Chris Rock breaks silence


Well-Known Member
By saying he’s hasn’t got anything to say yet lol Props to Boston PD for handling the one unruly guest in a reasonable and responsible manner. Smart enough to afford a 800+ seat but to drunk to care lol
Man's a billionaire, yet he is so whipped he makes a complete fool of himself, so he doesn't have to kneel to his wife later.
He must have let her get ahold of the entire fortune.
Will Smith is a piece of shit, and proved it for all to see. He was laughing at the joke, until Jada gave him the eye, and then he felt the need to "defend" her. I think he's still mad about her cheating on him, and felt the need to prove him "manhood".. with a bitch-slap.
He's a punk and a soyboy.
Lost all respect.
But he's good with his wifey who made him sit on stage in public and talk about her cheating on him.
See, I saw it and looked at my girl and said "That was fake as hell!"
She agreed.
But maybe that's because I have hand to hand training.
LOTS of folks thought it was real.
But let me tell you, if I slapped you like that, you would not stay standing.
The slap looked fake, I agree, but Will's commentary from the peanut gallery post-slap told a different story. Dude was off his rocker.
He seemed in emotional distress.
Like a kid in front of an angry father, unsure of what's going to happen.
It was embarrassing and sad.
He seemed in emotional distress.
Like a kid in front of an angry father, unsure of what's going to happen.
It was embarrassing and sad.
Not sure if you watched his award acceptance speech a few minutes later, but it was a complete train wreck. He inferred that he was doing Gods work by slapping Chris Rock, then at the end he was clearly concerned about how his behavior might impact his future, as he should be.

Honestly it's surprising what a career he's made for himself. I don't think that any of us back in the day thought the "Fresh Prince of Bel Air" would be anything more than a one-hit wonder. I guess when you are willing to sell out, it's easy to make a career in Hollywood.
Will has some major anger management issues. He is a very scary looking man when he is angry. I understand Jada had an affair with 2pac while married to Will early in their marriage. I bet if 2Pac was still around Jada would have married him. i miss 2Pac.
My girl was online somewhere, and seen a video taken from behind Will & Jada… she laughed at Chris Rock’s initial reaction to the slap. I’m starting to think it was staged. Some sort of stunt. Will’s face on the way back from the slap, and when the camera hit him at his seat were complete opposites. There’s also videos of Jada stating something along the lines of jokes about her bald head don’t bother her.
Will is an amazing actor, and a gorgeous god of a man. He's not like you and me, our rules just don't apply. I say let him do whatever he wants.

♫ Chillin' Out, maxin', relaxin' all coolin', Slappin' the shit out Chris Rock outside of the school... ♫

Academy: Mr. Smith, we really think it best that you leave now.
Will: No, I don't think I will...
Academy: Very good, Mr. Smith. May I get you another martini?
then you realize he grew up in a rough part of philadelphia in an african american community and witnessed his father routinely beat his mother until she bled and was helpless to stop it

also, i can't say for 100% sure that every man would not do the same, or that chris didn't deserve it either

slapping someone in that situation uncalled for ok, but joking about a mans wife's adversity/appearance in front of him/her and millions of viewers where you just expected her/him to take it 'square in the face' so to speak, like....what good did he think would come out of that?

let's try an experiment and go out and start berating a mans wife's appearance in front of him and her shall we? have fun with your new metal jaw lol
what i'm saying is, psychologically, will once again witnessed a man in a position of power abuse his wife/mother figure in an extremely public venue ie worldwide witnesses, and this time he could do something about it and he did