Stoney McFried
Well-Known Member
Man, you have totally flipped, dude.The way you present your religion isn't helping your cause a bit.Nobody likes their nose rubbed into shit.You're not a god, god doesn't speak directly to you, you will die like all of us, and rot away.Go be a christian in the real world.Feed the hungry,care for the sick, give till it hurts.Poverty and chastity.Get on it.There's a lot to be done, and spamming forums isn't doing it.
I want to employ the world with work, towards Our common good interests!
Will You work for God?
Just remember that this has already been done, and You now know Christ in Your life wether You like it or not!HAHA
This was Gods design so things could work out the way they do. Funny isn't it!
You have already accepted Me into Your life!
I tell You now that You need more God in Your life!
You will worship Me and We will be good! I can provide if You let Me! I'm in heaven! Your Sun God! Your Son God!
I'm in training!
You will worship the Truth and seek for it! You will worship science because science is Gods way of providing and proving ("Ya We" can do that)! You will worship The Light because it opens Your eyes in many ways!
There will be no more wars and fighting because everyone will worship their savior! G is Us Christ!
We are taking over!
The REVOLUTION has begun!