Well-Known Member
That's likely, your almost at 8 weeks right? Nirvana lists is as 9-11 weeks. Thats a huge range! I'm guessing the indica phenos are close to 9 and the sativa are closer to 11. So it doesn't surprise me they are almost ready, did you get the indica pheno this time?
yeaaa im at 7 1/2. Nirvana also lists WW 60% satuva and 40% indica.. and i think thats wrong tho.. but yea thats wat im thinkin indica is 9 weeks.. and sativa is 11 weeks. and yes i got the indica pheno again this time. so far every plant has been more indica. i thnk if i wanted to i could get away with cutting it down now.. but im not gonna. deff gonna wait sum more. gonna give it at least 8 weeks.. but i wanna try goin closer to 9.... we'll see. im gonna try givin it the 24-48 hrs of darkness too. cant wait!!!! XD