Well-Known Member
Trump is not racist.
Your mantra
Trump is not racist.
Not surprising. California is like a slowly failing socialist state imo. There is literally poop in the streets. Everyone probably grew up without a father and still hates their mother.Rural counties in California have violent crime rates as high as densely populated counties and often higher.
I'm the one who called you a fake buddhist, and it's because you're a demonstrated charlatan
Ya, and white people too. Get that hate out in the open.I’d prefer to just get goods and services from anyone who sells them.
I’d hate to be made into a second class citizen just because I was gay
Do you think people should also be able to refuse service to Jews and black people?
He's also an expert on what it means to be Buddhist too, even though I've been one for nearly 40 years he can tell me why I'm a "fake" Buddhist.
Don't you feel glad to have his white privilege JuBu Christian perspective?
How original, never heard that argument before. Did I mention those rural counties are in conservative districts, Michigan spam doctor?Not surprising. California is like a slowly failing socialist state imo. There is literally poop in the streets. Everyone probably grew up without a father and still hates their mother.
Thanks for the thoughtful comment. I agree with much of what you said, although I am not religious, I think that the oppressor/oppressed narrative is commie stuff (and BS), and im pretty sure abortion is killing a baby.I really wish all of us could overcome the hatred and prejudices toward each other. We'll never move forward unless we can stop trying to elevate ourselves and undermine each other. Neither side has any respect or tolerance for the other. Trump isn't the creator of hatred. There is racism, bigotry, and also sexual and religious persecution on both sides.
White Americans need to finally understand that they simply cannot identify with or understand the personal and widespread cultural ramifications of bigotry, as they've always been able to walk out their front door with their heads held high, and never even think about being persecuted for the color of their skin. They need to understand that people do not need to be a direct victim of bigotry for their lives to be severely negatively effected. White Americans need to finally disrupt the normalization of white supremacy. I am white, and until this current presidency, I have never been made to feel like I am less than equally created because of my skin color or any other affiliation, biological or otherwise. I spent much of my life void of empathy, unable to see my non-white peers around me as unfairly disadvantaged. This is by definition ignorance. The onus truly is primarily on the white population to take whatever (civil) necessary action to stop the American norm of cultural bias.
Black Americans need to finally understand that they simply cannot advance their cultural status by using the same bias and racially charged tactics as their oppressors. What Black Americans deserve is to have every opportunity as white Americans, without even the fear of disadvantage based on their skin color or other affiliations, biological or otherwise. Black Americans also deserve to be held to the same accountability as white Americans, culturally and morally, to represent a unified and unwavering democracy. The idea that a movement can gain credibility, defeat inequality, and lead to long-lasting peaceful reform for the well-being of future generations by means of racism and hateful generalizations of entire classes of people, needs to be abandoned and replaced with a call for both sides to unify against the common enemy: Discrimination. Although the onus truly is primarily on the white population, the non-white population needs to stay committed to advancing their cause, rather than damaging its credibility by adopting the ugliest characteristics of its opponent. Black supremacy is a very real, ugly and undeniable thing.
It seems peace and equality isn't the goal, though, and that more people are just concerned about exalting the superiority of their class over the other, while further undermining even the basic rights of those they oppose. This is a recipe for civil war, which unfortunately, I cant imagine would end in a victory for racial equality.
We need to start by holding those closest to ourselves accountable, and seeking democracy with those farthest from us.
I'll start. Fellow republicans- hear this. Nobody's sexual orientation, nor their decisions concerning their pregnancy, are ANY of our concern. God gave man free will, to do as he pleases with his flesh, and to answer for it all individually to the God we choose to believe in. As inalienable as our right is to believe in Jesus as the Christ, as is also anyone's right to conduct their lives under whatever belief or value system they choose. To try and physically and legally prohibit someone from committing what you inevitably consider sin is to usurp a power only God has, and to deny the Divine and Holy power of conviction, mercy, transformation and forgiveness. As a God-fearing Christian, I know all sexual immorality is equal, not one more than another. Before you persecute a homosexual, be sure you've never had pre-marital sex, watched porn, masturbated, or lusted over a woman!
Its 2018. Don't like abortion? Don't get one. Don't like homosexuality? Be heterosexual. For thousands of years people and nations have warred against these "abominations", and never have they ceased to happen. We need to stop being concerned with things that don't concern us- because really all we are doing is declaring greater morality and superiority over those who live their lives and do with their flesh as we wouldn't.
I'm truly sorry for walking through life thus far so selfishly, through blind ignorance. I never did anything to combat social injustice and inequality. Having lots of non-white friends used to be the explanation I gave as to how I couldn't possibly be assumed racist. Then one of those dearest lifelong friends asked me if I ever laughed at a black joke. I said, "Well, of course I have. It's just a joke, you know? That doesn't mean I hate black people or am racist." He said to me, "I know you don't hate black people and I know you're not racist. But every time you heard a black joke and laughed, you empowered racism. Every time you didn't shut it down when someone told a joke, you contributed to the normalization of, and even your own desensitization to, flagrant racism." ****Lightbulb*****
Later in this conversation, he also explained to me why he never came to my old man's house with me. When we were kids, he saw my father watching the old Loony Toons in the living room. His parents had explained to him as a child the discriminatory undertones in these old school cartoons. My father is exactly the opposite of racist. But for this reason, Laranzal would never come to my father's house with me. Even as adults, nearly 20 years later. He told me he didn't believe my father was a racist, but knowing he was unconcerned and unfazed, even entertained, by subtle racism in cartoons, was enough to keep him away. Will he be able to laugh at me as "harmlessly" as he laughs at these cartoons?
Peace and Grace to you all. I hope we together can make the necessary changes within ourselves, to restore selflessness and indivisible unity to ALL people.
The bad policies of the democrats are statewide and destroying families in every community.How original, never heard that argument before. Did I mention those rural counties are in conservative districts, Michigan spam doctor?
The same policies that have made the california the world's fifth largest economy, yeah.The bad policies of the democrats are statewide and destroying families in every community.
You're a sociopath
lolSilly question. Trump is not racist.
A CEO calls you a human resource and not personnel and for reward cuts your hours from 40 to 39.5 to not provide health care
Should white farmers in South Africa go back to Europe?
I think they should
I completely agree, you are it's a perfect self image"You're a racist white pedophilic priest, you Russian snowflake!
Wow. Just wow.
Just once, I really wish you'd post something that was even REMOTELY accurate.
Full time employment is 32 hours or more. "Cutting your hours to 39.5" does nothing; you're still a full time employee and they still must provide access to health care.
Their base seems to want them to go full socialist. Might see Medicare for all, guaranteed gov jobs, housing, etc.. Bigger welfare checks, higher taxes, and free abortions.. Oprah? Elizabeth Warren? Dwayne Johnson? Joe Biden? Michael avenatti?Random question: What do y'all think the democrat platform will be in 2020, and who will they run?
Now you're a fucking telepathic psychologist?Sorry. I meant to say.
It’s unpleasant being you because you dislike yourself.