Chuck's Newb Help <--- An Educated Newb!


New Member
I got some info for you onthedl. And for anyone else who is interested.

Boron - involved in carbohydrate transport in plants; it also assists in metabolic regulation.

Chlorine - for osmosis and ionic balance, it also plays a role in photosynthesis

Cobalt - catalyst(speeds up reaction rate) in nitrogen fixation.

Copper - a component of enzymes and vitamin A.

Iron - for chlorophyll synthesis

Manganese - enables enzymes involved in chlorophyll formation.

Molybdenum - reduces nitrates into usable forms.

Zinc - aids in chlorophyll formation also enables enzymes.


Well-Known Member
if you are such a fucking hotshot what are you doing on the newb forums?

creeping around trying to make yourself good? Hmm?

You look like a damn fool to me.

Go start your own thread if you think you can do better. And i look nothing up for answering questions. That is evident by me not answering a users question about clones. I could have looked it up but im not taking that much time out of my day to help newbs. If I have to look it up then they can.

Like i said,, if you are so much better then strat your own thread... nobody is stopping you hotshot.

you still talking ??? lol u JOKE, u dont even know what PH is nor what calyx is u sucker!!! keeep talking numpty