circuit breaker trip

Desert Plains

Active Member
How much power can one socket take before it gets overloaded and trips the circuit breaker?

Just want to take serious precautions. Better to know then think I know and fuck everything up.


Well-Known Member
you really need to check your circuit breaker thats only only way to know for sure but generally 15-25 amps. but remember thats per circuit not per outlet. 1000 watts is roughly going to pull 9.2 amps. like i said if you have other big items on that circuit. example A/C, refrigerators you get it. i had a problem when i started my grow i had my window a/c around 1100 watts plus light and fans another 600 watts, and computer plus TV, all on the same circuit, i didnt know they were all together, but found out quickly because everytime the A/C would cycle on all lights in apartment and grow closet dimmed for a sec then came back to full power. not good if your using HighOutput lights even if not still not good for electronics. so i had to use power other circuits to run my lights once i did that it cleared up. but like i said originally depends whats on that circuit. hope i didnt ramble on to much and hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
I just put in a new 20 amp breaker and ran a new outlet into my room. Makes life a lot easier that way. I was tripping the breaker every couple of days when the fan or lights would kick on.

Pretty much every outlet in your house is sharing the same 15 amp line. Usually one 15 amp breaker for all the outlets on one floor. Kitchen usually has 2 15 amp breakers.