Chopper fly overs?

this is the united states of america... our gov't does not give a shit about warrants... if they want you all they have to do is label you a terrorist or say your supplying them and you will never be heard from again... our country sucks... i am worried about everything from my neighbor to the guy with the little black camera aimed at my house... there are no limits to what our gov't can and will get away with... so keep telling yourself that its all about what they know and i will continue to believe what i do know...

Perhaps, if you live in a red state, your LE has so much redundancy built in they can still afford to bust people growing for their personal use, but in legal states, I assure you there's no return on that kind of spending. Again, in a legal state, your biggest fear (unless you're greedy) is rippers!

If your paranoia is over an illegal grow in a non-medical state, probably valid. They'd love to make an example. For that reason, imo you are wasting a lot of good juicy energy on paranoia for not a huge return. Life is worth more than worrying about heat signatures from the guest room. :-)
ive seen a military type helicopter fly exactly over 1 single crop and never touched it.

They wouldn't touch it, they were prob elbowing each other saying "Damn! lets land this fucker sarge!" "oh damn, back in the day..." "...if only..." and the like.
"Able Baker Charlie to Roger flush the dope, do you read me? Did you find that marijuana patch?" (Cheech & Chong).
They wouldn't touch it, they were prob elbowing each other saying "Damn! lets land this fucker sarge!" "oh damn, back in the day..." "...if only..." and the like.

As I said, I could see the faces on the Med Flight pilots who snuck up on me, and they were LAUGHING! No doubt they clanked glasses in the bar later and toasted giving me an epic shock.

Seriously, gotta keep the paranoia thing in perspective or all the fun of growing is gone. Now...anybody got any idea how often they update those stinkin' Google Earth satelite pics???
As I said, I could see the faces on the Med Flight pilots who snuck up on me, and they were LAUGHING! No doubt they clanked glasses in the bar later and toasted giving me an epic shock.

Seriously, gotta keep the paranoia thing in perspective or all the fun of growing is gone. Now...anybody got any idea how often they update those stinkin' Google Earth satelite pics???

I know the Google Maps for my area are about 3-4 years old, Bing maps are newer and allow you to rotate the view, I think they use aereal photos rather than satelite imagery... so with Bing you can rotate and actually get 4 different angles and see under awnings!!! but the Google image can usually get closer and more detailed, just directly overhead only (then streetview). I followed the Google car driving around and flipped it off! hoping to find that online soon lol! -moment of immaturity lol, it happens-
exactly... but huh/what, who has clout?
UK Law is dramatically different from US, although similar in that we also require a warrant before they can target a home. comparing apples and potatoes here.

So we agree then? Im confused. The whole point is... yes they can see pot plants from the air, but not using any heat they eminate, its using the reflected LIGHT (700+nm) getting technical, Infrared light IS heat, but what is observed is waves reflected off the surface and not any heat actually being emitted by the plants.. they're not exothermic. This strategy is not useful for large areas and only works in direct line of sight from the observer to the foliage.
If they happen notice that your house is pumping out a ton of heat from your basement or bedroom, it may cause them to focus more attention on you and then they get a warrant using other evidence they gather (when they find the males you killed and dumped in your trash can). They CANNOT use thermal imaging or heat signatures against you as the only evidence, unless they already have the warrant and they're just stacking the deck (or unless they can see your garden in plain sight in your backyard). Im repeating myself from previous posts.

Yes in most part i am agreeing with you , i guess the difference mainly lies in the laws between our 2 countries , for instance , recently on the bbc , a program was aired called "uk cannabis farms" (available on You Tube) , clearly the chopper footage was propaganda scaremonger tactics on behalf of the police , even on 1 of the raids they carried out the op who was being raided had a Microphone attached to his JUMPER lol , talk about set up , how stupid do they think we are ,
i agree the tech is there for them to use , and most living things give off some kind of heat sig , so it will apply to plants,
So i guess we need to work out what they are allowed to do ,
and also what is cost effective for them to do,
it's very cost effective to show these high tech gizmo's on tv etc and scaremonger ppl into not growing,
To have some "clout" is to have half a brain at least ,
peace umbre....
I know the Google Maps for my area are about 3-4 years old, Bing maps are newer and allow you to rotate the view, I think they use aereal photos rather than satelite imagery... so with Bing you can rotate and actually get 4 different angles and see under awnings!!! but the Google image can usually get closer and more detailed, just directly overhead only (then streetview). I followed the Google car driving around and flipped it off! hoping to find that online soon lol! -moment of immaturity lol, it happens-

Oh great....the picture of my medical garden filling up the entire deck is out there in cyberspace, complete with street view, for a loooonnngg time. Let this be a great lesson for everyone! Not only did I space out medical evacuation flights, completely spaced the chance Google would update their Google Earth images right as my trees were starting to flower. Swell. I'm never gonna live this one down.
I really intended all this for an outdoor grow in a state where it is not legal. It appears we have alot of good info on this thread and i believe i found the answer to my question. Keep it small probably less than 4 plants in an area and watchout for the joe's around me act normal
dont DEA have military type heli choppers?

Yeah of course, but how many DEA are there total, theres enough for every state to have about 10-12... how many of them are in Mexico helping train their military to fight the cartels, they still operate in Colombia and Bolivia, they assist with importation cases in the Netherlands and UK. They have big fish to fry... they wont go after a small beans MJ operation unless you're actually making big time money and they want to make an example out of you, for withholding their cut (taxes)
The CIA uses DEA as a cover in many places also. So you may see more than there really are. There are "DEA agents" working all over southeast asia & europe, & all the open seas!

"the way ppl are getting away with outdoor grows in my area is tomatoes... they let off the same heat signature as a marijuana plant does"

hmmm so which is it? you have experience searching out marijuana grows within tomato crops? they have the same heat signature huh?

You're confused, FLIR detects infrared wavelengths, and while Infrared and indeed all light is a form of heat/energy, FLIR detect the reflection of specific wavelengths as it bounces off an object. Thermal imaging will create a picture based on actual temperatures and differences between objects. The picture can be either low def black and white or in vivid color by assigning a color to each fraction of a temperature difference (like in the Predator movie). Thermal can see through objects = illegal without a warrant. FLIR requires direct line of sight (aka plain sight) and measures reflected wavelengths, NOT the actual object being seen. When FLIR is used, the picture can be color enhanced and filtered, and sure it looks like whatever is glowing "hot" on screen, but you cannot see that "hot" object through a cold object using FLIR, you will see the reflection off of whatever the FLIR sees first... even glass, you can stand behind a pane of glass and you cannot be seen, the glass will appear a uniform opaque texture. You cannot use FLIR through thick cloud cover or fog, or in complete absolute darkness without some source of ambient light present (not specifically visible light, ambient IR from stars can be enough, but most have a strong IR emitter mounted in the same unit, ala your night vision handycam)
FLIR and Thermal are different, but are available combined, along with other techs to make really fuckin scary powerful stuff... not necessarily legal for LE to use against civilians without a warrant.
come on Im having fun now, what else?
Dude im glad that you are having fun because i feel ive read the same article/explanation 40 fucking times over! cant you just reply "read post#2"? Its not your fault 90% of people cant decipher your posts, let idiots be idiots and sleeping dogs lie. And if they get busted, it was their own fault not yours. sleep easy.
this is the united states of america... our gov't does not give a shit about warrants... if they want you all they have to do is label you a terrorist or say your supplying them and you will never be heard from again... our country sucks... i am worried about everything from my neighbor to the guy with the little black camera aimed at my house... there are no limits to what our gov't can and will get away with... so keep telling yourself that its all about what they know and i will continue to believe what i do know...
You are right! our goverment doesnt give a flying fuck about a legit warrant. But know who does? A jury of 12 "normal" people.