Citric Acid lowers PPMs

Thanks! It's one of the more useful things I've come across lately, I think it's great for coco growers who don't want to invest in RO equipment.
Ya. I have a huge bag of it. It's cheap as hell. I use 1/8 tsp per 2 gals water when I use it. Or 1/16 tsp per gal, but I don't have a measuring spoon that small. That drops it about a point. From around 7.8 to around 6.5 or 6.8 (I can't remember exactly).

It can also be used to make sour gummies. Or even better koolaid and sugar. KoolAid packets are almost pure citric acid with some flavoring. I dip some of my gummies in it when I eat them. You can do different flavored sour mixtures just by using different KookAid flavors.

OK, so much for what I said about it staying on topic. My bad, lol.
Hello all,
I just noticed this and thought it might not be common knowledge...or maybe it is, idk. I've been messing around with my water a lot lately, testing it, testing various PH up/down options, etc. This is the first time I've used this source of water to grow indoors and it's moderately around 7.5 and average 300 ppm. I've always used citric acid to lower PH in the past because I typically used organic nutes and I figured it was the safest thing for my microherd, and it's incredibly potent-I used to use a mg scale to measure it out, but today I just tried to eyeball it and if you're only adjusting a gallon of water at a time, you only need the tiniest pinch of it. What I realized was that the amount I used to lower my PH from 7.5 to 6 ended up lowering my PPMs by around 80-100 ppms. That's all- it's very consistent too. I've subsequently verified this phenomenon by way of the internet and lots of science words, but it doesn't seem to be especially common knowledge on the cannabis boards. I thought it might be useful for others struggling with high alkalinity water, since the more common PH down products (phosphoric acid) actually ADD ppms. For the past few weeks I actually thought my TDS pen was super inaccurate because of this, so I have another one in the mail right now-well, mystery solved!

Merry Xmas peeps, I hope Santa stuffed your stocking with citric acid!

how do you add it? in what form? thanks.
I get the hard water scale around my drains in coco,my ppm is 150 tap.I also feed my organic straight tap,7.2ph ish.
Is this something I should be adding?I know my grow store has some.
how do you add it? in what form? thanks.
I just got a pound of citric acid from amazon, it's cheap and if you use it as a PH down, that amount will last a really long time. You use it in extremely small amounts-I'm planning on getting a cheap mg scale so I can measure out the exact amount I need, but if you want to try it, start with like 1/16 of a teaspoon for 2-3 gallons of water and see how much it goes down, from there you can figure out how much will work for you.
fwiw, I checked my bottle of Earth Juice PH down and sure enough... 100% citric acid. One thing I do know is when I put it in, it is by tiny pinches at a time for 4-5 gallon. Real easy to overshoot if making smaller batches. I mix with a stick blender and then come back to it after a while after PH settles. I need to check ec next time
Keep in mind that an EC measurement is not true elemental PPM.
You're right, I think the acid is just converting some of the bicarbonates into Co2, so the other salts that could be problematic are still there, but reducing the bicarbonates can still be beneficial for PH stability.