Chris' New Perpetual Multi-Strain Grow With Weekly Updates & Ton of Pics

Which Strain That I Am Currently Growing Is Your Favorite?

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Well-Known Member
wooohoo. FINALLY ordered myself sum bubble bags. grabbed the 1 gallon bags. 5 diff sizes. did the 1 day delivery. should be here monday. and soo i should make sum by tuesday. and have plenty to shhhmoke on 4/20 =D


Well-Known Member
wooohoo. FINALLY ordered myself sum bubble bags. grabbed the 1 gallon bags. 5 diff sizes. did the 1 day delivery. should be here monday. and soo i should make sum by tuesday. and have plenty to shhhmoke on 4/20 =D
Niiiice bro. Hows the purple pineapple doin these days?


Well-Known Member
Niiiice bro. Hows the purple pineapple doin these days?
lookin good. =) so far so good. i was actually just comin on to tell ya i had another seed sprout. it was growin through the napkin. lol. stuck it in sum soil last night. and it sprouted right up. sooo i have 2 goin now. the 3rd seed looks like a dud. but 2/2 is fine with me.. chances are 1 is a female. =) im pretty excited about them. ill be sure to keep ya posted.

this blue dream is amazing me tho. gonna be a nice yielder ill take sum pics to show ya.. things branchy as a motehr fucker! seems to be cloning really nicely too. cloned in like 4 or 5 days. i read that it cloned fast.. but was blown away by just HOW fast. the cheese is lookin good as well. MOD as well. but the blue dream is deff the best out of the bunch.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
what up man!? so the purple dog is getting a reveg eh, must be good. you'll not regret the bags man! I' looking forward to my next hash run almost as much as the crop lol.


Well-Known Member
what up man!? so the purple dog is getting a reveg eh, must be good. you'll not regret the bags man! I' looking forward to my next hash run almost as much as the crop lol.
naaa not a reveg. its still in flowering. =) i was just leaving the rest of the plant to flower a lil longer. the top and bottom are still a lil behind. looks pretty good tho. very frosty for a purp strain. i am still waiting for it to cure a lil to give it an accurate description/review/smoke report. =D


Well-Known Member
alrighty. soooa s of right nbow i have the purple dog still flowering.. i have 3 c-99 clones that are about 2 weeks in... a blue dream... cheese.... and MOD about 1 week in. got a new bowl too. snapped a few pics. needa take a couple pics of the MOD. forgot to take pics of that. lol. anyways heres the pics.

New Pipe


Blue Dream (1 Week Flowering)


Cheese (1 Week Flowering)


C-99 Clones (2 Weeks FLowering)




Well-Known Member
ughhh been pukin for the last 36 hrs.. finally better.. looks liek i got freckles from all the broken blood vessels in my face. hahaha. plannin on making the hash as we speak!! =D pissed tho.... i got 1 galloon bags.... didnt stop to think... where am i gonna put the bags in!!?? lol. it fits in nothing! lol. theyre gonna have to sit in the panand ill kust have to hold it up or sumthing.... should be interesting. lmao. wish me luck! never used the bubble bags.


Well-Known Member
lol. i kinda figured sumthin out. had a lil more trim/small buds than i thought. gonna have to do 2 seperate runs cuz i couldnt fit it all in the bag. all the water in the bucket is turning greenish... worried sum of the hash has escaped through the sides of the bags... or idk.. maybe its normal? idk. lol. gettin ready to strain the next 3 bags. took out the 1st one a lil while ago. lettin the others sit for a lil bit... curious to see how much i get out of it. =O gonna save most of it for 4/20... roll up a few nice blunts/joint with quyite a bit of hash. and make sum brownies/cookies/cupcakes and cake. hahaha. gonna have plenty of edibles. ill take sum pics of wat i get from my 1st run. hopin for a decent amount. figured ill at least get more than i did wen i used the coffee filter and ice/water. lol. oo yea an PS. gotta ask and find out where the cheese came from. not sure exactly. but im sure the guy knows. i wanna find out where the blue dream came from too.. blueberry x super silver haze sounds great... and its growing fuckin incredibly!! the most vigorous plant ive ever had in my garden.. stretching alot!! its fucking humoungous!!! lol. might have to do sum super cropping to control the height... i dont like pinching during flowering... but i dont think ill have a choice... should get a monstrous yield from this lady.. almsot with i only had this in my garden... this 1 plant with the 400 watts would yield alot.. but i have the blue dream. cheese. MOD. and 3 small c-99 clones in with it. =/ oo well. anywayz. ill let ya kno how it goess. =D


Well-Known Member
Got a decent amount off the 1st 1/2 of trim.. didnt have time to do the 2nd batch yet. ill do that wen i get home from work. =) cant wait. i kept the wet trim from the 1st run... and after i do the last 1/2 of dry trim... i am going to stick to 2 wet trims together... and do 1 last run through.. see if i can get anything i missed the 1st time. i know ive done this b4 with the coffee filters and got roughly the same amount of hash the 2nd time i ran it thru.. =) it5 cant hurt to try it again. looks pretty good tho. cant wait to smoke some!! =D i took pics but didnt have time 2 post them. im on my way 2 work now. but ill post them later 2night.


Well-Known Member
here ya go. heres a few shots for ya. =D not bad. more than i usually get. this was the whole box of trim. but only 1 run. i will do a 2nd run with it 2night. see if i can get anything i missed. enjoyyyy. =D



Do you have the 93 micron bag? I've heard that that is the best size, resulting in the best fullmelt. I was watching subcools video on YouTube. I have a set of bubble bags I just haven't got around to using them, not enough trim and shake yet

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey chris nice job!! Your going to love your bags man cool cool cooool! I have heard the same as Ace had but in your case the 73 bag is the money bag. I use that size as well. How many bags did your set come with? Learning curve on hash is real easy,,,enjoy the fruits of your labor little buddy : !)


Well-Known Member
Hey chris nice job!! Your going to love your bags man cool cool cooool! I have heard the same as Ace had but in your case the 73 bag is the money bag. I use that size as well. How many bags did your set come with? Learning curve on hash is real easy,,,enjoy the fruits of your labor little buddy : !)
Yeah u have to keep in mind what your next size up is. So your 73 micron bag will collect 73 micron all the way up to your next sized bag, 110 in my case. More bags = smaller range. There's also some people who mix various qualities together, lots of ways to make bubble.