Chronikool’z LED + Organic + SOG + Party cup perpetual ‘boxes of fun’ grow!™

YYWoofta just read this thread front to back, why have i never looked at your thread man?? Just curious what you ever did with your perlite ratios, also don't see it mentioned anywhere (not that you have had ph probs but your express you said got some mg def. if i remember correctly) but you ahould def throw some garden lime in that mix you got. then no ph probs, since you dont believe in meters lol and help with that mg, migt wanna cut back on the epsoms if you go this route. Really like what you have done up till now even though the updates have gotten less frequent (start a new thread?) actually making me think about diying a panel together when my panels kick the bucket, gotta tackle a broken driver i have in a flower panel first... keep it green man, looks dank

Hahaha.....yeah you pretty much nailed it when you said 'less frequent updates...start a new thread' new diy coming...just saving a bit of money to get it done. in the mean time i'll just continue to update this...from time to time. :)

The perlite ratios....yeah i have never used perlite....i use zeolite...has a store of potassium in it and acts the same or sameish. I did 'up' the ratios...but i dont think i have the same amount as some people. I figure i have to drop back a bit because i am limiting my pot size.

Yeah i think it was a problem in my early rounds with magnesium...Yip...definitely add garden lime to my mixes and gypsum and epsom....LED plants....need all the magnesium you can throw at them i reckon.

So yeah...this is the second batch of 'Chroni-kool-dirt' i have made....added a few more ingredients and upped ratios....i have the recipe if anybody gives a fuck? :)

DIY'ing is pretty addictive....cant wait to get going again and try and get the 'unattainable perfect spectrum' that us LED heads are striving for. :)

Thanks for your words... i just got back from a hike...i now have 20 plants in a guerilla outdoor grow going. The 1st ones i planted 2 weeks ago have already doubled in size...gonna be a good season. Having said that i know i have 4-6 hermie 'big bangs' in the gonna have to go get rid of her/him in a 4-5 weeks when i can identity them...because like a moron i didnt label them (before i knew they were evil) :)
Wouldnt mind knowing the secret recipe ti success if it isnt too confidential lol. just made my own batch of mix in may and just put it to use last month and the swiss cheese and clones that are in it are vibrant green and digging it ( roots pun lol)
I go hard on the mg as well i just am weary of telling other ls to do the same cus i have seen lil ones get burned from phd tap water cus of the mg level..
hahaha secret...more like trial and error and its pretty fun coming up with a local solution... its standard as :) The 2nd batch is actually still 'baking' (went in on the 13th) and the 1st batch (one im using at the moment) was kind of tossed together with random its all a work in progress...i might be a bit low on some things...i guess i will find out.


SOIL: (added to 54L fish bin)

Some recycled (added 18L) Leave roots in for breakdown
20 x Litres of Organic Potting Mix
1 x cup ‘just cooked’ ‘Chroni-kool-dirt’
2 x cups Packet worm castings
Some Fresh earth worm castings and live worms


½ cup Gypsum
1 x cups Garden Lime


2 x Tablespoons Rok Soild
2 x Litres of Zeolite


1 x Litre Fiber Earth (alfalfa)
1 x Tablespoon Ocean solids
2 x Tablespoons Epsom Salts
2 x cups Kelp Meal
2 x cups Blood and bone
1 x cup Guano Phosphate
1 x Litre Sheep pellets
1 x Tablespoon Potash
1 x Litre Natural Rolled oats


Mix up, Add 2 litres of aerated water. Let sit for at least 30 days (labeled)

At transplant: (from my cloner)

Dip clones in fungi and bacteria

Mix with more coco fiber to dilute 'hot' soil.

I Sort of check it every 4 days...add more water if it dries out. Stays in the fish bin the whole time. Might add some more rolled oats to make fungi on day 20-30 to 'activate' it ready for clones. So this doesnt make that much but i only use 2 litre pots so it lasts me a long time. If your soil is living (well)...the pH will take care of itself. :)

Some pictures....48 days

Damn cat hairs....

Coming along nicely....entering home stretch... :)

36 Days
This is the 1st to be using 'Chroni-kool-dirt' is very much my guinea pig.....a bit of fade on the leaves taking place. Everything else is looking pretty good...a bit of thrip damage.
things are looking beautiful as always man! the cat hair part cracked me up big time! i never notice it either in my pics until they are uploaded, at which point i am to lazy to go back and take more pictures.:-P
Lighting took out one of my im down to 4....few shitty replacements called up

Few picks of my greenhouse seeds 'Moby Dick'....kinda happy with this cut....didnt fade much. 2 litre pots.


New thread coming soon....