

Well-Known Member
god dosnt love you

your priest did when your were 12

now that your older and your not being told what to think anymore things arent making as much sense as they were before? now are they?

if you are a believer in christianity then i know for a fact that theres nothing that i can say, or anyone else can say, that will make you change your minds because "god did this and god did that to challenge my faith"

but for christs sake... calm the fuck down stop pushing your beliefs on everyone else with your fucking missionaries and your televangilists

i do believe in a higher power but not your christian god, with the thousands of religions out there how can you believe that yours is the right one? christianity isnt the oldest religion... its a rip off of several religions before it


please somebody tell me

how is christianity, the only religion that got it right, whilst all others are wrong and doomed to eternal hell fire



for such a loving being there sure is a lot of shit in this world today, oh but wait... because the person that he created IN HIS OWN IMAGE fucked up WE ALL HAVE TO PAY FOR IT


why would such a loving god condemn every one that dosnt believe in him or dosnt follow the 10 commandments to eternal suffering and hell even the people that were good, but chose not to believe in his name.

WAKE UP PEOPLE its all just a story to make you a better person from the fear of eternal damnation

your god is a control freak and a egotistical pompous dick

who would want to be such a control freak?
who would want to be such an asshole?

the christian church cuz every sunday you go and put you 5 or 10 or 20 dollars in the collection tray and it gets sent right to the vatican UN TAXED


okay im done ranting but please... take some time to think for your self if you were raised in a christian family thats all youve known you whole life and i can see how its hard to break away from that but seriously?

its astounding how many people there are that cant see through the churches smoke and mirrors

now please dont get me wrong im not an aethiest i believe that people need religions because it helps them cope and it helps them live to be a better person

but we dont need THIS religion or most of the others

i think the buddhits got it right, peace love and tranquility
i believe in a higher being and the message Jesus gave. I dont believe in religion or any of those factions.. for example. If im born into catholic family then im saved if i go to church and be a good boy.... what if i was born into a farming family in pakistan and my family is muslim... wtf now id believe in allah and not jesus. screw religion. believe in yourself and the things you do.

Personally i think jesus was the original hippie. circle gatherings talking about life and morals to live. ' love your neigbor' = dont be afraid to go to johns house and smoke a few dubies with him. ' forgive those who steal from you' = dont worry if johny eats most of your bread because next week when your high as hell at his hut your gunna have munchies like a mother fucker.
I can prove god doesn't exist or at the least he's an asshole that no one should follow.

Imagine your best friend comes to you one day and say, "Hey! I have got this totally awesome plan that will make everyone superheroes and we'll be able to fly and we'll never die. Oh, but a few billion men, women, and children will have to be brutally murdered first."

Would you say, "Oh hells yeah! Lemme get my shotgun."

Or would you go call the cops on the nut job?

Well think about it this way:

"God" has a magical plan that involves the rape, murder, and torture of millions but the ends justify the means because it's "his" plan.

"God" likes this plan and sees nothing wrong with it.

"God" isn't bright enough to come up the idea of a heavenly police force much less a plan that doesn't involve mass genocide.

Not only that but if god is omnipotent and omniscient then he watches over little children getting raped and murdered all the time. I don't know about you but after maybe I don't know, the very first millisecond, I'd fucking do something about it. But I guess god kinda likes to watch little children get raped since he just sits by and watches it when he could easily just stop the bad guy's heart.

So, either god exists and enjoys kiddy snuff films or he doesn't exist at all. I vote for the later because a god that does that is just sick and every christian that follows this sick fucker is supporting a pedophile.
im agnostic and i dont see the need to tell people their religions are bullshit. if they are live a happier life and come to terms with death easier, whats the problem with that? let them believe what they want. you wont change their minds by ridiculing them.

however, when religion does breed intolerance towards, for example gays, then i do see a problem.
you wont change their minds by ridiculing them.

however, when religion does breed intolerance towards, for example gays, then i do see a problem.

god dosnt love you

if you are a believer in christianity then i know for a fact that theres nothing that i can say, or anyone else can say, that will make you change your minds

how can you say love thy neighbor and do unto others as they would do unto you, but then promote intolerance towards all other people other than fellow christians... hypocritical

and you say "ridicule" i say "help show the truth"

the christian church is corrupt, hypocritical, and a big problem in whats wrong with the world today.... not trying to make them not have comfort in the after life or make them not live happily believing, but theres nothing wrong in trying to show something held so high in everybodies minds what it really is
i will if you will

im never one to cast the first stone but if you start shit its ON

what if everybody on earth smoked.... would it not be a much more peacful place
I wish it were that simple poutineeh. The problem is not that people have wacky harmless delusions. The problem is they are killing people based on these beliefs. The argument that people will kill each other with or without religion is a bit like spraying a wedding party with a sub-machine gun and saying they were all going to die eventually anyway.

What you see me and others doing is attacking the attackers. You're just so used to the theists treating your beliefs like they don't matter that you've become accustomed to it. You're not used to someone standing up and speaking truth to the thiests in the same tone in which they speak lies to everyone else.

The thiests aren't used to it either so have a sick and twisted view that by not allowing them to force their beliefs on others we are somehow forceing THEM to believe what we believe. They are so deranged they actually think that stopping them from denying a person's basic civil rights we are somehow denying them of THIER rights. Some theists honestly believe they have a mandate from god to FORCE you to believe what they believe.

Go ahead and believe whatever you want. I don't care. And that's the point. The theist CARE what you believe because they need you to drink the Flavor-Aid too. They don't want to be the only ones laying in the sun watching Rev. Jones walk by as they slowly fade away. They want to drag you down too.

All that being said I'm not always happy with the tone we take, like Hitchens and myself at times, but I'm glad we are at last fighting for our rights not to be oppressed.

What we have to do is make sure when we finally win this war against ignorance we don't fall into the same trap we always seem to fall into. The weak becomes the strong and attacks the weak; instantly forgetting how it felt when THEY were the weak and were attacked by the strong.
I can prove god doesn't exist or at the least he's an asshole that no one should follow.

Imagine your best friend comes to you one day and say, "Hey! I have got this totally awesome plan that will make everyone superheroes and we'll be able to fly and we'll never die. Oh, but a few billion men, women, and children will have to be brutally murdered first."

Would you say, "Oh hells yeah! Lemme get my shotgun."

Or would you go call the cops on the nut job?

Well think about it this way:

"God" has a magical plan that involves the rape, murder, and torture of millions but the ends justify the means because it's "his" plan.

"God" likes this plan and sees nothing wrong with it.

"God" isn't bright enough to come up the idea of a heavenly police force much less a plan that doesn't involve mass genocide.

Not only that but if god is omnipotent and omniscient then he watches over little children getting raped and murdered all the time. I don't know about you but after maybe I don't know, the very first millisecond, I'd fucking do something about it. But I guess god kinda likes to watch little children get raped since he just sits by and watches it when he could easily just stop the bad guy's heart.

So, either god exists and enjoys kiddy snuff films or he doesn't exist at all. I vote for the later because a god that does that is just sick and every christian that follows this sick fucker is supporting a pedophile.

this may or may not help...

look at a pile of wood...

some people se a pile of wood..

some people see a chair..

some people see a table...

some people see a dead tree....

These are all just signifiers developed for communication..

What did he world look like before YOU or ANYBODY began actually believing that the signifiers were truth?

We live in a society where only a very very few..less than 1% of 1% of 1% can even understand what I am pointing at let alone put it into practice..

can you SEE the world without the interference of signifiers?

when you can, this argument becomes moot...

this argument or discussion is just another signifier of self endulgent ego...
redundant.. i know... LOL

hope it helped


SO GOD is just a Signifier for the UNKNOWN.. which is a signifier for NO-THING... which is a signifier for SPACE...

stop seeing space.. and experience.. what IS... that WHOLE... often referred to or signified by the word GOD...
Alright Knowm.Put down the gooballs.;)
this may or may not help...

look at a pile of wood...

some people se a pile of wood..

some people see a chair..

some people see a table...

some people see a dead tree....

These are all just signifiers developed for communication..

What did he world look like before YOU or ANYBODY began actually believing that the signifiers were truth?

We live in a society where only a very very few..less than 1% of 1% of 1% can even understand what I am pointing at let alone put it into practice..

can you SEE the world with the interference of signifiers?

when you can, this argument becomes moot...

this argument or discussion is just another signifier of self endulgent ego...
redundant.. i know... LOL

hope it helped


SO GOD is just a Signifier for the UNKNOWN.. which is a signifier for NO-THING... which is a signifier for SPACE...

stop seeing space.. and experience.. what IS... that WHOLE... often referred to or signified by the word GOD...
this may or may not help...

look at a pile of wood...

some people se a pile of wood..

some people see a chair..

some people see a table...

some people see a dead tree....

These are all just signifiers developed for communication..

What did he world look like before YOU or ANYBODY began actually believing that the signifiers were truth?

We live in a society where only a very very few..less than 1% of 1% of 1% can even understand what I am pointing at let alone put it into practice..

can you SEE the world with the interference of signifiers?

when you can, this argument becomes moot...

this argument or discussion is just another signifier of self endulgent ego...
redundant.. i know... LOL

hope it helped


SO GOD is just a Signifier for the UNKNOWN.. which is a signifier for NO-THING... which is a signifier for SPACE...

stop seeing space.. and experience.. what IS... that WHOLE... often referred to or signified by the word GOD...

Great, just don't kill your daughters for being raped.
What does KILL signify




what is LIFE..

if birth is the opposite of death

what is LIFE? and if LIFE has no opposite...

then what is kill?

ya fell

there are no truthful answers to false questions..

just bullshit chatter for the mind...

a peek at the truth ends all dscusson of what is or is not and begins a carrier of POINTING. because the truth can not EVER be talked about directly.. only pointed at

The greats have been

Lao Tzu
Gahlil Gibran
and currently alive we have Eckhart Tolle
yeah, christ, what can i say, nice ass.... anywho...

who cares?
Christianity is one of many organized religions the have been "bad",
look up the true source or hindu, pretty fucked up.
it all sucks, just don't organize.
From the film "Walk the Line":

Record exec to Johnny Cash: "Your fans are good Christian people, they don't want to hear you singing in a prison trying to cheer up a bunch of rapists and murderers."

JC: "Well then they aren't Christians."

That's the gist of it. What people like the OP rail against isn't actually Christianity but a western cultural phenomenon that calls itself Christianity.
What does KILL signify

... insert mindless rambling here ...

and currently alive we have Eckhart Tolle

Man, I have GOT to get me some of whatever you're smoking. I imagine even you'll look at your own posts now and say, "What the fuck was I talking about? Man, I have GOT to get me some more of that shit..."
i just cant get over the fact that every sunday half of the 300 million people in the us get all dressed up and go to their cult oops i mean church just so they can feel a lil better about themselves... almost as if they go just INCASE there is a heaven, even though theyve been a greedy bastard their whole life and stole and just been down right not a good person... they still get in cuz they go to church

i only have so many years to live on this earth and i have better things to do than to go listen to some old dude that dosnt get laid tell me how good of a person i should be... i know that i dont need to go to church and give them MY hard earned money once a week to feel good about myself.

and LIFE is the time between your birth and your death so its opposite is also death because the opposite of life is everything after your death

knowm you sound very enlightened
i just cant get over the fact that every sunday half of the 300 million people in the us get all dressed up and go to their cult oops i mean church just so they can feel a lil better about themselves... almost as if they go just INCASE there is a heaven, even though theyve been a greedy bastard their whole life and stole and just been down right not a good person... they still get in cuz they go to church

Hmmm well you'll be pleased to know that all the posturing won't work in their favor. Those are precisely the people that don't get "in". Jesus absolutely abhorred religious hypocrites.