cinderela 99 x master

thump easy

Well-Known Member
well their is a big hype going around in this roll it up i thought i would share some moments with you even thow im not populare at all just a smuck trien to learn a thing or two... hope she grows cuzz its been twenty days n its like she just doesnt want to put out!!!!!!!! :shock: cinderilla 99 x master og.jpg

thump easy

Well-Known Member
ima give her five more days n im flowering no luck man she is stretching so i am gona trim her out from the bottom n see if she stretches?

thump easy

Well-Known Member
thier r no sighns or root rot no sighns of over feeding no sighns of overnutrients im not shure what the deal is but she just grown about another two inches i dont know what the deal is so im gona bust out vitamin b n supper thrive to see if she will grow cuz she is only 12 inches im so curious as to see what all the hype is but if she wont streach i dont want to waist light on her???? dwarfs dont exzactly do justice to the product at the end totaly diffrent look and smell.. if i runn a dwarf...

thump easy

Well-Known Member
dont worry cinderella fans i got you.. the plant stayed at that size i had to take cuts in the process of starting the plant over to hope for a bigger plant so it can be worthy of taking up light.. ill keep you posted.. it seems like people dont say nothing but im getting hits lolz dont trip i aint an ass hole i am a cheeze ball. thump cheezie...

thump easy

Well-Known Member
okay i got to knock off the webs of this thread and dust FWWWWWWOOOOOOOO....... okay i got ROOTS BABIE i cut the old one down she went threw a bit of shock and well they were not that great looking almost not the greatest both were runts one of the two was the healthier one i cut clipping off and well i see roots :) so maybe tomorrow i will post the beginning of the Cinderella 99 x master it would be my pleasure and no not showing off im doing it strickley for observation... i hope you enjoy this...

thump easy

Well-Known Member
No i think its because im a lil loco in dome.. well hear is the cindy 99 and the master she is a shorty but great girls come in small pakages too. for were art thow cinderella 99.jpg

thump easy

Well-Known Member
she is looking juicey same plant a long ass time ago finaly got around to it.. thank you stocktan california up north guys. well know it s down south cant wait she stinks realy good candish!hello wasabbbeee 020.jpg

thump easy

Well-Known Member
Her she beee the cut i got a few other pics but ill post this im lazzy after a corona and some bud i smoked out my boy with the sizzor has he kept say i feel the OGEE! in it! lolz thier is no ogee in it!!! dam im happy i was able to buy a carls jr hamburger. fucken suck eating that top romen shit.. me so happy ;)yo moma roofing gee 026.jpg

thump easy

Well-Known Member
my conclusion to this one is she is just a shorty she streches at the end it takes a good month to get her on her way, this one is my tester i got a two more in the aroe two diffrent monsters ill post the others she does better in the coco i dont know y but she likes a stable ground i guess but the others are shorter and more packed with trieks and chunkier but shorties for shure total winer she smells like white ziffendal wine... ill post wen dry.. this is one ima take to the cup.. this year.

thump easy

Well-Known Member
shit let me trade you a cut of what ever i got i need that strain my friend im fond of the c 99 from hear on out.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
yeh i like C99 crosses to , i like em better than C99 straight i think .. i like the speed of them to :)

i dont got any cuts, the plants are only 2wks old

thump easy

Well-Known Member
lolz ya fucken porn is addicting woowh i shure got to put a lock on my computer hear this time that shit aint no joke... owwww no more please no more porn my shit gona shrible up and fall off lolz hahahaha