City Cops exchanging tickets for consent to search



i've been pulled over similar to this actually.
I used to read the police "Police Beat" in my local paper as a teenager and would always see shit like that. There would be like 8 or 9 instances of broken vehicle lights that resulted in drug arrests. Of course there were 20 or 30 instances of burglaries taking place at the same time Bufford T Justice was fucking with Little Johnny of half a joint in the ash tray.

Of course, our cops were super-corrupt. Racketeers, murderers, you name it.


oops, my mistake. :eyesmoke:

oxycodone and oxycontin are a little different. just so you know.

ones instant release. percocets, and roxicets {30's} and oxycontin is grandual relase. pretty much the same beast though. i kinda like the roxi 30s...... that shit will have you scratching your nutts in the most enjoyable way:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
If they have a warrent they're gonna come in. If they don't, they're not coming in. Thats that and there it is.


Well-Known Member
My friend has been pulled over twice in past couple months(I forget what for, something small like a tail light out) and both times the officer has offered to withdraw the ticket and give him a warning if he gave consent to search the car.

I can't pin point what it is but something make me feel that this is wrong or a trick.
If, like my friend, I had nothing in the car for sure I would be happy to do this. I'm just wondering what this is because I have never heard of it before.
Consent to search already has enough grey areas it seems this could just add to that

Has anyone else had this happen?
no never happened to me.But you know what is relly in your car for ex. you give some friends a ride 1 of them drops something roll under the seat you dont know the cop pulls you over you say go ahead i give consent and its your ass on the line NEVER CONSENT TO ANYTHING EVER not to mention you have your durty piglets out there...