Chronic&WhiteWidow 400w


Well-Known Member
Still looking good bro!
Thanks man, I'm working on my 3rd grow at the moment. Scrog going swell bongsmilie

What happened with the flowers bro?
Harvested the white widow at about 9 1/2 weeks and the chronic at like 10 1/2. The white widows almost gone (23 grams dry) and the chronics in the jars curing (63 grams dry) as is the bagseed (11 grams dry)

So only 3.4 oz on my first 400w but I didnt veg as long as I could have and I pulled earlier than I should have.. I'm not making that mistake this next grow..


Well-Known Member
Must grow more pot! You get clones off the Chronic?
Nah, I would have chunked them anyway, it didn't produce anything near the kinds of buds I'm going for, it might have been just that pheno but either way, way too fluffy and airy for my tastes, crystally as shit just not dense and the bag appeal is shit.

I did however just take some cuttings of this vanilla kush, sour and stacked kush soon to follow


Well-Known Member
I know you're sick of hearing it bro, but it was your temps. That and genetics. Keep temps under 80. If you can float them at the 73 neighborhood then you are in business. My buddy told me some advice that I live by now and I have been MUCH MORE SUCCESSFUL. Grow big or go home. If you're going to grow, get everything; chillers, pumps, fans, a/c, hydro units, and top notch everything else. Get the good stuff and the good accessories. Of course I don't always by the high end stuff, but I do where it counts.

Since I started doing this I am so much more productive, I don't know what to do with everything!! I'm doing good at the moment considering I'm just in a start-up phase, lol, not to gloat, but it's because the way I went into it. I still use soil and all that great stuff, because it is great, just not as productive. All my soil is outside, and I might do organics indoor again, but man, these hydro units are killing it! I've used hydro in the past and it was great, but it was a pain in the ass, so I bought everything for it, and now it's a fucking breeze bro! You'll love it, make the investment, it'll come back to you fast!

You can trade for equipment too man, we got a good bunch of traded and free equipment here, don't be shy making friends that grow and you know it!

Raskal makes THE BEST FUCKING SEED GEAR, PERIOD. I do not fuck around when I say his White Fire OG is the very best representation of any OG in seed, if you've ever seen Abusive OG (AKA LA Kush) or Phantom OG (AKA The Charlie Sheen), this definitely is their equivalent. You grow this, and you will have the best OG flowers outside Cali, if you clone this, you'll have the best OG clones outside of Cali. Hell, better than what a lot of people are repping in Cali.

It's not like people just have random stashes of money laying around whenever someone on RIU says "buy this!" but you should seriously consider the investment. Just keep your hustle strong and move your product. You can brag and boast about whatever you got, because you'll be fucking killing it dude! You can vend clones to support yourself in the mean time. You can also buy trim for cheap from other growers and turn it into hash for money, just keep hustling. Compassionate legal hustling; my disclaimer, lol.

Sour Kush and Stacked Kush are fire by the way, Vanilla is hit or miss. After 2011 I'm hesitant to pick up Barney's Farm gear, things seemed to get a little sketchy over there, and I heard some unhappy customers gripe something fierce with the Bleu Cheese when it first hit. I do have a Phat 'N' Fruity cut from a while back, before that mess (I think, lol) and I love it!

Dear god, I hope you can read all that. Fucking essay right here, lol.


Well-Known Member
I know you're sick of hearing it bro, but it was your temps. That and genetics. Keep temps under 80. If you can float them at the 73 neighborhood then you are in business. My buddy told me some advice that I live by now and I have been MUCH MORE SUCCESSFUL. Grow big or go home. If you're going to grow, get everything; chillers, pumps, fans, a/c, hydro units, and top notch everything else. Get the good stuff and the good accessories. Of course I don't always by the high end stuff, but I do where it counts.

Since I started doing this I am so much more productive, I don't know what to do with everything!! I'm doing good at the moment considering I'm just in a start-up phase, lol, not to gloat, but it's because the way I went into it. I still use soil and all that great stuff, because it is great, just not as productive. All my soil is outside, and I might do organics indoor again, but man, these hydro units are killing it! I've used hydro in the past and it was great, but it was a pain in the ass, so I bought everything for it, and now it's a fucking breeze bro! You'll love it, make the investment, it'll come back to you fast!

You can trade for equipment too man, we got a good bunch of traded and free equipment here, don't be shy making friends that grow and you know it!

Raskal makes THE BEST FUCKING SEED GEAR, PERIOD. I do not fuck around when I say his White Fire OG is the very best representation of any OG in seed, if you've ever seen Abusive OG (AKA LA Kush) or Phantom OG (AKA The Charlie Sheen), this definitely is their equivalent. You grow this, and you will have the best OG flowers outside Cali, if you clone this, you'll have the best OG clones outside of Cali. Hell, better than what a lot of people are repping in Cali.

It's not like people just have random stashes of money laying around whenever someone on RIU says "buy this!" but you should seriously consider the investment. Just keep your hustle strong and move your product. You can brag and boast about whatever you got, because you'll be fucking killing it dude! You can vend clones to support yourself in the mean time. You can also buy trim for cheap from other growers and turn it into hash for money, just keep hustling. Compassionate legal hustling; my disclaimer, lol.

Sour Kush and Stacked Kush are fire by the way, Vanilla is hit or miss. After 2011 I'm hesitant to pick up Barney's Farm gear, things seemed to get a little sketchy over there, and I heard some unhappy customers gripe something fierce with the Bleu Cheese when it first hit. I do have a Phat 'N' Fruity cut from a while back, before that mess (I think, lol) and I love it!

Dear god, I hope you can read all that. Fucking essay right here, lol.

Haha, you'll be happy to hear I've been able to get the temps down to 79 day and 60 night. Went ahead and got a window unit for the room and it does fucking wonders. The kush cloest is like 6 days of 12/12 at the moment, it's in my signature if you wanna stop by man.

Thanks for the advice, take it easy


Well-Known Member
Figured I should finally put harvest pics up, I found some white widow pictures i'll find chronic and bagseed one of these days, I know I have them somewhere around here...
The colored buds are my food coloring experiment, turned out pretty cool

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Well-Known Member
lets see an update on the kush closet!
This harvest looked pretty good though, along way since the blue dream! The come up continues for X.


Well-Known Member
lets see an update on the kush closet!
This harvest looked pretty good though, along way since the blue dream! The come up continues for X.

Idk what's going on, theres a problem with either my phone, my computer, or RIU because all the pictures I take and try to upload fail to upload...

The Kush closet looks AMAZING, I just wish I could show everyone haha