
Well-Known Member
I've got a pack of Rosetta Stone F2 going in to flower this weekend. I'm hoping to preserve this line somewhat, and it sounds like an open pollination with all females/males is the best way to go. Cool. What if I'm working with a pack of seeds that I'm not trying to preserve the line per se, but I find a really nice female and I want to make some seeds that resemble that female? Is it best to just pick what looks to be the best male from that pack and hit only that one female, or should I take pollen from more than one male and hit that gal, or something else.... and why?

The way I do it,I pop 12 about 4 weeks veg I start my selection.
I sit my plants in front of me,and just look at them,and look at my mind I already know which plant I want to be male.

After sex,and I got all the males + the one I had my eye on...I start my selection on them
I just look for growth structure/rate leaf shape/amount.

I try not to be to picky,when picking males,as long as you are working with good seed from start,makes it that much more easy.


Well-Known Member
The way I do it,I pop 12 about 4 weeks veg I start my selection.
I sit my plants in front of me,and just look at them,and look at my mind I already know which plant I want to be male.

After sex,and I got all the males + the one I had my eye on...I start my selection on them
I just look for growth structure/rate leaf shape/amount.

I try not to be to picky,when picking males,as long as you are working with good seed from start,makes it that much more easy.
Thanks for the reply! So just select what I deem to be the best male and dust the best female with his pollen?


Well-Known Member
I guess if you happen to choose the wrong male, while only choosing one, then your seeds will reflect this and be a mediocre batch, possibly. Sure open pollinations create the greatest amount of genetic diversity, but is that what we really want? So if a few of the males are undesirable, by using a number of males, then you end up w progeny from varied males all jumbled together into the seed batch. Selection is already difficult enough. I'll also cite that DJ Short does not use multiple males on a project, perhaps for other reasons than mentioned but thought I'd just throw that out there.

My tendency is to work a line, pollenate all the best females, but with only one best male. [keep in mind, pollen can always be collected from other males and stored or a target application.] You'll still have plenty of diversity by only choosing one male along with multiple females for a project, without all the randomness multiple males bring. I believe this simplifies by providing a basis of some degree of male continuity while working towards an f2 or f3 version. Not everyone will agree with me, but I hope my perspective adds something.
Your approach seems most logical to me. I guess in certain cases, like Rosetta Stone, where the line has been discontinued it makes sense to use all of the plants regardless of what I think of them to keep as many genetic combinations going as possible.

For the most part I won't be doing that though. Like Genuity said, pick the best male and female and go from there.


Well-Known Member
Your approach seems most logical to me. I guess in certain cases, like Rosetta Stone, where the line has been discontinued it makes sense to use all of the plants regardless of what I think of them to keep as many genetic combinations going as possible.

For the most part I won't be doing that though. Like Genuity said, pick the best male and female and go from there.
Choose a male that looks like it would be the "twin brother" of the nicest female.


Well-Known Member
I've got a pack of Rosetta Stone F2 going in to flower this weekend. I'm hoping to preserve this line somewhat, and it sounds like an open pollination with all females/males is the best way to go. Cool. What if I'm working with a pack of seeds that I'm not trying to preserve the line per se, but I find a really nice female and I want to make some seeds that resemble that female? Is it best to just pick what looks to be the best male from that pack and hit only that one female, or should I take pollen from more than one male and hit that gal, or something else.... and why?

i find in my life i am looking high an low for a male that gives nothing to the equation. lol
true background music . but it wont come in all crosses. so its my unicorn....
open pollenation is a great way to keep phenotype variations. IMO .
but inbred selection( cubing) is still a great way to find the same variables pop up again and again. @Gbuddy knows alot about this . has way more true life experience than i .


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply! So just select what I deem to be the best male and dust the best female with his pollen?
even test your male prospects for potency by cutting a few leaves & smoking them, there can be great variation in whats not obvious to the eye, yet if you get that 1 in a 100,000 males with very visible abundant resin production then you have been gifted something rare


Well-Known Member
even test your male prospects for potency by cutting a few leaves & smoking them, there can be great variation in whats not obvious to the eye, yet if you get that 1 in a 100,000 males with very visible abundant resin production then you have been gifted something rare
great idea!
i smoked some of my gsc x dubking (visible resin) and garlic breath male both got me buzzed to varying degrees lol.
i have noticed that resinious males are becoming more prolific.


Well-Known Member
I've got a pack of Rosetta Stone F2 going in to flower this weekend. I'm hoping to preserve this line somewhat, and it sounds like an open pollination with all females/males is the best way to go. Cool. What if I'm working with a pack of seeds that I'm not trying to preserve the line per se, but I find a really nice female and I want to make some seeds that resemble that female? Is it best to just pick what looks to be the best male from that pack and hit only that one female, or should I take pollen from more than one male and hit that gal, or something else.... and why?

this is exactly the same question im having with my 5yr old original sealed gdp, open pollinate or select the best male? im also wanting to pollinate a string of other strains at the same time with the gdp male/s, i understand the people advising about open pollinate with all males to keep the diversity but in not sure i want the lesser males lowering the overall quality of the final batches of seeds....hmmmmmm, ive always done simple breeding by just choosing the best male then crossing that with the chosen females, soo im leaning on just choosing the best male in my case, its not preserving the original gdp line in the best method but hell i just want the dankest crosses i can make for the moment
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Well-Known Member
jus sayin this is the criteria i look for in my chosen male to be used for breeding, 1. overall health, vigor & structure, 2. not necessarily the earliest flowerer as often these types dont deliver in other areas, definately not the latest flowerer, 3. cut leaves & test smoke for potency

professor KIND

Well-Known Member
yes. ive seen that male before.
and another, beastly heavy duty male froma socal seed company , from the chem line in a different icm@g thread.

the best female. well that's obvious.
i think with "preserving" a line ...i'd use two females. the best two.

i agree with the other fine growers here, one male. generally speaking. for our activity, one stud male. yep that's right. that's what i like to see.

yet, dont let the fuckwad "pros" fool you with their pro "magik" they do what we cant do. end of the day, test grows make you a wizard too. grow what you make. find shit you like & cross it. see traits. go after them.

but that does not invalidate the logic of an open pollenation, & letting nature do its thing.
imo, its the best way to preserve ALL traits... not the just ones you dig.
bunch of seeds gets me what i want ==> w/o your take on it.

now, would i buy that... for example b-man open nl#5... fuck no.

more appy crosses please. strong dude. b-man has a knack for finding a strong dude.
you'll never know what a male does w/o crossing him to a variety of shit and growing or watch y'all grow out those beans

the more you grow the more you look around the web the more you see.... you see things like blue dream dominating no matter what nut sauce you hit her with.

you see the white in crosses. dominating. hash plant style.

you see the cheese in e$ko's pink cheese & every x w/ the cheese.
& you taste the cheese berry haze though. fucking amazing to me !

now look at the males swerve selects. i bet nearly everybody in this thread has run some cali connex.

that f3 svf og male is doo doo. what the fu*k was he thinking? yet, every now and again i see something amazing from dudes gear. every now & again. not regularly like b-man. on swerve's stuff, you'd do better letting nature do its thing & then do your thing large scale & select what you like via a more intelligent process (you call your own).

you see? open pollenation has a purpose.

however, the pot nerd wants traits, characteristics, growth rates, structure, and more passed to the next gen.

and ecsd was a mistake.
nobdy breed shit. just happened via a hermi.

i still say to preserve the rosetta stone, in a weed nerd way, two females & two males.
let nature do its thing. you just stack the odds with the 2 best males & females.

then s#nd me 25 beans & we'll see whats what :-)

professor KIND

Well-Known Member
i dont what it is about plants in the lab...

but im dying laughing thinking ....there's ALWAYS one plant i got my eye on !

The way I do it,I pop 12 about 4 weeks veg I start my selection.
I sit my plants in front of me,and just look at them,and look at my mind I already know which plant I want to be male.

After sex,and I got all the males + the one I had my eye on...I start my selection on them


Well-Known Member
I saw some amazing pics of a stud muffin male of Tres Dwag. Check it out

I think by letting the male fully flower out you will get to see his true beauty. Let him get big and flower him smell him, vigor, strength, yield, look at trichs and I've heard of people smoking the top of the male too
BOOM ! that male has resin where i thinkit sould be . in the flowers . i was hypotisizing to some breeder homies that fan leaf male resin without resin on the stalks is cool but not the best . i want resin in the flower not the trim.
FYI i have smoked most of my male tops . out of 50-60 males fully flowered of 30-40 varietys only 3 have shown visible trichs ...


Well-Known Member

professor KIND

Well-Known Member

i dont see many crosses with the rosetta stone.

had to look up the lineage , knew it was a grimm strain though.

oddly, i remember seeing a cross with it done by kannibia (spain).

there's a review from 5/2015 ...noting rosetta is super frosty & a keeper for the guy who grew it.

Mr Soul notes the male is from greenhouse seeds :

"Princess has a sister I call "Cafe' Girl", which makes a GREAT production plant. Her flowering time is just under 7 weeks of 12/12. The colas are BIG and DENSE and RESINOUS. Her buds taste like Ginger Ale & the high is quite like the old Colombian Gold we used to smoke in the late 70's...very warm, friendly and non-paranoia inducing. She's an excellent yielding plant to boot; I could fill my 4'x8' flowering space with 40 clones of Cafe' Girl and easily yield 60 ounces of Grade "A" sinse...that's an average of 1.5 ounces per plant even @ 1.25 plants per square foot! Cafe' Girl is the mother of "Rosetta Stone", a White Widow hybrid."

"The male White Widow from Green House actually had resinous leaves!"

"we purchased dozens of seeds from Greenhouse Seed Bank and planted them all. From this huge sample group of White Widow individuals, a single outstanding male and female were chosen after much evaluation. Some BG hybrids (Rosetta Stone, Sugar Blossoms, etc...) have already been created from the selected male plant and the public's response to them has been extremely favorable."