ciggaretts are the devil


i stopped for a month then lost my motivation(girlfriend) and got the opposite a girlfriend who smokes but i went from 2 packs a day to 3-4 a day haha talking about cigarettes makes me wan2 smoke!

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
but thanx everyone for the support everything is goin as good as i can so far lol but im movin down to 4 this wed, gettin pumped for it lol,

i notice because well people are gettin mad at me , that i am bein a lil bit of a dick and edgy after too long and i can actually tell!!
any sugestions??


Well-Known Member
I've never been able to ween myself off anything, it's either cold turkey or nothing. I didn't smoke Cigs, but I did smoke cigars, and am glad I quit cold turkey.


Well-Known Member
ignore the nay-sayers, you'll get there in the end, same methods dont work for everyone. just stay focused on what you know needs to be done to help you quit and stick with it. the people who are saying those things dont really matter. you know your doing good and improving and working through this important change in your life. stay strong. lol

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
yeah , i explain it to everyone , and its not them sayin anything wrong , i just feel kinda bad lol:fire:
but im doin good today smoked 3 so got two left for the day lmao!!
and thanx again buddies for the support!!

i grow everglades bud

Well-Known Member
ok guys its wednesday and i fucked up , i wanted to start smokin two a day and im on 3 so im doin 5 today or less if i can and starting my two a day tomorrow!!


Active Member
goodluck man i quit cold turkey at noon today its now 8pm and i just had dinner and im craving one bad but im not gonna give in...these forums are really supportive...


Active Member
im kinda of nervous though i only have a bowls worth of herb left and idk when ill be able to get more seeing as i jus moved and i know kno one :-( so if i dont have any bud im really gonna be craving a cig tomarrow...oh well...stay love :leaf: