Class Action on Walmart.. Will the Supreme Court rule in favor of the Working Woman?

And exactly who would determine what that "living wage" would be, Ernst? How much would the "living wage" be? If an employee's skill level and productivity is only worth $10 per hour, and the "living wage" is determined to be $25 per hour, who makes up the additional $15 Ernst? Would the employer have to raise prices to the end consumer to make up the difference? Would the employer just have to eat the difference? Would the taxpayer have to eat it?

Come on Ernst ... use your head.

I would have to see what those trained to calculate such thing said.

People just had everything they worked for messed with while banks and ultra-wealthy got bailed out.
You think I am the problem? Nice try but ( Gong Show Gong Sound ) Wrong!

Never tell people searching for freedom to stop trying to be free..

And exactly who would determine what that "living wage" would be, Ernst? How much would the "living wage" be? If an employee's skill level and productivity is only worth $10 per hour, and the "living wage" is determined to be $25 per hour, who makes up the additional $15 Ernst? Would the employer have to raise prices to the end consumer to make up the difference? Would the employer just have to eat the difference? Would the taxpayer have to eat it?

Come on Ernst ... use your head.

Right on man. They can set minimum wage at $1000 or $10,000 an hour but poor people will still be poor because a gallon of milk would cost $500 a gallon so would gas.
Gee Ernst, for someone who loves the Zeitgeist movies you sure didn't pay much attention to the Part about money. The reason we have to keep raising the min wage, and the reason its never enough is all because of INFLATION. Do you remember what it is that causes inflation?
Damn I hope they put walmart out of business that's all the country needs a few hundred thousand people with out of a job.
Gee Ernst, for someone who loves the Zeitgeist movies you sure didn't pay much attention to the Part about money. The reason we have to keep raising the min wage, and the reason its never enough is all because of INFLATION. Do you remember what it is that causes inflation?

I didn't say I knew how to calculate these things. As long as people can maintain a quality of life I'm good.

As for the Fractional reserve banking I just had a debate on my daily walk with three farmers who I know are the conservative types. We all agreed it is time to change our financial system.
you guys say fuck walmart for being the big guy who takes the small guys business but the only reason they do that is because they have the lowest prices---i guarantee the people on this post saying fuck walmart has Sams brand chips and cokes in there pantry
you guys say fuck walmart for being the big guy who takes the small guys business but the only reason they do that is because they have the lowest prices---i guarantee the people on this post saying fuck walmart has Sams brand chips and cokes in there pantry

Its the parents not teaching them...
The only problem with Walmart, in the eyes of the Progressives that is, is the fact that Walmart isn't a union employer. Walmart has over ONE MILLION employees who are in the sights of the union bosses. Can you imagine the plum Walmart is in the eyes of the union bosses? Think of it: over a million more dues paying union members with paychecks from where union dues can be extracted PRIOR to the employees even seeing their paychecks. Then a certain percentage of these dues would be contributed to LIBERAL/PROGRESSIVE programs and LIBERAL/PROGRESSIVE politician's campaign coffers.

The jig is up Progressives. Turn in your badges and secret handshakes. We're wise to ya now! :)
Ernst: Its not good enough to propose stupid ideas like a "Living Wage" without doing your research. Doing so just makes YOU look stupid. Not dissing you ... just trying to get you to do the research. Read the books I recommended to you for the answers.
If I were Walmarts competitors I wouldn't mind them doing this one bit. The best people are not becoming managers in this scenario so Walmart is hurting themselves. I'd let Walmart train them and then pluck the best ones. Another reason to like the Free Market. One of the managers I worked with would go into other businesses and check out the "talent". He was always looking to hire a good person.

One problem is individuals not knowing their self worth as well as how to advance themselves. We get comfortable, don't like change. How many of these woman lost opportunities to advance because they didn't check other businesses? How many people here have lost money because they didn't ask for a raise? When I first started working I didn't know any better and accepted what was given to me. A business is like you, they want to make money. They don't "give away" raises and promotions. What a business thinks is fair, is different from what you think is fair.
Where does the Supreme court derive the authority to intervene in a private business and their agreements with persons they employ?
its funny how everyone starts to attack walmart when in reality litteraly everyone shops there what its not good cause its not union ??? let me tell you little bout unions there really not on your side there there for the ones that are lazy unions = job security for the lazy
Walmart is evil cause there not union lol but hey bad enough most paychecks dont seem to go to far as they used to but if walmart was union nothing like spending 80.00 for a pair of low budget jeans or 120.00 for runners with your kid outgrowing them every 2 months woohoo walmart is a good place to shop bottom line no matter what u can walk out of there spending 100.00 no problem but if it was union that walkin out would cost you 250.00

even with a union company will say this is way it is or i lock the doors sure walk you picket lines but remember i will hire others and your job will be lost also nothing like having you physically removed from my walmart parkin lot