Chris Rock breaks silence

I've been in line at the store thinking to myself how nice it would be if the screaming out of control brat in front of me got slapped across the face. I remember when people used to spank their kids in public and everyone cheered. Some people don't control their kids. The rest of us shouldn't have to be subjected to their terrible behaviour. If I hadn't gotten some corporal punishment when it was well deserved I would have never changed my behaviour. Proper parenting can include spanking.
Couldn’t have said this better. Huge difference in discipline and abuse
I used to temporarily resent the old man for all the ass whoopings I received but now as a man myself I see the lesson as well as that i earned each one lol
Looking back, you should have been supervised better. If spankings worked, you would have only been spanked once, and then you would be good. The problem I see is that parents don't want to spend time with their kids, or bother to understand them, and because of that they have no idea what their kids are up to. This stuff took me a while to learn, and I'm still learning. Thank goodness that my wife has a degree in early childhood education, otherwise I would likely repeat the viscous cycle myself. There are certainly consequences in life to our actions, which is something important to teach kids early on. Those consequences don't have to be physical violence however.

I had excellent parents.

In the early 70's when I was a kid all the kids in the neighborhood were out building forts in the woods, catching snakes in fields, crawfish in creeks, etc... We'd be gone most of the day in the summer when school was out. Back then the father worked and the mother stayed home and raised the kids. The mothers would all tell their kids to go out and play. We'd take a break and run home for lunch and then back out to play. We'd get into all kinds of mischief.

These days many kids spend most of their time glued to one screen or another so they're at home making supervision easy. Our parents were not going to follow us around as we roamed around and supervise us. My mother was busy doing laundry, preparing meals, and all the other needs that running a household require.

Different times, different circumstances, and a different culture. Hell, I got spanked more than once at school and they didn't bother calling your parents. They just did it. And again that would be for something like throwing rocks or other potentially harmful acts. There was plenty of supervision at school as well since class sizes were typically around 20 students per class back then. Supervised or not some kids are going to do bad things and they need to be punished. I think some parents over supervise their kids.
I wouldn’t argue with that one bit but I think it could be argued that lack of consequences could lead to much the same. Im not saying spanking has to be or even should be the consequence.
If you need to physically hurt your kids for them to listen to you, you might be doing something wrong. Verbal isnt any better. Just saying.

I'll always like Rodman. Especially after watching the Jordan/Bulls doc. The first concert I ever went to was in 1996. Pearl Jam was fighting Ticketmaster at that time if any of you remember, so they played a fairly small show( for them) in Augusta, Maine. The Fastbacks opened for them, PJ came on and put on a great show. On the last encore, none other than Dennis Rodman ( huge PJ fan) came out on stage with a bottle of red wine for Eddie. Eddie got on his shoulders and continued singing. It was trippy as hell. Like wtf is going on :lol: great first concert experience. I still have the concert T and stub.

And Will Smith is a dick if he did connect. Slap looked fake as hell to me. Just give me one other camera angle to confirm it.
If you need to physically hurt your kids for them to listen to you, you might be doing something wrong. Verbal isnt any better. Just saying.

I'll always like Rodman. Especially after watching the Jordan/Bulls doc. The first concert I ever went to was in 1996. Pearl Jam was fighting Ticketmaster at that time if any of you remember, so they played a fairly small show( for them) in Augusta, Maine. The Fastbacks opened for them, PJ came on and put on a great show. On the last encore, none other than Dennis Rodman ( huge PJ fan) came out on stage with a bottle of red wine for Eddie. Eddie got on his shoulders and continued singing. It was trippy as hell. Like wtf is going on :lol: great first concert experience. I still have the concert T and stub.

And Will Smith is a dick if he did connect. Slap looked fake as hell to me. Just give me one other camera angle to confirm it.

Not all children are the same. Some need some corporal punishment from time to time. Back when parents spanked their kids there were never any school shootings like there is today. I question much of today's modern parenting. Seems like too many kids these days are self entitled brats that have never had to face any real consequences for bad behaviour. If anything parenting has gotten worse.
Not all children are the same. Some need some corporal punishment from time to time. Back when parents spanked their kids there were never any school shootings like there is today. I question much of today's modern parenting. Seems like too many kids these days are self entitled brats that have never had to face any real consequences for bad behaviour. If anything parenting has gotten worse.
There can be consequences without punishment. I know it's a difficult concept to wrap your head around, but natural consequences are what actually teach people to correct their behavior. As an example, if you act like an asshole, no one will want to be around you. Natural consequence. No punishment is necessary, and in fact a "punishment" may lead to resentment which leads to continued negative actions.

I think it's a pretty far stretch to try to connect school shootings with lack of spankings. If anything it's most likely the opposite. Violence always begets more violence, no matter how much you try to justify it. I don't believe that anyone needs corporal punishment. What they need is to be heard, and listened to, so that their unmet needs may be understood.
Not all kids are woosies, lol. My son was never spanked, but I still raised him to have some balls, :lol:.

Chris handled that shit really well. I wouldn't have been able to keep my cool, and it would've gotten more ugly than it already was. Props to Chris for maintaining his composure.
Haa haa
Staged publicity stunt.

Chris Rock is doing a tour and now all his shows are sold out. Will Smith got an Oscar for some crappy movie nobody even heard about now people are talking about it. Oscar ratings in the gutter because nobody watches them now people are talking. Did you see Smith slap Rock at the Oscars? Blah blah blah.

It was all an act. I saw a snippet of an interview with Snoop Dog and he was asked if it was staged and he said "Well I can't prove it". He isn't buying it either.

One agreement here
I had excellent parents.

In the early 70's when I was a kid all the kids in the neighborhood were out building forts in the woods, catching snakes in fields, crawfish in creeks, etc... We'd be gone most of the day in the summer when school was out. Back then the father worked and the mother stayed home and raised the kids. The mothers would all tell their kids to go out and play. We'd take a break and run home for lunch and then back out to play. We'd get into all kinds of mischief.

These days many kids spend most of their time glued to one screen or another so they're at home making supervision easy. Our parents were not going to follow us around as we roamed around and supervise us. My mother was busy doing laundry, preparing meals, and all the other needs that running a household require.

Different times, different circumstances, and a different culture. Hell, I got spanked more than once at school and they didn't bother calling your parents. They just did it. And again that would be for something like throwing rocks or other potentially harmful acts. There was plenty of supervision at school as well since class sizes were typically around 20 students per class back then. Supervised or not some kids are going to do bad things and they need to be punished. I think some parents over supervise their kids.

I had a very similar upbringing during the same time frame. If we got caught doing something especially bad (lighting fires, throwing rocks at cars, etc.) while at a friend's house, it wasn't uncommon for their parent to smack you, bring you home and tell your parents what happened, and get spanked again. I've only used corporal punishment about 3 times with my son, and it was only as a last resort. Nothing else worked in those instances, we reasoned with him until blue in the face, took away EVERYTHING, and grounded him for weeks on end. Still no change. After the corporal punishment, instant change. I cried after each time I spanked him, it was an awful experience for me. Sometimes the child's behavior is so awful and dangerous that it just needs to end, before the kid or others are harmed. They may end up with a psychological scar, but at least they lived long enough to experience it. Is it the best way to parent? No. But used very sparingly, and only as a last resort, I believe it has its place.
Hitting my kids is not in me. Maybe it works or has worked for some of you. I was a 80's latchkey kid myself, so spankings weren't unheard of in my house.
Me and a buddy started a fire one summer. No spanking there. They didnt even have to say much. Their disappointment and silence was enough for me to know I had really fucked up ( followed by a couple weeks grounding) Never played with fire again.
From my parenting experience, kids mimic their parents behavior. Violence is only going to teach them that it's ok to use in certain situations, which we tell them to only use if someone is trying to hurt them. Not when someone isnt listening or as a punishment for doing something wrong.
First , belts were used on our parents. Then spankings came from our parents, now that we're parents, a lot of us have stopped any form of physical punishment.
I have a lot of kids lol. And they definitely run their mom and I and can be heathens at home. But we couldn't be happier with how they treat others, their school behavior and overall treatment towards eachother. Been plenty of times where a swat on the ass might make me feel better, or diffuse the situation or stop whatevers going on, but imo, it's only going to create problems down the road.
This is all a publicity stunt coordinated by the Oscars because of sagging ratings. Chris and Will will become close friends soon and the Academy will forgive Will and reinstate him.