Class Action Section 8


Well-Known Member
Here's one of those ideas that sneak in at 4:00am.

Even a lawyer can see that sec 8 is better than section 4.

Section 4 was written poorly by the likes of mr shoe-T. Our money is being used to violate us. We can't have children. Judges can override our doctors (pot doctors). We can't hav guns, can't hunt on state land... Funny they been tellin the clan they can't hunt deer in the dark too ;)

Sec 8. Whatever it takes to have an uninterrupted supply!!! Nice. You just need to be arrested first.

So anyway!! Since sec 4 is untenable any grower at any time may need sec 8? Right?

What if we all,as good law-abiding citizens, turn ourselves in? On the same day. At the same time.

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
The first 6 would be booked; upon seeing this the last thousand would BOOK (as in run the the fuck out of there) and there would be 6 more casualties-but that's just my pessimist's view point.


Well-Known Member
That would be six that the cost the powers that be.

But yeah u are not wrong... Just getting stoners anywhere on-time is almost impossible..


Well-Known Member
The only way I see things changing is for a new amendment that we the people vote on. We need change let's get something on the ballot for the people by the people...........


Well-Known Member
The only way I see things changing is for a new amendment that we the people vote on. We need change let's get something on the ballot for the people by the people...........
Wish I knew how to do one of those signature things. Well said sir.

My fantasy would be more fun though ;) since I'm dreaming I would pick Christmas day not 4/20. What's that triple time for cops?
better yet, there needs to be a PAC, Political Action Committee, someone or somebodies that chew the ear of the law makers, take them to dinner, lunch whatever it takes to make OUR representatives in Washington that we have a powerful voice when united and we can swing political momentum as well as the Silver Foxes in Fla..


Well-Known Member
We where invited to a PAC party at the mmmp conference. The goal is to put mj friendly people in government. To. Get. Our. Rights. Back. Leo is shooting us like they hav been shooting our pets for years. They are stealing our children .. For fucking profit.. We are paying them well. It is time folks. Get up off the couch


Well-Known Member
The only thing that concerns me about PACs is that they are competitive in nature and I do not believe we can compete in line to stroke these greezy bastards. How about just a plain old pack of trolls and hecklers instead, following and mocking these politicians bought by the highest bidder and the talking points they were provided. It's just a rigged game IMO, if we follow their rules we are guaranteed a loss. Think outside of the box and address the machine/problem directly with accountability rather than join in. Go to the people directly with a law that levies criminal penalties against LEO, courts and government officials whom "impede access to medication". Make the law just as clear as MMMP and watch those bastards squirm as their own games place them in legal jeopardy. Game over?


Well-Known Member
Why can't we do it all? We are a community. Like any other group of " individuals " We hav soldiers and peaceniks. People who cook and people who eat. Shitters n those of us who clean it up. There is no one perfect solution. No one perfect legal case. As I understand it this pac is going to be a base. A place to find a course of action that fits you. From quietly setting in a court room to shakin our asses and heckling on every court house step. It's main focus is to fund local MMJ friendly canna-dates. Dog catcher to govenor we should have a name in the voting booth I know at least understands US Think outside the box, fight on the inside, then use the fucker to light a nice rosy fire. US or Them?


Well-Known Member
I am just saying Holder & Obama were pro MJ before there weren't and once in power. Many have played that political game and we've all clearly lost. I don't see politics changing unless we change it as suggested above. I'm just tired of begging and pleading to these asshats playing this game. I believe it's time for some accountability and if that's a game you're playing I'm in.

Here's another out of the box idea with the objective of accountability. Collect all those pot lawyers pimping themselves out to our community and simply interview them for perspective. Like how many MJ cases they have taken and simply plead (99%) and at what cost (10k and denial of a day in court) to our community. Shoe-T and Komorn oppose one another as a means of employment, but rely upon one another for relevance and should be held accountable for the carnage left behind. The game they play is far from "victim-less" as the MJ laws they exploit for cash IMO.

Cya on the battlefield :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Yeap that's the game we are playin too. It's time someone was held accountable or at least lose their jobs as parasites. There are going to be openings in local elections. We need to fill those holes with growers and patients not lawyers. By the people for the people. When one of us comes before a zoning board would it not be nice to see one friendly face? When the dog catcher comes trottin threw your back yard would it not be nice to know he wasn't callin LEO in five minutes? We have been trying to fight a stand up fight with scum. Time to take em to the gutter.


Well-Known Member
There is the agreement that is available. It locks in two of the three necessary evidentiary proofs required. Keep yer numbers in check if you must.

That said, is there enough interest to buy into a defense fund? Can we sell it to people who use the garden markets?


Active Member
There is the agreement that is available. It locks in two of the three necessary evidentiary proofs required. Keep yer numbers in check if you must.

That said, is there enough interest to buy into a defense fund? Can we sell it to people who use the garden markets?
defends funds are always ravaged by the lawyers.

they are the ones extruding the most money from us.. not even the state.

get a lawyer who will pro bono and champion marijuana rights is what we needs.. but we dont have those. we have snakes.

i wanted a defense fund 2 years ago and we could of swamped the only few cases back then and we'd have this shit settled.

why hasnt 4i been brought up ion a court room before? because lawyers dont get our law.

4i is also what got me tazed at steve's court dates, and is the reason BREE ISNT HOME.. they dont like or understand 4i.

you can use your medication around your kids.

JUDGE garcia seems to think you have to even medicate in a locked area!!


Well-Known Member
It's some scary shit when you consider the amount of governmental "business" this drug war "industry" has drummed up over the past 70 years. These fuckers have no intention of giving up their six figure incomes, power ,control and ability to impose their will with force. The law has become irrelevant as these asshats just keep "interpreting" these laws in self-serving ways without accountability.

As for a defense fund, it would take a pretty incredible amount management skills and vision to become an asset to our community, but anything is possible ;)


Well-Known Member
Elections are manipulated today to such a degree that only historians will hopefully know a shred of the truth :( We like to make jokes about the unquestionable disconnect between what politicians say and then do, but there is simply nothing amusing about it. This status qua and the corruption it has bred and continues to breed must be stopped, not simply patronized as democracy by sheep. IMO unless the people (not the politicians) vote in law that removes this obvious disconnect problem with government accountability you are simply being played by the game, in the name of the game ...
