I'm sorry i can't provide any more links proving my point. Not my cup-o-tea as it is & when i did take the time to search, read, & provide links, nobody read them or watched the videos anyways. Obliviously as barely anyone knows what I'm talking about whenever i refference a point or fact from them.
I have given you guys the answers to so many problems or issues going on that people act unaware of or make excuses for.
Yet only a handful have agreed to at least consider.
Only the true testers or truth seekers are on this level. Its not for everyone. I understand your points of needing non-existent scientific evidence & am Not trying to convert you.
Just sharing what i know with whomever is listening, hoping to help them in some way.

We can do a SBS anytime man. Both of us can simultaneously, using your & my spectral methods n see how you feel then bro.?
I'm willing to take the loss yet again to just help one person see the Canna-Light.
Hmm. So if I understand you correctly, you're saying that even if the Emerson Effect doesn't benefit the canopy, it will benefit the lower regions of the plant. Interesting. How many photons are needed at 660nm and 730nm to make that happen? Wait, don't tell me, let me guess... However many are output by an Amare fixture? Is that the correct answer?

I always try to keep an open mind, man. But you act as if an open mind equates to a mind that accepts your anecdotes as gospel. You know there are flaws in your methodology. We've discussed that. No isolation of your fixtures and random changes in/additions to the nutrients you use, for starters. As I've told you several times, man, if you want people to believe, you need to do it the right way.
That's cool. Yeah, i heard some nonsense like that too. Even if it was true that the Effect was slightly reduced. The whole other half of the plant is getting 400-600ppfd depending on locality. Plus synergistic effects happen throughout, not focalized on only the areas getting high or low light (unless UVB blasting or bare diode exposed)
The plant balances & digests, just as we do.
All the "Data" your looking for will not be available for another yr or 2 unless you hear what i say with an open-mind, consider the fact that i have been trying all these things in my garden for 7 yrs about now & see it all with my own eyes & scale. I pay attention to Patients responses on finished mat. & have nothing to gain or lose whether you or others believe me or not.
Not just EmmersonEffect anyways. EmmersonEffect is just one of many undiscovered or unproven effects of a broad spectrum. Each n every wavelength correlates with another n another n another.

Minding what we learned by Burplating & everything learned from WhiteBoyin, & never combing what you've learned about both to consider more then what the led company told you is NO better then believing the burple lies or the white lies put on by both.
They both carry so many truths when used properly.
Oh man. I'm sorry i can't provide any more links proving my point. Not my cup-o-tea as it is & when i did take the time to search, read, & provide links, nobody read them or watched the videos anyways. Obliviously as barely anyone knows what I'm talking about whenever i refference a point or fact from them.
I have given you guys the answers to so many problems or issues going on that people act unaware of or make excuses for.
Yet only a handful have agreed to at least consider.
Only the true testers or truth seekers are on this level. Its not for everyone. I understand your points of needing non-existent scientific evidence & am Not trying to convert you.
Just sharing what i know with whomever is listening, hoping to help them in some way.

We can do a SBS anytime man. Both of us can simultaneously, using your & my spectral methods n see how you feel then bro.?
I'm willing to take the loss yet again to just help one person see the Canna-Light.
Hybridway although your scientific language is difficult for me to comprehend because I am only a simple person it is good to know you know everything. What lights should I get? New Amare or old Amare? From what you say only Amare knows how to make lights right?
The room will be 10X10
Can you explain WhiteBoyin in more detail please. Where I come from this means a sexual encounter between a old black guy and a young white guy. I need to learn more about the scientific language so I can better understand what you are discussing
Hmm. So if I understand you correctly, you're saying that even if the Emerson Effect doesn't benefit the canopy, it will benefit the lower regions of the plant. Interesting. How many photons are needed at 660nm and 730nm to make that happen? Wait, don't tell me, let me guess... However many are output by an Amare fixture? Is that the correct answer?

I always try to keep an open mind, man. But you act as if an open mind equates to a mind that accepts your anecdotes as gospel. You know there are flaws in your methodology. We've discussed that. No isolation of your fixtures and random changes in/additions to the nutrients you use, for starters. As I've told you several times, man, if you want people to believe, you need to do it the right way.

Take it however you want bro. As has been made clear, I'm not a scientist.
Jk all you want.
My room is mish-moshed. Why, cuz i know what the effects of it are & am working with what i have. When i can have an entire ceiling of Amare Bar-lights, you can bet your bottom dollar i will.
How many guys you know growing a pound or more under a single XB-140? (w stray photons) Ok, when you find one lmk cuz i didnt even think it possible.
Yeah, as far as i know Amare has done their best to provide the closest to optimal spectrum they can provide each yr based on tech. No, they do not go all in 100% on spectrum. Each fixture is a ballance of spectrum & efficiency.
How much of this or that do you need?. I have good ideas but cannot tell you the exact amounts. They have done a fine job at providing enough of this or that though to see the differences in any SBS seeing major differences in growth traits & results.
That's enough for me. If your looking for a secret sauce answer, i can only guess based on experience & am not willing to draw a picture for anyone but those helping me. That's allot of free knowledge to share only to be nlknit-picked apart by those who have NO experience.
Also, i would not say Amares spectrum is perfect (think we have a few yrs to go before that point if even possible) only that the balance of efficiency, spectrum & design they provide smashes on everything I've ever used. And they are ALWAYS the first to do it.
You didn't watch MikenIkes SBS hu? Figures. Are you really interseted in the truth or just pretending???
It was a total squash fest. As usual.
I do not need to provide controlled SBS's for anyone. I did a few, saw what i see every grow consistently, am overly satisfied with my results & have No reason to take futher losses for people whom pay no attention nor listen to reason.
I share my results & grow, hiding nothing, lying about nothing, sugar coating nothing, criticizing & giving props to every light i own where they deserve it. Pro's n Con's.
Like damn man, can you even hear yourself? Ok,ok, lemme ask you something pls. Do you or do you not think white leds are lacking in wavelengths, leaving them deficient in spectrum for optimal or even close plant growth?
If your answer is yes like the majority are finally noticing & admitting, then how in gods name is filling the Gaps (with tested proper amounts) of the missing nm's a bad thing?
Especially while superceeding the competitions electrical efficiency or being dead even. There are NO Fixtures I'm aware of that can touch the results..
Then the build quality. Omg. Why am i even responding rn, wasting my precious time?. No offense. I know you're just playing Devils Advocate.
All i can say is try it man but that's the last time i can offer you advice.
I do not provide ies files or anything that will give away their spectral composition beyond what i have overly-shared already.
Victor is not Happy when i go around giving up the nm's or dimmed close-ups of the diode lay-out.
So when HLG finally crosses R-Spec with B-Spec, adds 740nm & does not botch the spectrum, then i guess you can buy an Amare QB with their original. 7 yr old Equatorial spectrum & try it for yourself.
But don't expect the same results Amare users are getting.
After HLG does this then the heard can jump on it like the newest thing in town & you guys can start to see what i saw soooo long ago, trying my hardest to share with others.
All the while Amare stopped using the Equetorial spec over 2 yrs ago.
If you wanna do a simultaneous SBS with me i would be happy to try to pull some strings & get a fixture in your hands.
Just cannot continue to repeat myself. Its been 5 or 6 yrs now. Smh
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Take it however you want bro. As has been made clear, I'm not a scientist.
Jk all you want.
My room is mish-moshed. Why, cuz i know what the effects of it are & am working with what i have. When i can have an entire ceiling of Amare Bar-lights, you can bet your bottom dollar i will.
How many guys you know growing a pound or more under a single XB-140? (w stray photons) Ok, when you find one lmk cuz i didnt even think it possible.
Yeah, as far as i know Amare has done their best to provide the closest to optimal spectrum they can provide each yr based on tech. No, they do not go all in 100% on spectrum. Each fixture is a ballance of spectrum & efficiency.
How much of this or that do you need?. I have good ideas but cannot tell you the exact amounts. They have done a fine job at providing enough of this or that though to see the differences in any SBS seeing major differences in growth traits & results.
That's enough for me. If your looking for a secret sauce answer, i can only guess based on experience & am not willing to draw a picture for anyone but those helping me. That's allot of free knowledge to share only to be nlknit-picked apart by those who have NO experience.
Also, i would not say Amares spectrum is perfect (think we have a few yrs to go before that point if even possible) only that the balance of efficiency, spectrum & design they provide smashes on everything I've ever used. And they are ALWAYS the first to do it.
You didn't watch MikenIkes SBS hu? Figures. Are you really interseted in the truth or just pretending???
It was a total squash fest. As usual.
I do not need to provide controlled SBS's for anyone. I did a few, saw what i see every grow consistently, am overly satisfied with my results & have No reason to take futher losses for people whom pay no attention nor listen to reason.
I share my results & grow, hiding nothing, lying about nothing, sugar coating nothing, criticizing & giving props to every light i own where they deserve it. Pro's n Con's.
Like damn man, can you even hear yourself? Ok,ok, lemme ask you something pls. Do you or do you not think white leds are lacking in wavelengths, leaving them deficient in spectrum for optimal or even close plant growth?
If your answer is yes like the majority are finally noticing & admitting, then how in gods name is filling the Gaps (with tested proper amounts) of the missing nm's a bad thing?
Especially while superceeding the competitions electrical efficiency or being dead even. There are NO Fixtures I'm aware of that can touch the results..
Then the build quality. Omg. Why am i even responding rn, wasting my precious time?. No offense. I know you're just playing Devils Advocate.
All i can say is try it man but that's the last time i can offer you advice.
I do not provide ies files or anything that will give away their spectral composition beyond what i have overly-shared already.
Victor is not Happy when i go around giving up the nm's or dimmed close-ups of the diode lay-out.
So when HLG finally crosses R-Spec with B-Spec, adds 740nm & does not botch the spectrum, then i guess you can buy an Amare QB with their original. 7 yr old Equatorial spectrum & try it for yourself.
But don't expect the same results Amare users are getting.
After HLG does this then the heard can jump on it like the newest thing in town & you guys can start to see what i saw soooo long ago, trying my hardest to share with others.
All the while Amare stopped using the Equetorial spec over 2 yrs ago.
If you wanna do a simultaneous SBS with me i would be happy to try to pull some strings & get a fixture in your hands.
Just cannot continue to repeat myself. Its been 5 or 6 yrs now. Smh
One pound under the XB-140 would be 3.2 grams per watt. Stray photons indeed.

I did watch Mikenike's SBS, yes. He himself said he needs to run another comparison because he feels the HLG fixture didn't get a fair shake. But you're ready to label his results as definitive?

As for deficiency in white LED - if I saw every white light grower having the same issues you've had, despite having their VPD properly dialed in, then yes, I would suspect that something was missing. But the truth is that there are countless examples of very happy, healthy plants, yielding heavy, potent harvests under "white" light. Is there room for improvement? Almost always. But that simple fact doesn't validate all your claims. Oh, and I never said it was a bad thing to add wavelengths, so I'm not sure where you got that notion.

As for the SBS - I appreciate the offer, but I have my grow schedule planned out for the foreseeable future, and I don't plan to alter it for a grow-off.
One pound under the XB-140 would be 3.2 grams per watt. Stray photons indeed.

I did watch Mikenike's SBS, yes. He himself said he needs to run another comparison because he feels the HLG fixture didn't get a fair shake. But you're ready to label his results as definitive?

As for deficiency in white LED - if I saw every white light grower having the same issues you've had, despite having their VPD properly dialed in, then yes, I would suspect that something was missing. But the truth is that there are countless examples of very happy, healthy plants, yielding heavy, potent harvests under "white" light. Is there room for improvement? Almost always. But that simple fact doesn't validate all your claims. Oh, and I never said it was a bad thing to add wavelengths, so I'm not sure where you got that notion.

As for the SBS - I appreciate the offer, but I have my grow schedule planned out for the foreseeable future, and I don't plan to alter it for a grow-off.
Mike says whatever he has to to not be mauled like i did. The pics are all you need to know. Sabers had cover removed for an almost 11% electrical efficiency increase too. Didnt get a fair shake my ass. Its x2 , 4x4's getting feed the same thing at the same time. He would have had to feed one plant water & the other steroids to get the differences in those two sides.
I love the Blind eye routine. Seen it 100x.
Happy, potent plants. Yup! Just not next to what I'm talking about. So there you have it.
Everyone's happy until they realize what they could have had. Never thought leds would touch my hps but look how that turned out.
Your taking about a grow light industry built off (save $, cut corners DIY models).
Im talking about an barely recognized ("here" )growlight that has been doing everything for 7 yrs that others are just now daring to dip their toes in.
Whole time the results from users (with the exception of my being consistent) were outstanding. Just not on the RIU Hate Club.
I make no claims bro. I tell you all what i see.
Is that not why we are here?
"Just Do It" Till then you are just adding to the problem of Long-Overdue led expansion not souly based on profit or following basic DIY'rs. Minimal requirements.
Not adding to the problem. Didn't mean that, just not helping.
Oh , yeah, basically i gather you keep saying the extra wavelengths Amare adds are either not worth it or there is not enough "scientific evidence " sayings so.
I disagree. I feel there is tooooo much scientific evidence for ANY Horticultural Claiming manufacture to ignore unless their goal is not related to ours.
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:bigjoint::wall::wall::wall: sometimes less is best, let us know how you get on with the new gear 2 kits of 240w from meijiu with lm301b + osram , pretty sure a few members will be interested in your grow