This mix of the recessive webbed leaf combined with the Autoflower trait making for quite the gong show...

So far, I have about 15 show female...(crazy..these are not feminized)
-3 have shown to be male...Hermie..noticed a pistil in each one...
-8 more have not yet shown sex..
- About 5 plants I just culled..

Need just one straight male in this project...

Additiinally, of the original seeds sprouted one was a tri-leaf plant..Very nice and bushy...and a very high percentage of double sprouts (3) of the 35 or so seeds Ive popped..

Keep in mind that webbed leaf would have imparted some pretty wonky genes...not to mention the autoflower.
Looking through these plants I get the impression my light spectrum may have influenced my concentration of females...thoughts? Yes/No?
I have 4 Meizhi 450's...I just flipped on the Veg..not the Bloom buttons to start with..which concentrate the Blue spectrum and keasnted..Just find the ratio of females to males extremely skewed..
Anyone notice the same..I've read speculation that more Blue in initial stages can influence.
I would agree..seeds influence sex of plant..among other things...I must admit, Im still on the fence as to whether outcome is 100% predetermined though
There is such a thing as averages compared to a standard deviation, we like to think that a pack will give you an average that is as specific as a standard deviation when in reality you only get that as you approach infinity number of packs. Think of it this way when you get a whole bunch of females like that and you’re all stoked, some poor fucker just grew out 13 males in one pack. Be thankful!

Of course there is predetermining sex, that’s why you can get genetic sexing.
Unfortunately, I've run into a bit of a Murphy's Law here as I've become that poor fucker in a sense as I'm looking for that stable male...
Granted, if the end game was making great big buds...then I'd be smiling..
No worries..plants look great and I have a few decent prospects that may turn out to be male including that bushy tri-leaf...

Not to mention, I'm enjoying myself with this project. :)

Mr Toad
Just curious - what do you guys look for in males?

I culled a couple of very nice copper chem males last night because I don't want to make seeds right now.
They were both relatively short with great structure. Neither one had much of a stem rub.

They both looked better than all of the females -- except one.
Running a decent handful right now. I’m getting more ladies this round, more often than not I get less than 1/2 males. Luck of the draw I guess, sucks when you’re trying to find nice males though.
Just curious - what do you guys look for in males?

I culled a couple of very nice copper chem males last night because I don't want to make seeds right now.
They were both relatively short with great structure. Neither one had much of a stem rub.

They both looked better than all of the females -- except one.
It depends in whether my breeding project is.focused on photo oeriod or autos..
For photos...vigor, tons of pollen, smell, structure and intermodal spacing...
For autos..I tweak that to determine a longer or shorter vegetation period depending on my objectives...

If I were you, I would try to save some of that pollen...if you think you might be missing something..once it falls off the plant..shake it on to some glass or mirror and let it dry for a A couple days...add approximately 10x the amount if baking flour to act as desiccant..put in a gel cap which can be purchased from health food stores...put into a second sealed container..test tube or pill container then freeze for a later date..
