Well-Known Member
)this is the united states of america... our gov't does not give a shit about warrants... if they want you all they have to do is label you a terrorist or say your supplying them and you will never be heard from again... our country sucks... i am worried about everything from my neighbor to the guy with the little black camera aimed at my house... there are no limits to what our gov't can and will get away with... so keep telling yourself that its all about what they know and i will continue to believe what i do know...
Perhaps, if you live in a red state, your LE has so much redundancy built in they can still afford to bust people growing for their personal use, but in legal states, I assure you there's no return on that kind of spending. Again, in a legal state, your biggest fear (unless you're greedy) is rippers!
If your paranoia is over an illegal grow in a non-medical state, probably valid. They'd love to make an example. For that reason, imo you are wasting a lot of good juicy energy on paranoia for not a huge return. Life is worth more than worrying about heat signatures from the guest room.