• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

chronic back problems


Well-Known Member
well i have a long list of chronic back problems almost all of them spinal. my muscles in my lower back have been cramped for years. they have been knotted up and i stretch alot everyday. the problem im having is the muscles wont relax. even after taking muscle relaxers and stretching i get no relief. my muscles havent been right for years. i dont have money to go to the doctor, otherwise i would have. my dad has MS but ive been told thats not hereditary. what can i do to help my muscles relax? i want to know what its like not to feel them even if its for one day please help


Well-Known Member
flexeril is what i had. it had no affect on me. i blaze constantly mainly for self medicating. but you know the first thing the doctor tells you is to stretch every morning. what else is there to do if stretching doesnt work. and i stretch at least 3 times a day with no effect


Well-Known Member
in 2002 i was rearended and a couple years later i went to chiropractor and he diagnosed me with crooked hips, my tailbone was broken in 5 places, osteoarthritis, L1-L4 and C1-C3 were bulged, and whiplash. theres also a hole in my tailbone where theres direct access to my nerve system, its kind of scary cuz if i hit it wrong i can be paralized. but last time i went to my family doctor he told me to go to specialist and i never did due to lack of money. i also lost the curve in my neck. my head is at a tilt so its feels natural to look at the ground rather than up straight


Well-Known Member
then of course im having problems with two groups of muscles. the ones that hurt the most are around my kidneys on my lower back where my back connects to my hips then my upper shoulders and neck will hurt and lead to headaches and stuff. i was just hoping there was a more affective way to strecth out the muscles


Well-Known Member
damn....tried going to your journal to check out your shit but its a broken link...but my advice would be to get some girls in some dirt and start saving for a visit....your paralysis is more important...ya know..


Well-Known Member
Back exercise stretches
Many back pain patients know the feeling of tension in the back, especially first thing in the morning. These stretching back exercises can help bring back some suppleness and increase mobility, decreasing back pain and discomfort.
Back flexion exercise
While lying on one’s back, pull both knees to the chest while simultaneously flexing the head forward until a comfortable stretch is felt in a balled-up position.
Knee to Chest Stretch
While lying on the back with the knees bent and both heels on the floor, place both hands behind one knee and bring it to the chest.
Hips and gluteus stretches
The hips and buttocks (where the gluteus muscles are) support the lower back, and stretching these muscle groups plays a pivotal role in maintaining spine flexibility.
Hip stretch
While standing with feet shoulder-width apart, take a half-step back with the right foot, bend the left knee and shift weight back to the right hip. While keeping the right leg straight, bend forward more and reach down the right leg until a stretch in the outer hip is felt.
Piriformis muscle stretch
The piriformis muscle runs through the buttock and can contribute to back pain or leg pain. To stretch the this muscle, lie on the back and cross one leg over the other and gently pull the other knee toward the chest until a stretch is felt in the buttock area.


Well-Known Member
the best stretch i have is to lay on my back and take my right knee an put it over my left knee. with my hands out to either side then i switch legs. its similar to a stretch they had me do in school. differently i keep my leg lower when i stretch and it really helps. the only problem is i feel it stretching but as soon as i relax its like i never stretched. ive gotten a new bed too since then and it hasnt helped. the stretching feels good but it doesnt really do anythng. like i said ive had these muscle aches for quite some time so ive tried every stretch i can think of. and there are about 4 stretches i do everyday up to 4 times a day. was just hoping there was better relief


Well-Known Member
I guess you live in A M E R I C A, otherwise you'd be under the care of a doctor
sorry man, to hear about your problems
I was in an accident and broke 3 vertebrae and 6 ribs and within a year I had back problems and sciatica (leg pain)
The docs wanted to operate on my spine but a chiropracter suggested sit-ups
I eventually got up to 135 situps per day with 140lb weight on my chest and haven't had a back problem since - I don't even do the situps anymore, but I imagine the day will come when they are needed again
Anyway, I am not suggesting that for you, but just thought you might be interested. Good luck to you, I hope your having a decent day today.


Well-Known Member
I guess you live in A M E R I C A, otherwise you'd be under the care of a doctor
sorry man, to hear about your problems
I was in an accident and broke 3 vertebrae and 6 ribs and within a year I had back problems and sciatica (leg pain)
The docs wanted to operate on my spine but a chiropracter suggested sit-ups
I eventually got up to 135 situps per day with 140lb weight on my chest and haven't had a back problem since - I don't even do the situps anymore, but I imagine the day will come when they are needed again
Anyway, I am not suggesting that for you, but just thought you might be interested. Good luck to you, I hope your having a decent day today.
yeah i live in florida. i know based on my pains and all that i need treatment but at the same time i would have to go to a doctor, get a referal to a specialist, then go through the diagnosis and treatment. it is tru i cant get treatment even though i need it. unless of course i come across about 20 grand


Well-Known Member
well i have a long list of chronic back problems almost all of them spinal. my muscles in my lower back have been cramped for years. they have been knotted up and i stretch alot everyday. the problem im having is the muscles wont relax. even after taking muscle relaxers and stretching i get no relief. my muscles havent been right for years. i dont have money to go to the doctor, otherwise i would have. my dad has MS but ive been told thats not hereditary. what can i do to help my muscles relax? i want to know what its like not to feel them even if its for one day please help
Heathaa I ran across this like a week ago....

If your dad has MS this might be something to look into for him...sit him down and make him watch this video...

I have bad back pain too, I broke my vertebrae about 4-5 years ago now and its never been the same since, all day everyday pain...I just smoke alot of weed to help my pain, i havent found anything else that helps, not even taking 30 ibprofen everyday for like 2 weeks.....for my back i have bought an inversion table (one of those things where you strap your feet in and hang upside down) its a great amount of relief I get from it, it does more for me sitting on my inversion table for 5 minutes then all of my chiropractor/acupuncture appointments combined...you should really look into one of them...I talked to my chiropractor about it and he said that they are awesome, he also said that if everyone in the U.S. had one, that chiropractors would go out of business everywhere, there would be no need for them. Anyways sorry im high and rambling on...but i feel your pain man, i too would love to feel what its like not having pain in my back, even if it was for a day...bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
what i do for mine is take magnesium that helps to relax the muscles. we need it just like our babies! i also got an inversion table and i use it everyday..... lets just say if i could marry an inanimate object I would marry my inversion table. lol hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
yeah ive been thinking about an inversion table. my dad is in the process of ordering one. but say for instance i lay on the floor. its hard and flat, and if i lay on my back on the floor my muscles go into spasms. thats the hardest thing to deal with especially at night when i lay in bed on my back i have to immediately roll over cuz i start getting spasms. i used to take ibuprofrin all the time but i went to the doctor cuz i kept puking every morning and they said i was taking way too much ibuprofirin. and thats when i wanted to do something about my back. one time my girl was in the hospital for a week and i was leaving the hospital and a guy came up to me out of nowhere and he said to me. god told me to come talk to you. god told me you have bad back problems and he told me to tell you about my friend. i thought it was weird that he knew that.(maybe he seen it in my bad posture) but he told me about his frind who went to his church (he was a pastor) and he was a back surgeon who took payments. the surgeon specialized in it for people with no money. he said he was on a 5 dollar a week payment plan and i wish i would have taken advantage of it now


Well-Known Member
i would like to thank you guys for the info on inversion tables as i have had back surgery and getting chiro helps but too expensive and i was looking at the inversion table they have a 100 dollar one at big5 probbly not as good as the 300 but im sure it will do just the same thanks you guys


Well-Known Member
i would like to thank you guys for the info on inversion tables as i have had back surgery and getting chiro helps but too expensive and i was looking at the inversion table they have a 100 dollar one at big5 probbly not as good as the 300 but im sure it will do just the same thanks you guys
dhhbomb ya man i got the cheap like 125$ one at the place by my house, works just fine compared to the expensive ones bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie get one and you'll love it


Well-Known Member
As for the doctors you feel bad about... unless its some small mechanical error they can correct, they can't do shit... they don't heal anything, its not their line of business... ask me, i've been medicaly disabled for the last 11 or so years.... smoke as much pot as you can handle, even when it looses its potency in terms of its mental effect, it still works medicinally, plus you don;t have to deal with beeing fucked up all day... just keep smokeing.

Also, and I reccomend this highly, is order some kratom leaves for you from one of the online entheo stores. It has realy cool pain killing effects and depending on the type it can be pretty stimulating to very relaxing, kinda like pot, execpt its leaves you drink (or chew when fresh).

Don't use it more than about every 4 days or so, as it can be lightly addictive if overused. I Use like 7 to 8g at a time so the common 2 ounce packing can easily do 2 months.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
did you try a chiropractor yet? if you find a good one, that helps alot. stretching too. I also have a fucked up back. had surgery twice and it still bothers me. toking up helps alot for me.


Well-Known Member
yeah i went to a chiropractor a few years ago. he diadnosed me with the things i mentioned and told me he had a 12 week treatment and he could give me therepy and one thing he said that i remember is he said he would pump the curve back in my neck. cuz my head is at a lower tilt than most people. then after telling me about the treatment he offers he told me my back will go back to the way it was after the treatment. so i spend 1500 on treatment and in the long run nothing is corrected permanently. it sux. i dont want to live to be 40 because i know something bad with my back will dawn on me by then. the thing that pisses me off is that im 25. im extremely strong, and im not limited by muscles but by how much pressure my spine can handle. so its a bummer that im 25 and cant do quite a few activities because it will hurt me.