Clay bowl


Active Member
Dont know if anyones every posted anything about clay bowls but i couldnt find anything on here so..

I got some clay from school and decided to make a bowl for a 18 inch bong.
the clay is gray and im not sure what type it is, its used for bowls and cups and stuff in school. I wanna know if its safe to smoke out of if you just let it dry out and not bake it in a kiln.

Ill try to get a pic of it tommorrow.thanks


Well-Known Member
yeah dude you have to put this stuff on it it called glaze and it makes have that glassy feel
if you dont put that stuff on its still clay and you cna smoke those particles
the fun thiny is clay particles dont ever go away so when they get into your lungs they stay there


Active Member
its not that i dont have the money, theres just no head shops anywhere near me. im going to north carolina at the end of march with my friend to his sisters appartment and theres some head shops around her so im gonnna end up with a glass one soon, i just thought it could work and it was fun making it.


Well-Known Member
just tell your rents to buy apples and just use them as can even eat them after using it to smoke and get a tiny buzz


Active Member
ive smoked out of bottles and shit fuck the apple bowl ive tried it but im not that desperate. i just want my own 1 1/2 foot bong for now till i buy an acrylic one over spring break.


New Member
And then you can just always toss homemade shit out and not care, and just make another one the next day.. Or disassemble it if you ever got pulled over and be like what you talking bout piggy.. instead of having to crotch some glass.


Well-Known Member
oh yeah man just having a personal bong is nice
my boss is gonna sell me a triple blown foot tall nice as fuck bong for $50 its such a good deal


Active Member
Yea i usually smoke blunts but i just want a bong to get ripped off of. Does anyone know of any head shops in the orlando area?


Well-Known Member
yeah you get way higher on bongs than anything else
and they are great for personal use because you smoke one bowl of even not so good weed and you will still be high


Well-Known Member
its not that i dont have the money, theres just no head shops anywhere near me. im going to north carolina at the end of march with my friend to his sisters appartment and theres some head shops around her so im gonnna end up with a glass one soon, i just thought it could work and it was fun making it.
You have the internet... the worlds biggest head shop.


Active Member
Except no way to pay for it online yet and yea alls there is around here is regs barely anymore and crippy but its not even that great around here.