Clarification for snapping stems


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I just want a clarification for the 'hang them up until the stem snaps' Well my stems are about 12 inches long with the way I harvested them. The very ends snap but right next to the bud the stems still bend. Is it time to cure or not? Don't really feel like getting too dried out bud. Please advise. Thanks. :joint:


Cheesy Bo' Greesy

Well-Known Member
Once the stems snap but you still have to twist them a bit to break it apart, throw them in the jars. Open the jars everyday for about half an hour to an hour all depending on your humidity levels and be certain to check for the beginnings of any mold. Dont over pack the jars with bud you still want some air in there. After awhile the buds should become spongy meaning that when you squeeze them they immdiately fill back out again sort of like when squeezing a dry sponge. Once this happens fire up and enjoy! youve just created some finely cured buds.