Civil war 2

The civil war was about slavery. They seceded because of slavery after forcing the fugitive slave act on the rest of the nation, the biggest federal power grab ever at that point

If a convicted pedohile ever tries to tell you different, it’s because they are trying to revise history for their neo nazi, white supremacist purposes
The civil war was about slavery. They seceded because of slavery after forcing the fugitive slave act on the rest of the nation, the biggest federal power grab ever at that point

If a convicted pedohile ever tries to tell you different, it’s because they are trying to revise history for their neo nazi, white supremacist purposes

The civil war had many subplots, but Union aggression which began the fighting was based in the idea that people once in the Union could never leave, just like they were slaves.

You would have obeyed the fugitive slave act edict and turned away a person seeking to gain self determination . This is evidenced by your condoning the idea that it's okay to force one person to serve another.
The civil war had many subplots, but Union aggression which began the fighting was based in the idea that people once in the Union could never leave, just like they were slaves.

You would have obeyed the fugitive slave act edict and turned away a person seeking to gain self determination . This is evidenced by your condoning the idea that it's okay to force one person to serve another.
Slavery played the central role in the American Civil War. The primary catalyst for secession was slavery, The south wanted to expand slavery to the western territories , the North was very much against. States right versus Federal rights had everything to do with slavery.
Union aggression???...funny shit from you and very fucking telling
The civil war had many subplots, but Union aggression which began the fighting was based in the idea that people once in the Union could never leave, just like they were slaves.

You would have obeyed the fugitive slave act edict and turned away a person seeking to gain self determination . This is evidenced by your condoning the idea that it's okay to force one person to serve another.
They should have just went back to England if they didn't want to live under the American laws.
Slavery played the central role in the American Civil War. The primary catalyst for secession was slavery, The south wanted to expand slavery to the western territories , the North was very much against. States right versus Federal rights had everything to do with slavery.
Union aggression???...funny shit from you and very fucking telling

So, you agree it was a war of secession and not a true "civil war" as I defined in my initial post, eh "Math tutor" ?
words have you fucked up Mr. Word Salad.
Many sociopaths have neuro linguistic issues, I noticed this about Rob a while back, he has word and comprehension issues. Rob has brain parts missing and he is a pretty good example of the Dunning Kruger effect.*

*In the field of psychology, the Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people mistakenly assess their cognitive ability as greater than it is.
words have you fucked up Mr. Word Salad. When I tutor for SAT math my average is 600 or better. My son scored 780. My daughters 690 and 710. I take pride in that

Yet, you do not know the sum of a million zeroes and are incapable of answering one simple arithmetic question I ask.

I have "academics" in my family too, class valedictorians, 4.0 gpa etc. and everyone of them is, like you, incapable of refuting most of my questions. It's not their raw intelligence that's the problem, it's their American obedience training which causes the emotional, rather than the rational responses. It's endemic, by design.

I guess this is the part where I tell you, that I am a cunning linguist ?
Yet, you do not know the sum of a million zeroes and are incapable of answering one simple arithmetic question I ask.

I have "academics" in my family too, class valedictorians, 4.0 gpa etc. and everyone of them is, like you, incapable of refuting most of my questions. It's not their raw intelligence that's the problem, it's their American obedience training which causes the emotional, rather than the rational responses. It's endemic, by design.

I guess this is the part where I tell you, that I am a cunning linguist ?
the sum of a million zeros will always be the same..(hint) zero always = no quantity.
I would also suggest you stop confusing the science of math with political science.

and I would say you are more of a walking contradiction.
the sum of a million zeros will always be the same..(hint) zero always = no quantity.
I would also suggest you stop confusing the science of math with political science.

and I would say you are more of a walking contradiction.

So simple math magically shifts when you use it to justify wrongful political things that you wish were so, but aren't ?

Sounds like 3/5 of a person "compromise" logic. If you have to cheat to're not winning.
I'm kind of excited about all this talk. I would love to see a one hundred and fiftieth anniversary ass kicking of the south.
I'm kind of excited to see you people fighting each other instead of murdering innocents around the world. You have been so insulated from the misery your country causes across the planet. You may change your mind once the bloodshed comes home.
I'm kind of excited to see you people fighting each other instead of murdering innocents around the world. You have been so insulated from the misery your country causes across the planet. You may change your mind once the bloodshed comes home.

While I'm not excited to see people fighting each other, your post is accurate, the USA Fed government and the subsidiary state governments are an immense evil empire controlled by psychopaths. Of course that's true of any other smaller political bodies too. This isn't just my opinion, it's clinically speaking, accurate.

However, an individual that doesn't support what the prevailing "leaders" on his plantation do, should not be held responsible for the actions of the overlords. I don't say "we" when I refer to the USA and feel no responsibility for their evil, it's on the individuals that do it, not the slave populace, of which most of us are, in some form or another.

The problem is, people are conditioned to believing in the concept of "authority" and are trained to vote for "lesser evil" which is alot like chopping your fingers off one at a time.
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