Cigarette can really screw up your grow.

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Sadly I've had to learn the hard way about Tobacco Mosiac Virus (YMV).

Handling your plants without gloves after smoking cigarettes can cause a very nasty virus called Tobacco Mosiac Virus:

Not only does it screw up the plant you've handled, it'll spread to your entire grow room. This is serious shit.

Here's what it looks like:


Bud growth stops, and the plant dies pretty quickly......and any plant that has physical contact with the infected plant also gets infected.

In my case this has shown up around week 4-5 of 12/12.

Technically, there's no cure for this other than tossing your plants. There is however ways of propping up your plant's immune system. There's an expensive way and (supposedly) a cheap way of boosting a plants immune system to fend off the negative effects of YMV.

The expensive way is using RNA Pro at a mere $300 for an 8 ounce bottle (it does 50 gals)

Or the home-remedy of mixing low-dose aspirin with water.

Depending on the thread you read, the aspirin works or doesn't work. I'm about to give it a try tonight on all my plants.

Here's two of my Pineapple Expresses that are showing signs of YMV:


As you can see they are too nice of plants to chop down....I hope.

Here's a close-up of one of the plants showing the first signs of trouble (I've had two die already and now know the symptoms)


I'll be pulling out all my other plants tonight and after lights-off disinfecting my flower room Which looks pretty empty after pulling the five infected plants.


To prevent this from happening, always wear gloves when handling plants and keep your trimmers clean.
That's fucked. I smoke and cut about the plants.

Needless to say I will be taking precautions from here on out. Seems like you have looked into this and I have heard that nicotine can poison plants. Good enough for me to wear gloves.

I too have smoked around my plants for years without a problem.

I've spent the last 10 hours researching this and am totally convince that YVM does exist in marijuana plants. I wouldn't put a post up like this if I hadn't as I am not one to perpetuate myths on here.
My first plant that had this died within days of my first noticing the black edges on my plant's leaves. Mag and/or Nitrogen deficiencies would not kill a plant in such short order.

This isn't my first rodeo, and while I don't consider myself any sort of expert, I do know the difference between nutrient problems and what I'm experiencing now. As far as the suggestion that I Google this issue, that's exactly what I've been doing all day long.

There are many threads on various grow sites that discuss this problem, and more than a few have tested their plants for this virus and the results were positive.

If you feel that I'm all wet on this, that is your choice, and I'll be glad to read any scientific studies on YVM and marijuana. Believe me, I would love to be convinced that it does not exist.
Sadly I've had to learn the hard way about Tobacco Mosiac Virus (YMV).

Handling your plants without gloves after smoking cigarettes can cause a very nasty virus called Tobacco Mosiac Virus:

Not only does it screw up the plant you've handled, it'll spread to your entire grow room. This is serious shit.

Here's what it looks like:


Bud growth stops, and the plant dies pretty quickly......and any plant that has physical contact with the infected plant also gets infected.

In my case this has shown up around week 4-5 of 12/12.

Technically, there's no cure for this other than tossing your plants. There is however ways of propping up your plant's immune system. There's an expensive way and (supposedly) a cheap way of boosting a plants immune system to fend off the negative effects of YMV.

The expensive way is using RNA Pro at a mere $300 for an 8 ounce bottle (it does 50 gals)

Or the home-remedy of mixing low-dose aspirin with water.

Depending on the thread you read, the aspirin works or doesn't work. I'm about to give it a try tonight on all my plants.

Here's two of my Pineapple Expresses that are showing signs of YMV:


As you can see they are too nice of plants to chop down....I hope.

Here's a close-up of one of the plants showing the first signs of trouble (I've had two die already and now know the symptoms)


I'll be pulling out all my other plants tonight and after lights-off disinfecting my flower room Which looks pretty empty after pulling the five infected plants.


To prevent this from happening, always wear gloves when handling plants and keep your trimmers clean.
i have been smoking cigs longer then i have grown weed i always touch my plants i even smoke in the room with them for over 10 years without ever an issue i have an ash tray with cig butts in that room for when i smoke i have never once in my life have ever got an issue from cig smoke rezen mildew any thing
Sadly I've had to learn the hard way about Tobacco Mosiac Virus (YMV).

Handling your plants without gloves after smoking cigarettes can cause a very nasty virus called Tobacco Mosiac Virus:

Not only does it screw up the plant you've handled, it'll spread to your entire grow room. This is serious shit.

Here's what it looks like:


Bud growth stops, and the plant dies pretty quickly......and any plant that has physical contact with the infected plant also gets infected.

In my case this has shown up around week 4-5 of 12/12.

Technically, there's no cure for this other than tossing your plants. There is however ways of propping up your plant's immune system. There's an expensive way and (supposedly) a cheap way of boosting a plants immune system to fend off the negative effects of YMV.

The expensive way is using RNA Pro at a mere $300 for an 8 ounce bottle (it does 50 gals)

Or the home-remedy of mixing low-dose aspirin with water.

Depending on the thread you read, the aspirin works or doesn't work. I'm about to give it a try tonight on all my plants.

Here's two of my Pineapple Expresses that are showing signs of YMV:


As you can see they are too nice of plants to chop down....I hope.

Here's a close-up of one of the plants showing the first signs of trouble (I've had two die already and now know the symptoms)


I'll be pulling out all my other plants tonight and after lights-off disinfecting my flower room Which looks pretty empty after pulling the five infected plants.


To prevent this from happening, always wear gloves when handling plants and keep your trimmers clean.
be honest u may have some other underline issues with the plants mild root rots over fert who knows im not there looking at them myself so i couldent tell ya but as far as cig smoke goes u would have to gas em with the smoke ;)
i have been smoking cigs longer then i have grown weed i always touch my plants i even smoke in the room with them for over 10 years without ever an issue i have an ash tray with cig butts in that room for when i smoke i have never once in my life have ever got an issue from cig smoke rezen mildew any thing

Ditto.....and when it got me the first time I too thought it was bullshit.

God, I wish it was bullshit.
It's not the smoking around the plants that cause this. It's the physical handling of the plants with unwashed hands that starts the ball rolling on this.
It's not the smoking around the plants that cause this. It's the physical handling of the plants with unwashed hands that starts the ball rolling on this.
done that for plenty of years without zero issues cant see how the smoke on the hands would affect the plant at all maybe if u had a wicked yeast infection
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