Dandilion Patch
Active Member
Hey guys, wondering if there is any growers near the Sincinnati. Thinking about creating a group for all of us to join and share info. Anybody interested?
Obviously your welcome ClevelandsJust make it the Ohio group!
No limits you say? Even on roulette? If that's the case, I may have to travel south for a weekend.That casino is such a joke. All it does is rob you of your $ and send you out on the road with a bunch of lousy ass drunk drivers!! Woo Hoo go " Horse Shit Casino"!! On their parking garage they have a giant sign that says "We don't set limits, We set standards" and under that is another sign with their phone # and a kittle advertisement for a gambling addiction hotline. It's funny that in order for them to advertise and exist they have to put up signs about gambling addiction, but it's perfectly legal and all good. Marijuana is a completely harmless medicine for me I don't support gangs or drug dealers obtaining my meds and have never hurt anyone in the process or acquiring my meds but yet "f@#k you" they're still illegal!! I have to call bull shit on that one. Any way yeah casino woo hoo. So I'm really glad to chat brother I don't know anyone really in the area that grows, like I said earlier just a couple of good ol boys a little south. So what do you have goin at the moment and what's good?out
I feel ya man, im gonna start some seeds inside here in a few days, they're going outside mid aprilThe fucking weather wont break up here i can't get anything outside yet! fuckin sucks you guys!