Well, I'm not a betting man unless it is a sure thing....and this is not surely. But, if there is some meat to the one issue of deceiving Congress, then I imagine it will be someone in State takes the fall.
It all depends on what Congress was told in secret.
If the assessment of the CIA about Ansar Al Sharia..(cute name) was withheld from even the secret side of Congress, that is very bad, under our Law. Congress has the oversight duties, for State, Defense, Commerce...all of it. It is illegal to withhold information from them.
But, I get the feeling those in need to know, did know. And so far this seems like politics.
So, make no mistake. This is how it works. The Congress is us. If WE get aroused by actual national security cover-up...then WE will change the Congress. That Congress will attempt to Impeach the President, if WE want them to. If strict proof can be found, he is gone. That the system...the small part we see is Politics.