as video said, the smoke contains about 4000+ compounds which are largely toxic, but this to human, plants for example use nicotine to kill bugs eating them, if you eat a pack of smokes this will put you either up to the lord's place or somewhere else. not so with a plant, that is why nicotine is used in gardening to spray plants to get bugs of them. same time can the tar contained in the smoke plug up the gaps on the underside of the leaves which the plant use to breath with, pretty much like with an human lung. so the smoke can harm a plant, the tobacco itself can be used as medicine. if you going for such treatment look for brands that use organic tobacco such as "American Spirit" or so. such brands use pure organic tobacco which is not chemical treated.Amongst other things, cigarette smoke has Formaldehyde, and Pesticides in it. Cigarette smoke contains over 4000 chemical compounds. Many are toxic, and some are known to be carcinogenic.
It is very bad to smoke around your babies.