Civil Discourse

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I'm just trying to make sense of the gobbledogook you've presented here. Evidently you have trouble with reading and I admit my post wouldn't pass muster in an English class. So I'll break my post down to prevent you from conflating different ideas and confusing yourself.

Ron Paul is a raving racist as shown by his newsletter which he quite clearly used as a political vehicle as well as for profit. He has never disowned the essays in his newsletter or apologized for it. You never cited where he disavowed it either.

In the US, white supremacists endorse your states rights libertarian ideology because they know they would have their way in certain states, mostly in the South. The reason I'm harping on racism implicit in the beliefs you espouse is civil rights are not something that can be diminished based upon the will of a majority. Not to mention the harm it does to it's victims.
What do you mean by civil rights?
What do you mean by civil rights?
Civil and political rights are a class of rights that protect individuals' freedom from infringement by governments, social organizations, and private individuals. They ensure one's ability to participate in the civil and political life of the society and state without discrimination or repression.

Civil rights include the ensuring of peoples' physical and mental integrity, life, and safety; protection from discrimination on grounds such as race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, color, age, political affiliation, ethnicity, religion, and disability;[1][2][3] and individual rights such as privacy and the freedoms of thought, speech, religion, press, assembly, and movement.

I'd appreciate if you would cite a source where Ron Paul disavowed the racist essays published in a newsletter that he owned and carried his name in the title.
Civil and political rights are a class of rights that protect individuals' freedom from infringement by governments, social organizations, and private individuals. They ensure one's ability to participate in the civil and political life of the society and state without discrimination or repression.

Civil rights include the ensuring of peoples' physical and mental integrity, life, and safety; protection from discrimination on grounds such as race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, color, age, political affiliation, ethnicity, religion, and disability;[1][2][3] and individual rights such as privacy and the freedoms of thought, speech, religion, press, assembly, and movement.

I'd appreciate if you would cite a source where Ron Paul disavowed the racist essays published in a newsletter that he owned and carried his name in the title.
I agree with the individual rights, (the bill of rights) but not the rest at a federal level. I think people should be able to discriminate if they want to. We all discriminate when it comes to choosing a mate, among a lot of other things. I personally have no anger or hate for any groups or even individuals, but some do, and I think we would all be better off if it was out in the open, not hiding in the shadows. Think about it. You may have been patronizing someone who hates you for years. You would not know.
Civil and political rights are a class of rights that protect individuals' freedom from infringement by governments, social organizations, and private individuals. They ensure one's ability to participate in the civil and political life of the society and state without discrimination or repression.

Civil rights include the ensuring of peoples' physical and mental integrity, life, and safety; protection from discrimination on grounds such as race, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, color, age, political affiliation, ethnicity, religion, and disability;[1][2][3] and individual rights such as privacy and the freedoms of thought, speech, religion, press, assembly, and movement.

I'd appreciate if you would cite a source where Ron Paul disavowed the racist essays published in a newsletter that he owned and carried his name in the title.
I agree with the individual rights, (the bill of rights) but not the rest at a federal level. I think people should be able to discriminate if they want to. We all discriminate when it comes to choosing a mate, among a lot of other things. I personally have no anger or hate for any groups or even individuals, but some do, and I think we would all be better off if it was out in the open, not hiding in the shadows. Think about it. You may have been patronizing someone who hates you for years. You would not know.

I don’t think they hate him. I bet he’s an ok guy when he’s not behind his beloved computer trying to keep up with his troll friends.

They just wish he would stop talking. ;-)
I agree with the individual rights, (the bill of rights) but not the rest at a federal level. I think people should be able to discriminate if they want to. We all discriminate when it comes to choosing a mate, among a lot of other things. I personally have no anger or hate for any groups or even individuals, but some do, and I think we would all be better off if it was out in the open, not hiding in the shadows. Think about it. You may have been patronizing someone who hates you for years. You would not know.
The SCOTUS's rulings upholding civil rights laws are law of the land. Your guy Trump is working to break the SCOTUS to right wing policies. So I can see why you like him.

LOL. Choosing a mate is like Banks charging higher interest rate for black people or paying black people 30% less than white people doing the same job.

Racists and racism are very uncivil. Please refrain from being racist.
Lol at the denial to support their assertions.
"I didn't write the essays that were published in a newsletter that I had named after myself and owned".

That's your idea of making ok? Did you read any of the vile stuff said in that newsletter? It was especially harmful considering the times and legislation that was wholly endorsed in those essays. Nope. A full apology and actions to remedy the effects of his racist propaganda might make him less offensive to people who oppose racism.

Let me ask you: Do you think that black people experience hardship in this society by virtue of their skin color?
"I didn't write the essays that were published in a newsletter that I had named after myself and owned".

That's your idea of making ok? Did you read any of the vile stuff said in that newsletter? It was especially harmful considering the times and legislation that was wholly endorsed in those essays. Nope. A full apology and actions to remedy the effects of his racist propaganda might make him less offensive to people who oppose racism.

Let me ask you: Do you think that black people experience hardship in this society by virtue of their skin color?

I’m aware of all the facts. I just think you talk to yourself too much.

Poor forever triggered complain about everyone but himself dog.
"I didn't write the essays that were published in a newsletter that I had named after myself and owned".

That's your idea of making ok? Did you read any of the vile stuff said in that newsletter? It was especially harmful considering the times and legislation that was wholly endorsed in those essays. Nope. A full apology and actions to remedy the effects of his racist propaganda might make him less offensive to people who oppose racism.

Let me ask you: Do you think that black people experience hardship in this society by virtue of their skin color?
First he never disavowed it. Now it doesn't matter that he disavowed it. I think they call that moving the goalposts. I believe that black people do experience hardship by virtue of their skin color in America. People who are aware of crime statistics and test scores and census data have to fight against that knowledge to see the great individuals that are definitely out there all over the place. It would surprise me if that did not cost an opportunity or two throughout a life.
First he never disavowed it. Now it doesn't matter that he disavowed it. I think they call that moving the goalposts. I believe that black people do experience hardship by virtue of their skin color in America. People who are aware of crime statistics and test scores and census data have to fight against that knowledge to see the great individuals that are definitely out there all over the place. It would surprise me if that did not cost an opportunity or two throughout a life.
I'm not moving the goal posts, in the very first post where we talked about this I said an apology and donations of any profits should be in order as penitence for the damaging propaganda his newsletter endorsed. His saying "bbbbbbut I didn't write it" is the weakest kind of excuse.

Good on you that you at least recognize that racism affects black people.

Getting back to why I'm hammering on your guy, Ron Paul for his racism is he's kind of like a poster child for libertarian policies. The links between Ron Paul, libertarianism and racism are undeniable. The libertarian belief in states rights includes "states should decide their own policies about the rights of people to live equally and move about freely in our society (i.e. civil rights)". Our history shows that when states can do this, some states completely write out black people, women and other minority's civil rights. You can talk about a hypothetical society where there is no regulation but everybody lives free and easy with each other. Our history tells us that you are describing a fantasy instead of possible reality.
I'm not moving the goal posts, in the very first post where we talked about this I said an apology and donations of any profits should be in order as penitence for the damaging propaganda his newsletter endorsed. His saying "bbbbbbut I didn't write it" is the weakest kind of excuse.

Good on you that you at least recognize that racism affects black people.

Getting back to why I'm hammering on your guy, Ron Paul for his racism is he's kind of like a poster child for libertarian policies. The links between Ron Paul, libertarianism and racism are undeniable. The libertarian belief in states rights includes "states should decide their own policies about the rights of people to live equally and move about freely in our society (i.e. civil rights)". Our history shows that when states can do this, some states completely write out black people, women and other minority's civil rights. You can talk about a hypothetical society where there is no regulation but everybody lives free and easy with each other. Our history tells us that you are describing a fantasy instead of possible reality.
Oh, the links are deniable. I am denying them right now. I am surprised at the percentage of everyone's comments being about racism, since the topic today was legalization of marijuana, and the best potential way to do it. Maybe the topic tomorrow will have to do with race.
Oh, the links are deniable. I am denying them right now. I am surprised at the percentage of everyone's comments being about racism, since the topic today was legalization of marijuana, and the best potential way to do it. Maybe the topic tomorrow will have to do with race.
You can deny them but you can't support that denial with facts.

We talked about medical mj and agreed. The other topics were unfinished.

How do you intend to factually defend the argument that Ron Paul is not racist? He owned the newsletter that published those essays. The newsletter was in his own name. His claim that "he didn't know" isn't very convincing.

Instead of arguing against the link between racism and libertarian ideals, please explain why white supremacists like the concept of states defining civil rights laws and not the federal government. Please start with why the federal government should not have repealed slavery.
Good on you that you at least recognize that racism affects black people.
I said that awareness of crime statistics, test scores, and census data affects people's perception of black people, and thusly their interactions with black people. I also recognize that some people just plain hate black people. Some just hate white people too. You dont have to be ignorant of crime stats and test scores and census data to not be racist, but it makes it a lot easier I will admit.
You can deny them but you can't support that denial with facts.

We talked about medical mj and agreed. The other topics were unfinished.

How do you intend to factually defend the argument that Ron Paul is not racist? He owned the newsletter that published those essays. The newsletter was in his own name. His claim that "he didn't know" isn't very convincing.

Instead of arguing against the link between racism and libertarian ideals, please explain why white supremacists like the concept of states defining civil rights laws and not the federal government. Please start with why the federal government should not have repealed slavery.
I find his denial convincing. I agree with the federal government's repeal of slavery.
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