Chrystal (from Nirvana) Crossed with Bagseed


Well-Known Member
i checked the germinated seeds and they all sprouted. so i'm real excited about these. only issue i had was that the seeds kit that i bough was too big and wasn't going to fit in the growing room with the other two pots that i have in there. so i had to use some other stuff i had laying around and used the bottom of a tupperware as a dome. anyways here are some pics SDC11716.jpgSDC11703.jpgSDC11710.jpgSDC11715.jpgSDC11712.jpgSDC11711.jpgSDC11713.jpgSDC11708.jpgSDC11714.jpgSDC11707.jpg

sorry i didn't have time to take pictures of the flowering plant. she was already asleep and didn't want to bother her. i'll definitely take some pictures before i chop it down on friday.


Dont worry no ones commenting, its because your doing a great job and no one has anything to add :) There is also a sticky on grow journals which asks people not to comment on other threads unless asked so.. Regardless glad your having more success with the new lot of seeds, hows the old girl doing? Starting to pick up the chrystals? Hopefully she just packs them on late :)


Well-Known Member
thanks for your comment fish. hopefully all comes out well. didn't know about the no comments on others threat, thanks for the heads up. the old girl is doing great. i will be choppin her down today. the chrystals on it did start to develop a little more and looks great. i'll take pictures of it today before i cut it down. lates
Dont worry no ones commenting, its because your doing a great job and no one has anything to add :) There is also a sticky on grow journals which asks people not to comment on other threads unless asked so.. Regardless glad your having more success with the new lot of seeds, hows the old girl doing? Starting to pick up the chrystals? Hopefully she just packs them on late :)


Well-Known Member
alright well, i forgot to take pictures of the flowering plant before i chopped her down. but here are some pictures of the trimming process. SDC11717.jpgSDC11718.jpg

and here is the big one. SDC11720.jpg


Well-Known Member
quick update!!!

ok well, i've failed once again in the seedlings stage. i over sprayed them and got overly drenched and simply have no life anymore. the one that first sprouted from the dirt simply fell over after after a couple of days. so i'm at it again trying to sprout even more seeds. i'm germinating around 12 now and this time i bought another seedling started kit, one that will fit in my grow room along with two other pots in there.

drying process is going good. i've been checking them everyday since friday, the day i trimmed her. today is monday and i'll probably wait til this friday or maybe thursday, if this humidity goes down a bit, so i can put them in mason jars.


You should only mist clones im pretty sure... seedlings dont like it as u found., if u r misting a dome, just mist the actual dome leave the plants, and u should have your windows open or lid ajar to allow for air flow... You probably already know this but I read it somewhere and thought it may help.


Well-Known Member
hi mjfish, thanks for the post. yeah, didn't mist the seedlings, but i think the water would drip too much when i would spray the dome and i think that's how they got too much water on them. i have been spraying my clone though, but it doesn't look like it's doing pretty good. i checked the roots and it doesn't like like their growing. they look all brown and unhealthy. i'm gonna give it a few more days and if i don't see any new growth, to the trash it shall go. the new seedlings i have now are 12. they all germinated successfully and are now in the new seedling kit i bought. i checked them this morning and 3 already came out up from the dirt so i'm super excited about this grow now. i did a test smoke on the one i have drying. it is so smooth. my last run i only flushed for 2 weeks and it was still a little harsh. this time around i flushed for about a month and it's super smooth with no harshness what so ever. i was hoping for a little more fruity flavor or something like that. maybe after they've been curing for about 2 weeks i'll get more of a fruity taste. the taste right now is's not bad, i could smoke on this all day, it's just a plain smooth taste. my last run, after being in mason jars for a couple weeks, came out with a slight fruity taste. so that's what i'm hoping for this one after curing is done. i'll post up some pics tomorrow morning of everything. see ya later and thanks for all ya'll comments and questions.


Well-Known Member
ok as promised here are the pics!!

this is what i got off of just one plant SDC11721.jpgSDC11722.jpg

I think it yields pretty good. what you guys think?? can ya guess the weight i got on this?

here are a couple nug shots.....SDC11729.jpgSDC11730.jpgSDC11725.jpgSDC11733.jpgSDC11728.jpgSDC11726.jpg they got pretty crystallized towards the end......i'm happy :)

here is the clone that's struggling for survival. not quite sure why it's like this. i've been feeding it well and been spraying it pretty moderately. dunno what's going on. but if it doesn't recover in a couple of days, like i said before, i'm gonna throw it away.....SDC11736.jpgSDC11738.jpgSDC11737.jpg

the first seed that ever sprouted is doing pretty well. i've been tying it down that way it looks like its leaning to the side.........SDC11734.jpgSDC11735.jpg

the seedlings. 7 of 12 have come out of the dirt so far. looking good.............SDC11739.jpgSDC11742.jpgSDC11741.jpgSDC11740.jpg

what do you guys think?? thanks for stopping by.


Well-Known Member
Hi all. Dang haven't posted any updates in a while. well of the 7 of 12 that sprouted, only 1 made it. Can't believe it. I got careless and wasn't paying much attention after i transplanted them into paper cups. Plus, i think the 90+ degrees we've been having around here lately had something to do with my seedlings not surviving. But oh well, so i got 3 plants. One is the clone (mercury OG) and the other two are the chrystal crossed with bagseed. I've been LSTing the first seed that sprouted and it's doing very well. Im thinking of transplanting it to a bigger pot in the next week or so. The clone is also doing well, it took a while for it to start growing new leaves but it finally has. I'm very excited about that one too. Lets see how it coming soon.


Well-Known Member
hi. how's everybody doing. i know i've been laggin it. i stopped LSTing the first seed i sprouted. i've just being really lazy for this grow. i had a couple infestations in the couple of days. the 3 plants are in their 3rd week of flowering already. the mercury og clone i got from the dispensary was the worst hit with the infestation. i sprayed with this organic pesticides spray but only a few would die. i don't know if i did the right thing but i cut down most of its fan leaves and small leaves because of the infestation. my other two plants "Luna" (chrystal x bagseed) didn't get as many pesticides as the other one but i'm still thinking of clipping off the leaves off of those two as well. feedback is greatly appreciated. what do you guys think. pics coming soon for reals this time :) happy growing!!


Well-Known Member
ok just as promised, here are some pics. it looks like i have some kind of deficiency thing going.........can anyone let me know what it is?



Well-Known Member
like i said before, they are in their 3rd week of flowering and i clipped off a bunch of fan leaves due to spidermites. i had sprayed them with an organic pesticide but didn't have much far i haven't seen any more spidermites. the ones in the cup are the next generation of luna (chrystal x bagseed).


Well-Known Member
Ahh fuck i hit the reply to thread and my long diagnosis on your leaf curling was deleted....
To make it short:
1. give em water for one day, let them dry the next
2. At the end of the second day, check the soil by sticking your finger into the soil
3. Soil makes your finger WET > bad drainage, repot or add sand to your next mix (never repot during flowering)
4. Soil makes your finger MOIST > perfectly fine
5. Bone dry > ummm...too much drainage?
6. If soil is fine, give em light nute solution. Wait for a couple days.
7. Problem still persists? Raise dosage
8. Check air flow, distance between plants and light, and temps
My guess is you have bad soil, not enough drainage. But its only a guess :)

EDIT: Check your pH first.


Well-Known Member
cool man, thanks. what do i do if it's bone dry and have too much drainage? how do i better my drainage? i'll check my ph and see what i have. i misplaced the ph tester i had so im gonna have to make a small trip to the hydro store to get another one. ahhhh such laziness. thanks for your tips inhibitor, i really appreciate it. i'll keep everyone posted.
Ahh fuck i hit the reply to thread and my long diagnosis on your leaf curling was deleted....
To make it short:
1. give em water for one day, let them dry the next
2. At the end of the second day, check the soil by sticking your finger into the soil
3. Soil makes your finger WET > bad drainage, repot or add sand to your next mix (never repot during flowering)
4. Soil makes your finger MOIST > perfectly fine
5. Bone dry > ummm...too much drainage?
6. If soil is fine, give em light nute solution. Wait for a couple days.
7. Problem still persists? Raise dosage
8. Check air flow, distance between plants and light, and temps
My guess is you have bad soil, not enough drainage. But its only a guess :)

EDIT: Check your pH first.


Well-Known Member
ok so i went ahead and got a new ph tester and it seems like my ph is 8.0. i'm still looking online to see how do i bring my soil ph down but no luck yet. i'm still searching. anyone can help? as far as the seedlings go, they've all sprouted. i'll take pics of those later on. lates.


Well-Known Member
ok so i flushed all my plants with tab water. after i did that i checked the ph and they were all between 6.5 and 7.0. i also checked it this morning and they are all within the same range. so no what i'm going to do is not water them for a couple of days, til the soil gets most and stops being super wet. after that i'll lightly water them and add a little bit of nutes and see what ph i get. hopefully it stays within the same range. oh and another thing........all my seedlings sprouted, yay! any tips, concerns always welcome! thanks


Well-Known Member
quick update!!!!

well here are the seedlings a week and a half after they all came out from the dirt. not much growth, just a few leaves.

what you guys think??
