Choosing the best soil for early stage?


Trying to get the best soil mix for my 4 day old plants. i didnt have a huge selection when i planted the seeds so i used miracle grow moisture control, but soon i will have to replant them to bigger pots and i want to use the right soil. any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
lots of folk bitch about mg as being too strong, im organic and build my own living soil. mgs bad because it has time release nutes...ya need to have a firmer control of what ur girls get, and when they get it

Po boy

Well-Known Member
i've had great luck buying pre mixed soil from local nurseries that grow ornamental plants. GL


Well-Known Member
yeah i was reading up something like 40% Potting soil.

30% Perlite.

20% Top soil.

10% Sand.
that's a good starter mix that will easily get thru veg, gives u time to read up on the next step. gettin ur larger pots prepped and ready to go in bout 6 weeks


Well-Known Member
This would be for future use since it takes a month but how about something that's cheaper, easier and better? You can go to your local Orchard Supply,Ace Hardware, etc to get the ingredients

Soil mix:

1/3 sphagnum peat moss
1/3 perlite
1/3 organic compost (I'm organic so...) - do NOT be cheap here. This is THE single most important component of your soil. If you can get vermicompost or castings that's great but organic and preferably free range chicken manure or organic steer manure can be good too.

---You've just made your base soil!

To each 8 gallons of soil mix

1/2 cup blood meal
1/2 cup bone meal
1 cup kelp meal
1/2 cup dolomitic lime

This mix of base soil with amendments will need to be "cooked"...which means composted...which means wet it down (not drown) and turn it every week or so (and keep it damp) for about a month. You'll be rewarded with the best soil you've ever used and will need little liquid nutrients. Now there are other amendments that can be quite useful but just those four will get you going well and rather inexpensively. The only item above which may be hard to source locally is the kelp meal and that can be ordered from amazon/many internet sources or if you have a feed store nearby you may find it there.

Check out the organic section here and you can find out how to grow without expensive liquid nutrients and you can learn to reuse your soil and get BETTER results than folks who buy new soil every grow.

And if you don't want to do any of that....Roots Organic...


sounds awesome, will give that a shot. But still stuck in choosing the soil for this growth stage since tga dont deliver to nyc. any ofther suggestions?


Well-Known Member
like^ said, all u need is available locally really no matter where ur at. add to that list worm casings, alfalfa meal and espoma tomato nutes and man are ready to grow some superb bud


Well-Known Member
I have and still use mg moisture control in a pinch, it burns the bitches mostly in flower stage. a good one for cuttings and seeds is fox farm light warrior. then replant into fox farm ocean Forrest once there established.


problem is i dont got nothing local. i need to order from amazon. if i had a hydroponics store next to me id be there now busting his balls with all this soil questions lol. this Roots Organics soil? will that be good enough for the next 6 weeks?


Well-Known Member
note, im on my first go around with the fox farm shit, and have yet to harvest whilst using, also have some in mg so ill post pics of the difference when my shit is almost ready for chop. so far everything i plant in mg has all sorts of def and lock outs n shit, you still get bud, just not as much as if they were not tormented by the god damn soil lol.


Well-Known Member
I've heard good things about RO. It's kind of always a trial and error type situation with soil, for that reason alone, ill be switching to full on hydroponics for all the girls when i have the funds to do so, and the time...


Well-Known Member
man don't over think this shit and make it tough, potting soil alone will get u thru veg and it don't need to be some big price special shit, then read ur ass off on what u do next...we all had to do it


Well-Known Member
Roots Organics is almost dummy proof. Not trying to say anything but its a great starter brand.

The soil is well mixed and none of the liquid nutrients go over 7.