• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Christianity has been debunked once and for all

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Well-Known Member
thats not fun though. its just a forum board. we're not at each others throats or anything. o_O
speak for yourself. i'm here to crush the hopes and dreams of as many as i can before i drift off into the nothingness of eternity. i want the rest of humanity to consider their own lives as hollow and pointless as i do my own. why should others be able to delude themselves with dreams of paradise when i am trapped in this mundane world of day to day fact, with no higher purpose and no future but the grave.:rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
speak for yourself. i'm here to crush the hopes and dreams of as many as i can before i drift off into the nothingness of eternity. i want the rest of humanity to consider their own lives as hollow and pointless as i do my own. why should others be able to delude themselves with dreams of paradise when i am trapped in this mundane world of day to day fact, with no higher purpose and no future but the grave.:rolleyes:
I also have some bitterness, undertheice. On the other hand, I'm not here to crush people hopes and dreams, but rather to get people to think. I would like more people to take the red pill, and see how deep the rabbit hole goes..~lol~:mrgreen: YouTube - Take the red pill

bah. no more zeitgeist please. it's crap

there are better movies for you to see that are somewhat related.
Do you have any links bookmarked? Lets check out what your talking about.



The Dude 4552

Well-Known Member
Zeitgeist was one of the first movies on the subject of Zeitgeists I have seen, but there are MANY MANY other 'movies' you can watch that will elaborate on the subjects contained within it.

My favorite sites for such documentaries:

Channel: ConspiracyCentral on LiveVideo.com
Documantis - Watch Free Documentaries Online and Religion Movies
best.online.docus - Best Online Documentaries

Please, do not attempt to debunk Christianity, 9/11, or the Federal Reserve if you're only evidence is contained in Zeitgeist. You cannot just watch one movie, go to your friends and say 'you GOTTA see this movie.' These subjects are very taboo and have to do with the deaths of millions of people over the past one hundred years. Take the time to do some thorough research and then make the decision for yourself.

I suggest reading one of the foremost geo-political authors alive today, Noam Chomsky. He was one of the first scholars to protest the Vietnam war and has a library of books on government control, media indoctrination, and manipulation of language to control minds. (i.e. religion) He is no quack I assure you, and his books can be found at your local bookstore (under world politics/philosophy). If you want a visual introduction, there are some Noam Chomsky Docs in the above sites (manufacturing consent being a key one, based on the book of the same title)

Alternatively, use the internet for what it is: The worlds' Biggest open-source Virtual Library. While alot of the information available is true, there is an equal amount of disinformation there to throw you off track (Cough Cough David Icke and the Zionist shape-shifting lizards Cough Cough). The best way to make an informed decision is to RESEARCH and BE CRITICAL. Don't believe that which you cannot prove.


Active Member
Christianity is a joke.. I've studied the basics of philosophy and in it Plato states the only reason religion was even ever created was so the governments, kingdoms, leaders, whoever was able to control the mind of unintelligent humans for the better of the human race of course... for eg. the ten commandments

"Thou shall not kill" so people stop killing each other.
"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image." people stop thinking about killing each other...
"Thou shall not steal" People stop stealing from each other.
"Thou shall not be covet" people shouldn't even think of stealing things.
"Honour thy father and thy mother." obey your parents/superiors, they will teach you to live through life.
"Thou shalt not commit adultery" don't have sex before marriage...
[FONT=&quot][/FONT]"Thou shalt have no other gods before me" So the people would believe in their theory other than the other 100s of gods there are...

This is the most important because many other gods were believed in back then and the leaders needed the people to believe they were going to go to hell for an "eternity" not a life-time if they didn't believe in the "christan god," but those who obeyed the commandments could enjoy heaven for an eternity on the clouds.

Which should basically sum what this group of superior intelligent "leaders" did to make a socialized human society instead of us all killing each other. plus all the other commandments but there just loyalty honor, and truth. which I could go on about but they seem pretty obvious... don't be a douch

These guys must have been the smartest guys of all of humanity if you think about it.

[FONT=&quot]"You are all descendants from the creation of the Eternal Father, Adam and Eve. And as such you face the trials, you face the punishments, as they did; for there is a reward for holiness and purity and piety and following the Commandments of your God. And then, My children, there is also a deficit in reward by your banishment to the abyss, eternal damnation forever with Lucifer."
This is just one quote from the bible which should sum the whole bible it started with incest, brother/sister family adam and eve... which also committed Adultery so they obivously went to hell and so must all of us if its true so why even beleive in god? if your just going to hell

I'm sure me or anyone else could just on and on, but from my experience I've never even went to church 1 Sunday and seeing 1 earth compared to the millions of other planets in the universe and were the only one with life seems pretty ridiculous...

Especially when we can recreate life with our own "light,soil, and water" hell... if you think far out... a seed grows underground "WITHOUT" any light and roots continue to grow and grow without any light so why do you need light for life? you don't! millions of species exist deep in the ocean where light doesn't even exist...

it just seems like some of these people ate alot of mushrooms or moon flower seeds like me and seen gods in the sky... sounds pretty cheesy haha

The Dude 4552

Well-Known Member
Well I have to say its good to have some level-headed individuals involved in an engrossing religious debate. Very rarely do topics of religion get a thorough and critical analysis.


Well-Known Member
cool definetly going to read this... but finnaly?! hasnt it been debunked long ago?! jesus didnt exist its a story from the constellations, christmass is about the constellatons and so are the three wise men, there have been hundreds of false profets with nearly the exact story of jesus!!! hundreds!
the cross is the pagain symbol for the zodiac, Amen is the sun god of egypt yet his name is found over and over and over and over again in the bible, even in the word testament.
ummm jesus completly contradicts himself all day, the bible contradicts itsself allday, anyone with half a mind debunked christianity long ago!!!!!
jesus pretty much says that noone can get into heaven!!! which is a pretty funny story I think I may make a thread about that, jesus, what a silly goose.

The Dude 4552

Well-Known Member
Yes, most all religions are based on early Paganism (sun worship) and the Zodiac serves as the basis for most religious ideology. Jesus being a resemblance of the age of Aquarius , The Christian Cross being the cross of the zodiac, etc.

I guess when they created this thread they should have chose their wording more wisely (pun intended). Houdini 'debunked' seances and physic ability yet psychics and 'The Biggest Douche in the Universe' Jon Edward still have people believing in things that are completely and provably false. Christianity is in the same boat. Science and logic have 'debunked' Christianity long ago, but the ignorance and gullibility of the human condition keeps myths like these alive. Not to mention the extraordinary political power of the religious lobby in North America.


Well-Known Member
The zodiac (circle of animals/path) is a symbol so doesn't really require another symbol to represent it.

there is no cross in the zodiac and a cross was never used to symbolize it. crux (the southern cross) is a southern hemisphere constellation (documented only hundreds of years ago - unlike the zodiac which is 1000s of years old) and the "cross" of cygnas the swan is a high (zenith - not zodiac) summer constellation. the zodiac constellations have been around a long time and none of them were recorded as a cross (at least prior to Christianity).

the zodiac is just a group of constellations strung out along the ecliptic (the path the sun, moon and most of the planets make across the sky. It is called the zodiac because most of the constellations are animals (zoo-logical) - though a few of them aren't. One zodiac constellation: Ophiuchus never seems to make it into horoscopes.... hmmm.

So the different ages are represented by the Sun "moving" through that particular constellation. The constellations change their position in the sky over time (mostly all together and in the same direction). This is called the precession of the equinoxes (not to be confused with Earth's precession - the wobbling on the axis - though this causes the other). Over great amounts of time (about 2000 years), the constellations appear to spin around in the sky (changing locations) so 2000 years ago, the vernal equinox (first day of spring) occurred in Pisces. The next 2000 years or so, the vernal equinox occurs in the constellation Aquarius (it is the dawning of the age of Aquarius, the age of Aquarius.....). I believe the next age will be Capricornus.


Well-Known Member
Yes, most all religions are based on early Paganism (sun worship) and the Zodiac serves as the basis for most religious ideology. Jesus being a resemblance of the age of Aquarius , The Christian Cross being the cross of the zodiac, etc.

I guess when they created this thread they should have chose their wording more wisely (pun intended). Houdini 'debunked' seances and physic ability yet psychics and 'The Biggest Douche in the Universe' Jon Edward still have people believing in things that are completely and provably false. Christianity is in the same boat. Science and logic have 'debunked' Christianity long ago, but the ignorance and gullibility of the human condition keeps myths like these alive. Not to mention the extraordinary political power of the religious lobby in North America.
:mrgreen:....he even beat out a giant douche to win that title.....:joint:


Well-Known Member
as for christianity being debunked..lol that's funny..that's like saying atheism: debunked
I already addressed this but it looks like it's going to be an ongoing thing. The reason I chose the title that I did for this thread is because I don't believe any rationally minded person could read the essay this thread is based on still attach any credibility to Christianity.

Obviously, however, there's a lot of people who don't want Christianity debunked; they want to believe in a supreme being.


Well-Known Member
i am not religious and i think religion is 98% ignorance. but those points are fairly dumb and simple minded.

not to mention using simple minded points to debunk simple minded people doesnt really strike me as intelligent.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone think there are (respectively) more "simple minded" religious people than "smart" people? In other words, do you think "smart" people don't believe in religion as much because they are "intelligent"?




Well-Known Member
Does anyone think there are (respectively) more "simple minded" religious people than "smart" people? In other words, do you think "smart" people don't believe in religion as much because they are "intelligent"?


I have no idea - but my opinion is I think you'll find that there is no correlation between intelligence and religious belief. There may be one between intelligence and fundamentalist religious belief.

I think smart people are very good at justifying believing things for not so smart reasons.


Well-Known Member
I have no idea - but my opinion is I think you'll find that there is no correlation between intelligence and religious belief. There may be one between intelligence and fundamentalist religious belief.

I think smart people are very good at justifying believing things for not so smart reasons.

good point, I do that at least 3 times a day :P

the cross has been used for thousands of years to represent the zodiac, not the cross alone but a cross with a circle around it, do a quick google search, surly you didnt think the zodiac killer was the first to use this symbol.
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Well-Known Member
good point, I do that at least 3 times a day :P

the cross has been used for thousands of years to represent the zodiac, not the cross alone but a cross with a circle around it, do a quick google search, surly you didnt think the zodiac killer was the first to use this symbol.
Oh - I think i know what you're talking about now - but i don't think it is a cross. I think it is a circle divided into 12 segments. Sometimes this is broken down into 4 segments, which i would describe as an X in a circle. Calling it a cross in a christian-debunking thread carries far too much connotation.

Is something like this what you're talking about?



Well-Known Member
yea its more like a plus sign in/ on a circle

which shows an odd resemblance to this :P

which is an episcopal cross, granted the episcopals didnt come around untill quite some time after the christian church was started, but this symbol predates them by far.


Well-Known Member
yea its more like a plus sign in/ on a circle

which shows an odd resemblance to this :P

which is an episcopal cross, granted the episcopals didnt come around untill quite some time after the christian church was started, but this symbol predates them by far.
I've never seen this used to represent the zodiac - other than the zodiac killer signature - but i wouldn't consider that an endorsement :)

Absolutely agree that the cross and cross-in-circle predate christianity by a long ways.
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