Christians not wanting to do business with gays...




you are one of the dumbest shits to wander over here in a long time, and you are going to be ostrcized for the retarded racist bigot you are.

also, hate to break it to ya, but you're probably harboring latent homosexual desires.

Think being gay is unnatural? These 11 animals will prove you wrong
Think homosexuality is unnatural still? You won't believe what these 11 animals are getting up to

You might have heard the quote that homosexuality exists in every single species on the planet but homophobia is found in only one: Humans.
But what is ‘homosexuality’ in animals?
Most zoologists would probably prefer you to say they are showing ‘same-sex attraction or behavior’, rather than label them with our words of ‘gay’, ‘bisexual’ or ‘straight’.
But very often animals can form relationships and bonds with others and do not stray away from them. Some show exclusive interest in only one gender and have their own ways of mating with the same sex.
What does that mean? How can we avoid humanizing animals (anthropomorphizing, in a word) when it seems like they’re going about their love lives in much the same thing as we are? And there are some species even where ‘same-sex attraction’ is the norm, as opposed to being wholly heterosexual.
So to celebrate Animal Month, take a look at some of the animals that if they were human (sorry zoologists) would probably be leading the Pride parade below:
1. Giraffes
Gay sex accounts for 94% of all observed sexual activity in giraffes.
Male giraffes have a unique way of flirting (and to occasionally show dominance) that is seen nowhere else on Earth. It is ‘necking’.
Two males stand side by side, and gently rub their necks on each other’s body, head, neck, loins and thighs. In some sessions this goes on for as long as hour.
This leads to sexual arousal. And while necking can sometimes lead to orgasm in of itself, sometimes they mount each other to finish each other off.
But this isn’t what a couple of guy giraffes do when the girls aren’t around. With both male and female giraffes present, males like to start necking with other males and often disregard any females present.
2. Bonobo
Female bonobos have sex in a way that in many aspects is unique to the species: These chimpanzees rub their genitals together. This is known as GG-rubbing (for genito-genital rubbing).
Some scientists believe the particular shape and location of the bonobo’s genitals have evolved specifically for lesbian rather than straight sex.
3. Flamingos
Flamingos have monogamous partners, and these can include two males, two females or a male and a female.
In one such example at Edinburgh zoo, a pair of male flamingos adopted a fluffy grey newborn chick after it was knocked out of the nest by its parents.
4. Dolphins
Three quarters of all bottlenose dolphins are in same-sex pair-bonds, and many of them mate for life.
On the death of a partner, some biologists have witnessed a long ‘mourning’ period. If they do decide to search for a new male companion, this will normally be unsuccessful, as most males will already be paired. But, if he can find another ‘widower’, the two may couple up.
Some female Spinner dolphins also sometimes ‘ride’ on each other’s dorsal fin.
Incidentally, an ‘orgy’ of same-sex behavior in a dolphin is known as a ‘wuzzle’. How horrendously cute.
5. Snails
A new addition to this list. This month, a new species of snail was named in honor of same-sex marriage.
Aegista diversifamilia are hermaphrodite animals, meaning they have both male and female reproductive organs. Scientists claim they represent the ‘diversity of sex orientation in the animal kingdom’.
6. Vampire Bats
In vampire bats, between one half to three quarters of all companionships are between females.
So this means they have their own somewhat gross way of showing their commitment to each other. One female feeds the other by ‘donating’ or regurgitating blood for her to consume. If they are doing this, it could be a sign that they have been together for up to 10 years or more.
7. Sea Lions
More than 80% of New Zealand Sea Lion males exclusively mate with other males.
This normally results as a component of play-fighting, in which two males stand chest to chest and push against each other. Once one has achieved ‘superiority’, they will mount the weaker one. This is often why younger sea lions are more likely to mount the older males.
9. Killer Whales
While it seems like most animal mating seems to be as a result of some mounting, almost 90% of gay behaviour in killer whiles is reciprocated.
One third to more than one half of all male killer whales engage in gay sex, especially prevalent among the adolescents.
Some male partners have a favorite with whom they interact with year after year.
10. Billions of bugs and spiders
They may be cold blooded, but up to 85% of 110 species spiders and insects are getting hot under the exoskeleton when it comes to gay sex.
Some researchers say bugs may have evolved to not discriminate in their mating choices as the cost of rejecting an opportunity to mate with a female is greater than that of mistakenly mating with a male.
Others say there is no real clear benefit to homosexual behavior in insects and spiders, suggesting it could simply be innate.
11. Penguins
Finally, penguins, the birds that are famous for many instances of lifelong relationships between male pairs and female pairs.
Unlike many animals, where the same-sex behavior can be argued to be a case of species-wide bisexuality or accidental, penguins are different.
Some males have been observed to seek out another male if their partner has died, and gay penguin couples are often noted to be good ‘parents’.
In zoo populations, anything from 5% to 10% of penguins are in same-sex pair bonds.
There are literally hundreds of species that have been observed as showing ‘gay’ behavior, and it really does show homosexuality and bisexuality is completely natural. It really is homophobia that doesn’t make sense.
All information gathered from recent studies published on GSN or in the Bruce Bagemihl book Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity.
- See more at:
So if they choose not to serve gay people, then that's their American right.
Can you cite the law that grants Christians the right to discriminate against homosexuals?
Why don't you try and go to a gay parade and just bring up God in conversation and watch how you get treated lol
I, an atheist, cordially invited two Jehovah's Witnesses onto my front porch for a summers long period of religious education, just for the fuck of it, because I wanted to know what they believed and why. So I'd imagine it'd go something like that, so long as the homophobes didn't spout off offensive biblical nonsense at every opportunity..
and I bet you aren't going to get a spot on some talk show about how you were discriminated against for being a Christian, or even have it become in issue at all.
Do you suppose people on the wrong side of an issue should receive equal coverage? The South wants slaves, the North doesn't.. equal coverage. Intellectuals believe in anthropogenic climate change, high school dropouts don't... equal coverage.

You should understand the difference between being objective in journalism and being fair to each side. The one and only reason issues like climate change aren't as accepted in the mainstream as they are among the scientists who study them is because of the overwhelming failure of modern old media. This alone has led to the rise of new media (internet). This has directly led to the current political climate in America. Old media is out, new media is in, and younger people flock to new media, younger people are astronomically more socially liberal than their older counterparts, and as they say, it's a young mans game...

This is America and if a business owner says I don't want to serve people who don't have shoes on lol then I think anything you could think of would be acceptable.
"anything you could think of".. OK, so denying service based on religion would be OK, so long as the owner of the property says so? Gender, race, national origin, eye/hair/skin color, height, weight, reach, accent, stutter, inflection, slur, lisp, lazy eye, handicap, snaggletooth, hangnail, and on and on and on and on..

Do you oppose the civil rights act of 1964?

I will give you a test to determine whether your anti gay with a couple of questions to answer to your self. If your a straight guy, do you enjoy when gay guys hit on you? If a gay guy walked up to you and grabbed your ass are you going to laugh about it? What about if it was a female, then there would be no problem right? This is because it is not natural to be gay, whether you believe in God or not, its not natural which is why you feel discomfort when one of those things happen.
If a gay guy hit on me (it's happened), I would take it exactly the same way as if a straight girl hit on me, I'd be flattered. A gay co worker told me I had a nice ass one time, you know what I said? "Thanks dude! I'm glad you like it"

If he then, after I told him although I appreciated the compliment, I'm straight, and he then proceeded to pinch my ass, I'd make my position clear to him, clear any confusion and go on with my life. I wouldn't join an organization and hate gay's and deny them equal rights because one of them made me feel a little bit uncomfortable one time..

People who fear/are "disgusted by"/think are gross, etc. homosexuals more often than not have some underlying issue that steers them away from acceptance, be it internal conflict over a lifetime of indoctrination, latent homosexual thoughts/feelings, ignorance on specific processes, or misguided perceptions of religious persecution, or a combination or either/all. Let me be clear, THERE IS NO LEGITIMATE LEGAL REASON TO DENY EQUAL RIGHTS TO AMERICAN CITIZENS BASED ON SEXUAL ORIENTATION/IDENTITY.

If your straight and you see two of the same sex of people which are the same sex as you, fucking each other in a porn (how ever you come across it lol) does it not make you feel sick in your stomach?
Not even a little bit. If I came across homosexual porn while browsing (which happens often on the freaky sites I visit), you know what I think? "Eh, not interested.." and move on to something I AM interested in. I don't think, while my dick is in hand, as yours likely is during these times of such troubled torment you seem to face, "OH MY GOD, THIS IS AN ABOMINATION! THIS GOES AGAINST GOD! HOW DARE THESE TWO CONSENTING ADULTS DO WHAT THEY WANT IN THE PRIVACY OF THEIR OWN HOME, EVEN THOUGH I CLAIM TO BE AGAINST "BIG GOVERNMENT!" AND LESS INVOLVEMENT, HOW DARE THEY!!! THEY MUST BE STOPPED!!! RELIGIOUS FREEDOMZ!!!!!

Give me a fucking break..

If you don't feel some type of gross-ness when that happens then you are not straight.
Ultimate projection. I'm not claiming to be 100% straight, nobody is/can. I believe, as do leading scientists on the subject, that human sexuality is a spectrum, like most other things, and it's very rare to be 100% for or 0% against regarding completely straight or completely gay..

If I had to guess, I'd pin you around 25% gay 75% straight by this post alone. You feel free to tell me how accurate I landed
If I'm wrong you tell me why you don't like the same sex grabbing your ass lol.
The same sex grabbing my ass doesn't mean anything to me other than I have a nice, grabbable ass
Explain how you feel if that happened.
But yeah its not really debatable. Are you going to take away one persons right to make another person happy?
Nobody has the right to discriminate against people
If muslims are going to be able to have FUCKING SHARIA LAW IN AMERICA (In Texas no less) then what the fuck are we here complaining about. You should be worried that your daughter is going to be murdered for cheating on her muslim boyfriend.
The first amendment dispels that talking point right out the gate. -Establishment Clause
Think being gay is unnatural? These 11 animals will prove you wrong
Think homosexuality is unnatural still? You won't believe what these 11 animals are getting up to

You might have heard the quote that homosexuality exists in every single species on the planet but homophobia is found in only one: Humans.
But what is ‘homosexuality’ in animals?
Most zoologists would probably prefer you to say they are showing ‘same-sex attraction or behavior’, rather than label them with our words of ‘gay’, ‘bisexual’ or ‘straight’.
But very often animals can form relationships and bonds with others and do not stray away from them. Some show exclusive interest in only one gender and have their own ways of mating with the same sex.
What does that mean? How can we avoid humanizing animals (anthropomorphizing, in a word) when it seems like they’re going about their love lives in much the same thing as we are? And there are some species even where ‘same-sex attraction’ is the norm, as opposed to being wholly heterosexual.
So to celebrate Animal Month, take a look at some of the animals that if they were human (sorry zoologists) would probably be leading the Pride parade below:
1. Giraffes
View attachment 3391054
Gay sex accounts for 94% of all observed sexual activity in giraffes.
Male giraffes have a unique way of flirting (and to occasionally show dominance) that is seen nowhere else on Earth. It is ‘necking’.
Two males stand side by side, and gently rub their necks on each other’s body, head, neck, loins and thighs. In some sessions this goes on for as long as hour.
This leads to sexual arousal. And while necking can sometimes lead to orgasm in of itself, sometimes they mount each other to finish each other off.
But this isn’t what a couple of guy giraffes do when the girls aren’t around. With both male and female giraffes present, males like to start necking with other males and often disregard any females present.
2. Bonobo
View attachment 3391053
Female bonobos have sex in a way that in many aspects is unique to the species: These chimpanzees rub their genitals together. This is known as GG-rubbing (for genito-genital rubbing).
Some scientists believe the particular shape and location of the bonobo’s genitals have evolved specifically for lesbian rather than straight sex.
3. Flamingos
View attachment 3391058
Flamingos have monogamous partners, and these can include two males, two females or a male and a female.
In one such example at Edinburgh zoo, a pair of male flamingos adopted a fluffy grey newborn chick after it was knocked out of the nest by its parents.
4. Dolphins
View attachment 3391056
Three quarters of all bottlenose dolphins are in same-sex pair-bonds, and many of them mate for life.
On the death of a partner, some biologists have witnessed a long ‘mourning’ period. If they do decide to search for a new male companion, this will normally be unsuccessful, as most males will already be paired. But, if he can find another ‘widower’, the two may couple up.
Some female Spinner dolphins also sometimes ‘ride’ on each other’s dorsal fin.
Incidentally, an ‘orgy’ of same-sex behavior in a dolphin is known as a ‘wuzzle’. How horrendously cute.
5. Snails
View attachment 3391052
A new addition to this list. This month, a new species of snail was named in honor of same-sex marriage.
Aegista diversifamilia are hermaphrodite animals, meaning they have both male and female reproductive organs. Scientists claim they represent the ‘diversity of sex orientation in the animal kingdom’.
6. Vampire Bats
View attachment 3391059
In vampire bats, between one half to three quarters of all companionships are between females.
So this means they have their own somewhat gross way of showing their commitment to each other. One female feeds the other by ‘donating’ or regurgitating blood for her to consume. If they are doing this, it could be a sign that they have been together for up to 10 years or more.
7. Sea Lions
View attachment 3391055
More than 80% of New Zealand Sea Lion males exclusively mate with other males.
This normally results as a component of play-fighting, in which two males stand chest to chest and push against each other. Once one has achieved ‘superiority’, they will mount the weaker one. This is often why younger sea lions are more likely to mount the older males.
9. Killer Whales
View attachment 3391057
While it seems like most animal mating seems to be as a result of some mounting, almost 90% of gay behaviour in killer whiles is reciprocated.
One third to more than one half of all male killer whales engage in gay sex, especially prevalent among the adolescents.
Some male partners have a favorite with whom they interact with year after year.
10. Billions of bugs and spiders
View attachment 3391060
They may be cold blooded, but up to 85% of 110 species spiders and insects are getting hot under the exoskeleton when it comes to gay sex.
Some researchers say bugs may have evolved to not discriminate in their mating choices as the cost of rejecting an opportunity to mate with a female is greater than that of mistakenly mating with a male.
Others say there is no real clear benefit to homosexual behavior in insects and spiders, suggesting it could simply be innate.
11. Penguins
View attachment 3391061
Finally, penguins, the birds that are famous for many instances of lifelong relationships between male pairs and female pairs.
Unlike many animals, where the same-sex behavior can be argued to be a case of species-wide bisexuality or accidental, penguins are different.
Some males have been observed to seek out another male if their partner has died, and gay penguin couples are often noted to be good ‘parents’.
In zoo populations, anything from 5% to 10% of penguins are in same-sex pair bonds.
There are literally hundreds of species that have been observed as showing ‘gay’ behavior, and it really does show homosexuality and bisexuality is completely natural. It really is homophobia that doesn’t make sense.
All information gathered from recent studies published on GSN or in the Bruce Bagemihl book Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity.
- See more at:

Fun fact; Bonobo chimpanzees are more closely related to humans than they- or we- are to any other animals, including other primates.