Civil Discourse

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Resorting to incivility and sometimes violence is a common reaction among coddled white people when bigoted or religious belief is challenged and there is no rational answer.

You do this if anyone disagrees with you more than once.

Of course telling people what to think is not civil in the first place.

It’s not American either.
I’m not siding with him. I am showing you should see you accuse others of exactly what you do.

But you would never listen you only tell.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest something:

Be an adult. If he annoys you that much, if he's making you cry every time you visit this forum (and he is), if you are completely obsessed day and night over him (and you are), then be an adult, put on your grown-up, adult underwear, and put him on ignore.

You'll feel better.

And believe me everybody else will too.
This is exactly what I am saying @UncleBuck is doing to anyone who disagrees with him.

Thanks for showing his likeness to Hitler. Lol.
I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest something:

Be an adult. If he annoys you that much, if he's making you cry every time you visit this forum (and he is), if you are completely obsessed day and night over him (and you are), then be an adult, put on your grown-up, adult underwear, and put him on ignore.

You'll feel better.

And believe me everybody else will too.
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