Clawing after one feed??

Jimbo the Gael

Well-Known Member
Epsom salts are magnesium sulfate. You can use them to supplement mag without additional cal, which is useful when the ratio of cal to mag is off.

I'm assuming you mixed that medium up yourself? If so where exactly does that "40% soil" come from? A bagged mix?


Well-Known Member
Epsom salts are magnesium sulfate. You can use them to supplement mag without additional cal, which is useful when the ratio of cal to mag is off.

I'm assuming you mixed that medium up yourself? If so where exactly does that "40% soil" come from? A bagged mix?
Yes, its a mix from bag from the garden shop.
Its also has some long term nutes little rounds, but never had problems before, I just give little nutes every 2 watering.

* This was my first feed, the seeds popped out at the 22.10, more than a month.
But the soil have 10% humus that should be good at list up to flower stage, or so I thought...

Those CBD plants are very gentle, I have aurora and blue dream and they don't care.


Well-Known Member
Its local mix. its with coconut also.

I gave last watering only cal mag.
Ph set to 6.8, run off was 6.7-.6.8

But looks like something is still missing from this plant menu, should I feed with accurate PH again?

Anybody knows what kind of deficiency is that?
Could be iron or is it magnesium for sure?



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Jimbo the Gael

Well-Known Member
That could be an iron deficiency. But the key to fixing an iron deficiency is to find out why it's happening. Given that you have a mix of soil and coco I'm not even sure what your ph should be, but that and excessive mag in the root zone are often the culprits of an iron lockout. If it's too much mag in your feed I would suggest foliar feeding mag using 1/2 to 1 tsp of Epsom salts in 1 litre of water, spray once a week.


Well-Known Member
Looks better now, I think its mag after all, I gave mag ph balance water and no clawing and it looks better.

I have to choose between 2 plants
One is bit larger but has minor mag deficiency, the other has none.


Well-Known Member
Here are some photos

Today I fed them
Cal mag + Bio nova soil mix, ph 6.7.
Run off water was 7.0.

So, I need to choose one plant from the two CBD.
Its tempting to leave 3 but I know it will be hard in 2X2 tent, and I will have more issue, hard work and not sure if more product.

So I will go with 1 CBD and 1 Blue dream.

Here is the tent with 3 of them, before defoliation. Seed first popped out from soil in the 22.10, I am thinking about moving to flower in the 15.12+-, after 50 veg days.



CBD (2) - its larger from the two, but had some minor mag deficiency.


This is CBD (1) and had no issues, only it is smaller
* One more thing, its can me a slight slight mistake and its also blue dream... I might have mixed the seeds, but minor minor chance. They look very similar , CBD(1) and CBD(2), but hard to know in veg stage.


I have 1 more feed before move one out (and one more topping before scrog).
I can wait to see if the deficiency is gone by then, and if good, I will keep on with CBD(2).

If the deficiency is not going away, I will take my chances with CBD(1).

Hope this is not too much text :)

Thanks for any advice
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