Circuit Breaker Trips every time I open my grow tent

Ok, I this is my first grow tent (4x4, four plant DWC set up). So far doing well, plants looks amazing, however recently I have been having an issue with the circuit breaker...

Every time I open my tent to check on things (I only do this once a day, at night), the circuit breaker pops killing the light and fans…At no other time does the circuit breaker trip, only when i open the tent.

What would cause this? It is currently winter time and my tent is in my garage, which is about 30-40 degrees on average right now. Inside the tent its about 70-80 i believe. Would the change in temp from opening the tent cause the light (1000w HPS) to trip the breaker? Inside my tent I have a 1000w HPS with a 6inch inline fan keeping it cool, a 4in inline fan/filter combo for smell, an air pump for the buckets and an osculating fan. My garage is running on a 15amp breaker. I am able to get the light back on quick enough that it doesnt seem to be affecting the flowering process yet, but its really annoying. I have tried unplugging the fan/filter to lower the amps being used when I open the tent, but the breaker still pops sometime when I open the tent. I am at a loss, PLEASE HELP!!!


Active Member
That's an odd one for sure. Is this your main circuit tripping or your contactor? It sounds like a prank I'd play on growing friends...

The only thing I can think of is dodgy wiring somewhere along the line, you might want to look into grounding the tent frame.


Something having to do with your tent opening is causing it. Perhaps the change in air pressure/how hard fans drawing air flow could cause a flux in amperage. Are u sure nobody could b playing a prank? Now I'm intrigued please post any answers if found
no pranks, trust me. The breakers are all spilt 15amp breakers and only one side of it pops whenever it happens, and its only the garage breaker that pops, rest of the house is fine, dont know if that means anything...

I thought it might be an increased air suction issue as well, so started unplugging the fan/filter before opening the tent, but the breaker still pops a few mins after I open the tent...

how would i ground the tent frame?


Well-Known Member
Try running all fans on one circuit and the light on its own. If that don't fix it, you've got wiring problems. Or your growroom is haunted.


Well-Known Member
N.America or Europe? different electric systems matter
your 1k light will draw about 10 amps( if US), your fans & pumps will draw a few more. anything else on that circuit? garage lights?
sounds like you are running the circuit at max all the time.a temp flux could cause the light or fan to draw more for a do you keep them warm at lights out? a heater that only kicks when the lights are out?
I would put the light on a different circuit to see if it trips that as well. use a heavy 12 gauge cord only as long as you need. if the problem follows the light, it will have something to do w/ the ballast,if not move the fans to the cord & see if the problem follows a could be a wiring issue but my guess is just a overloaded circuit.
I'm in N. America, I agree that it's most likely a circuit overload, problem is that the other half of the split breaker runs the bedroom lights on the other side of the house. So i can't run a cord all the way across my house. So I'm kind of stuck with the garage outlets.

I do have a portable forced air heater that only comes on when the temp dips past 60, but it's never on when the light is on. I will continue to unplug the fan/filter before I open the tent, but the light still pops sometimes after a few mins of having the tent open which is weird. That why it makes me think the breaker trip has something to do with the temp change when I open the tent.

How else would you ground a tent if you can't touch earth (I'm in a concrete garage). What does grounding have to do with preventing a breaker trip?


Well-Known Member
1st why do you need to be on other half of same breaker? find an outlet near the garage that doesn't have a heavy load & use that. this isn't a fix, just a way to determine what is causing the sounds like you will need a new circuit run to the garage
a forced air heater will draw at least 5-10 amps.are you sure it doesn't kick on when you open the tent & let the cold air into the tent?
my guess is it is the heater & light together that is blowing the breaker.can you unplug the heater before you open the tent?


Active Member
What does grounding have to do with preventing a breaker trip?
I really shouldn't give electrical advice after large bong hits, sorry Stephen. It was just from the description I had it in my head this was happening as soon as you pulled the zip down and the zip was causing a ground fault. (Honestly I've seen stranger electrical faults than that) There is most likely an overloaded breaker happening here but the fact it only happens when you pull the tent open is suggestive of a short circuit; I'd unplug and carefully inspect all wiring starting with the ballast.


New Member
I'm in N. America, I agree that it's most likely a circuit overload

I do have a portable forced air heater that only comes on when the temp dips past 60, but it's never on when the light is on.
You have to be activating the thermostat on your heater when you open the tent door and that 30-40 degrees garage air enters your grow tent.
So when the heater tries to turn on the breaker trips.

IMO, over loaded circuit bro.
Man, I didnt know that the little heater would cause such a spike in the amps when it comes on. I think it is the heater kicking on when I open the tent, that is tripping the breaker…thanks guys!

I think I will put the heater on its own timer so that it only comes on when the light is off, that should fix things!

I'll keep you all posted if it keeps occurring….


Well-Known Member
make sure your timer can handle the load of the heater. maybe run the heater on a low setting.
a timer is a short term fix. you are still running dangerously close to the max on that circuit.


Active Member
Those little heaters draw 1000-1500 watts. Check the label, but I know they draw a lot of current.

You could change to a 20 amp breaker or a new 15 amp. (if it's not the heater) I have seen breakers go bad.


Undercover Mod
You might want to check the breaker, It may be bad contact. I had that recently and it melted the breaker


New Member
Man, I didnt know that the little heater would cause such a spike in the amps when it comes on. I think it is the heater kicking on when I open the tent, that is tripping the breaker…thanks guys!

I think I will put the heater on its own timer so that it only comes on when the light is off, that should fix things!

I'll keep you all posted if it keeps occurring….
If ya can, unplug your heater before you open your tent door, if your breakers don't trip, problem solved.
But it really sounds like you have an over loaded 15amp circuit, be careful bro.


Well-Known Member
......You could change to a 20 amp breaker or a new 15 amp. ....
please dont replace the 15 amp breaker w/ a 20. that is a fire waiting to happen. if you want to go to a 20 amp breaker, you will have to replace the all the wiring on that circuit.