Chronic Pancreatitis & Oil


Well-Known Member
Chronic pancreatitis ,is a very painfull & disableing condition, there is no cure !! or medication to sucsessfully treat the condition
Basicly the pancreas looses the ability to produce enzines & acids ,which breakdown food, different food groups need different amounts of these enzines & acids to break them down , ie red meat & fats need at least double ,that of chicken & fish (enzines) so the food gets passed thru the chanin , almost undigested, which creates a world of pain , & in turn ,inflames the pancreas , which also creates huge volumes of pain for many days , even introducing a food group the body is not use to , will have the same effect, a bananna if your not use to them can set it off
The question is , has anybody experiencing this condition , been able to use medicinal canna oil to help, not just pain relief , but assisting the pancreas to function a little better ??
Thx for reading, & any thoughts or experience welcomed

Your pancreas is not creating proper enzymes for digestion which can cause loss of weight and malnourishment. I am not a doctor keep in mind, but at the same time what I tell you next, I know doctors will think is anectodal and bullshit. I do not listen to doctors.

You should look into probiotics, and not the cheap kind for 10-12bucks a bottle, I'm talking about the ones that health food store would keep in the fridge for like 60+bucks. beneficial symbiotic microbes will collonize your gut, intestines, colon etc. and these microbes produce enzymes for digestion sticking to internal walls and will help digest and get nutrients into your blood stream so you do not get malnourish condition and illness thereafter. They could make you feel gassy as they are digesting at higher rate than you/your body is used to but probiotics actually can help with gas, so over time the gassy feeling should not persist. I don't want to write a book here, but this is where you should look in my opinion.

Also, (another one that doctors will say is just bullshit, but it is not) Kombucha drink, as you know, new things can irritate you, but must stick with it, the kombucha is another very unique type of microbial innoculation for your insides, that can help you here.

Even though your body/pancreas is unable to create the certain enzymes needed for proper digestion and nutrient absorption, we can create extremely powerful symbiotic relationship with live beneficial organisms that will colonize your insides and help heal, protect, feed and nourish your body.

Godbless man.
I hope you find the 'magic formula' to deal with this very debilitating issue you have. I know it well.
To answer your orginal question about Cannabis, I do not know about the oil, but smoking the herb I have found that certain strains can help, and others can exacerbate the situation. This I know, so it all comes down to experimentation. Luckily, cannabis can not cause problems like synthetic drugs can, so experimentation with different strains has no real horrible impact, other than discomfort at the time, if ya know what I mean. Also, since everybody is different I don't think what works for one may necessarily work for another so this is a hard question to answer, when talking about smoking the actual herb, pure extracted oil I do not know.
Johnei, THANKYOU ill take onboard everything youve said (gladly)..........if U are a sufferer as well & it certainly sounds that way , i feel for you
The only medication they give U is Creon & painkillers , Creon is suppose to take the place of enzymes, but it doesnt work on anything the body isnt use to ,as for pain relief , panadene forte, endone, , are like jelly beans (on a bad day)
Im under a professor of internal medicine , not a specalist, he spends 3 months a year delivering speaches & papers to the worl wide medical journal in Switzerland & a few very lucky specialists are invited to his seminars, & he has no answers for me
So ive decided to see if Canna can help in any way, ive tried smoking it but it doesnt agree with me at all , & it was THC not CBD , so i thought if i could grow a strain or aquire some oil high in CBD , it would be worth a try, i understand different strains (medicinal) are targeted for different conditions.............if i new a particular strain that i could grow , that had the correct levels of CBD & THC , i glady do so , ive looked into making your own oil & its not that hard, & youd know what your getting , not what was written on a label of a bottle U bought

Im very interested in what U say about Probiotics, & will definetly give that a go ,Thankyou, as well as the Kombucha drink, i know the body wont like it at first , but when your at the stage i am , youll try anything

There is a surgeon in the States who can laser the tube at the top of the pancreas to unblock it , the lucky people who have had this surgeory , report a 90% pain reduction & a 90% increase in what they can eat & overall health, but the amount of surgeons (to my knowledge) who can do this is virtually nil & its by no means available in i just search for anything i think may help.......again thankyou for your reply
