Christian Leaders repel Satanic attack towards Donald Trump

Christianity follows the teachings of Christ and christ was a pacifist.

Islam follows the teachings of Mohammed and he was a liar, murderer, and violent oppressor of christians, jews, athiests, gays, and women.
Tell that to the people of the town of Srebrenica about passive Christians. Even Orthodox and Catholic Christians in that area were at each other's throats and responsible for massacres. I might point out that most terrorists acts in the US are by Christians. The problems in that area,however are historical and cultural, not religious.

You seem to pick and choose your Christian values. What's that called? Buffet Christianity? Something like that. In any case the anti-Islam look doesn't suit you. Makes you look ugly.
Tell that to the people of the town of Srebrenica about passive Christians. Even Orthodox and Catholic Christians in that area were at each other's throats and responsible for massacres. I might point out that most terrorists acts in the US are by Christians. The problems in that area,however are historical and cultural, not religious.

You seem to pick and choose your Christian values. What's that called? Buffet Christianity? Something like that. In any case the anti-Islam look doesn't suit you. Makes you look ugly.

she once stopped into tinychat, a little group of us who like to drink and smoke live with each other. she cammed up. i wasn;'t there, but apparently she was described as rotund and ugly with a butch dyke haircut.

not my words.
Outlawed but not enforced with any priority,depending on the Islamic country pedophilla with " Bachi Bazi boys " is considered a tribal issue & not enforced,an example quote speaking of Afghanistan's epidemic rate pedophillia below .

Afghanistan’s Dancing Boys

An old tradition has experienced a disturbing revival in post-Taliban Afghanistan.

By Roshni Kapur
August 23, 2014

When Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict, Radhika Coomaraswamy was asked to comment on the attitude of bacha bazi in Afghanistan her instant reply was “Let’s not talk about it.”

Literally translated, bacha bazi means “playing with kids,” and is slang for sexual slavery and child prostitution that thrives across Afghanistan and certain parts of Pakistan. Prepubescent boys between ages of 14 to 18 are sold to wealthy and powerful patrons for entertainment and illicit sex. Women are not allowed to dance in public, and so the boys are made to perform feminine gestures and acts.


When the governments own elected officials agree to look the other way,or reply " Let's Not Talk about it " their proving the rampant sexual slavery & pedophilla is NOT a " social issue " ,its a systemic issue where religious & tribal customs outweigh formal governments claims of outlawing pedophillia .

You've been yapping at members proclaiming they should "educate themselves" yet your unable to even honestly comment on the epidemic of islamic pedophillia & sexual slavery taking place right now.

Social justice warriors versed well in US colleges seem to have the hardest time accepting proven facts,in favor of the "we do it too" excuse making .
Outlawed in every country. You have a problem distinguishing the behavior of a few and casting the fault upon the many. Cliven Bundy has a lot in common with you. Therefore you are a serial killer or support that behavior.
she once stopped into tinychat, a little group of us who like to drink and smoke live with each other. she cammed up. i wasn;'t there, but apparently she was described as rotund and ugly with a butch dyke haircut.

not my words.
I've known a few women who wore their excess weight sensuously. What's inside affects the outside and weight is only one factor. Not surprised to hear that spermchops aka @Flaming Pie is starting to look seedy before her times.
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sad foolish social justice warrior,I can easily debunk your bullshit, I'm not Catholic nor do I attend mass you dummy :dunce:

foolish SJW rhetoric debunked fully,im ready for the next SJW ranting about the evil white christian man :bigjoint:
Still and all, what about the fact that you don't rail on about Catholic Church protecting pedophile predators? Convenient to your argument that you ignore this. If the whole problem were particular to a religion, how come it is such a terrible problem in other Christian churches? And how come you don't feel it is worth discussing?

Too much evidence points away from religion and towards the nature of certain people and the society that tolerates them. Has nothing to do with religion.
Why do you even make the effort, dude? You understand that you are trying to reason with/debate someone that is beyond out of touch and a tad retarded, as well, yeah?
Did I make some sense to you? If so then I was able to organize my thoughts into a coherent argument. I'll take a look at the raving lunatic's response to see what the right wing's classic response is. When I've taken the argument to the point where he just froths and insults then I know that I've gotten the argument about right.

It's all about me, not him.
That's reality right here in the US. Very few people are allowed to speak their mind 100% freely at their job because it could reflect negatively on the business. The same logic follows for politicians. The represent me, I don't believe in voodoo, so why should they be allowed to perform Christian voodoo at their job?

It is total nonsense. The only reason you do not see it this way is because you are also a Christian.
And a dumb one at that.
Pedophilia including man on boy sex is found in all nations and is outlawed in all nations as well. This includes Pakistan and Afghanistan. NAMBLA, in the US, is an association of men that think sex with boys is OK. Do they speak for all men in the US? This isn't a religious issue at all, it is a social issue.

Those guys that raped the boy were exhibiting predatory behavior also known as psychopaths. They don't speak for the whole of Islam any more than Cliven Bundy spoke for the men of the US, or Christians.
Totally agree, the "confusion" comes from the concept of boy servants in paradise;
(QURAN 76:19): "And round about them will (serve) boys of everlasting youth. If you see them, you would think them scattered pearls."
Let's go kill in the name of our sky daddy,
Sky daddy,
Sky daddy!

The one TRUE god is OUR sky daddy,
Sky daddy,
Sky daddy!

Viciously slaughter infidels cuz our sky daddy,
Sky daddy,
Sky daddy!

Talk about peace then rape and kill cuz sky daddy,
Sky daddy,
Sky daddy!