cigs & MG have a question...


Well-Known Member
I have a friend that never smoked weed, but he quit smoking cigs years ago. he said he was a 2 pk a day smoker.

Question is, if he smokes weed, will he want to smoke cigs again?? he is afraid he will get hook on cigs again.

I never smoked cigs, so I don't know what to tell him.

Mel O'Cheddar

Active Member
For a while I used MJ as a substitute for cigs. Doesn't bother me in the least now. It's really all in how strongly he is reminded of cigs. I bet he'll be okay.


Well-Known Member
mj is still bad for you but it will taste 100X better so hell prob just smoke lalot of mj instead of wacky tabacky
incorrect mj is not bad for you and has never cause anyone lung problems. if you smoke blunts or papers you will be affected by the paper or leaf only