Well-Known Member
Wat topic? All ive seen is arguing and bitching since i jumped on herewhats your view on this topic just curious what you believe
Wat topic? All ive seen is arguing and bitching since i jumped on herewhats your view on this topic just curious what you believe
I never said I hated you, you just need to cut it out with that fire and brimstone shit. Nothing personal.If people hate me so you don't want people to hate me ? I can handle it because im trying to shapen up .For the streets man and how
to deal with people who spit or attack me for preaching . I rather reach people on the streets .But im just using this as a little learning experience you see ?
Right, that, as well. You can't say something racist, erroneously support your racism with scripture, then think you can get along all sunshines and rainbows.The fire and brimstone shit is annoying to those who know better. Get used to that.
People don't like racist bullshit about bloodlines.
People like him that ruin the scriptures for the rest of us. You wanna win some one over you dont start out with "Negros are a curse and yer going to hell...!" Fucking idiot...Right, that, as well. You can't say something racist, erroneously support your racism with scripture, then think you can get along all sunshines and rainbows.
This guy sounds like a fucking mormon, creapy motherfuckersWhy are you guys still feeding the troll?
He has minimal knowledge and zero credibility, thanks to his hypocrisy.
Basically just a waste of skin -- and time.
Growing the Athiest population one uneducated outbursts at a timePeople like him that ruin the scriptures for the rest of us. You wanna win some one over you dont start out with "Negros are a curse and yer going to hell...!" Fucking idiot...
Growing the Athiest population one uneducated outbursts at a time
okay im sorry to anybody I've said anything mean to . I would be willing to forgive anyone if y'all forgive me .So we can be at peace with ourselves.so we don't have to hold to this tension yall between me . I'm offering a peace . I shouldn't have said those things .If they were mean or insults .We just pass through this world once lifes to short for hate .What do yall say . will all y'all take my offer im human just like y'all we all make mistakes . I've repented for my sins .
Love and fear are polar opposites.I was raised Catholic, personally. Baptism, Communion, Penance, Confirmation, the whole bit. My parents pretty much enforced it but I couldn't wrap my head around the "respect and fear go hand in hand" bullshit. There's no love in fear.
I was raised Catholic, personally. Baptism, Communion, Penance, Confirmation, the whole bit. My parents pretty much enforced it but I couldn't wrap my head around the "respect and fear go hand in hand" bullshit. There's no love in fear.
I'm Cherokee and Mohawk/Iroquois. An eighth of each.I was raised in so many Christian thoughts it weird. Was suppose to be brought up catholic, but instead evangelical, turned to 2 others ended up Methodist finally. Then had a friend who was working to be a catholic priest who I played chess with, he asked me one day "did I believe", turned to him with a smirk and told him "I have faith". Years later, finally catching up with my birth mother to my surprise was living on a native American reservation, and was Cherokee and Choctaw, taught me the ways and to move from faith to spirituality. From that day, I went just simply seeking knowledge the best way i could and stayed there.