Clean in two weeks?


New Member
Hey y'all. I unfortunately lost my job on Monday. Immediately when I lost it, I stopped smoking since I began looking for work. (So Sunday would have been when I last toked up.) I know there are lots of questions regarding this, but how likely would it be that I'd test clean in two weeks from when I last smoked? Here are some additional details:

5'3" female, 155ish LBS. A little extra on me.
I smoked/vaped pretty much daily, but small quantities. Maybe a bowl a day. Let's put it this way - I bought a quarter about a month ago and I still have about half of it left, if not more.
I typically stick to vaping over smoking.

Is there anything I can do to help the cleansing process? Also, does anyone have any good testing kits I can use at home to test if my pee is clean over time? Just to give me some peace of mind.

Thanks all!
Hey y'all. I unfortunately lost my job on Monday. Immediately when I lost it, I stopped smoking since I began looking for work. (So Sunday would have been when I last toked up.) I know there are lots of questions regarding this, but how likely would it be that I'd test clean in two weeks from when I last smoked? Here are some additional details:

5'3" female, 155ish LBS. A little extra on me.
I smoked/vaped pretty much daily, but small quantities. Maybe a bowl a day. Let's put it this way - I bought a quarter about a month ago and I still have about half of it left, if not more.
I typically stick to vaping over smoking.

Is there anything I can do to help the cleansing process? Also, does anyone have any good testing kits I can use at home to test if my pee is clean over time? Just to give me some peace of mind.

Thanks all!

Sorry to hear about your job, real bummer. Anyhow, good questions.

I posted up a similar thread that you may want to give a read if you're interested. because THC metabolites are stored in fat deposits, the first thing you're going to calculate is (1) the concentration of THC within the marijuana you have (2) and the amount of actual THC (not marijuana) you were ingesting whenever you smoked.

Then you need to calculate your body fat percentage and a rough estimate on how many calories you burn every day. If you have something like a fit-bit or something that will monitor your heart rate that would be pretty easy. Otherwise if you have a regular watch, just take your radial pulse, count the number of beats within 15 seconds and multiply that by four. That will give you a rough estimate of your heart rate at that given time.

If you're only burning through around 1500 kCal a day, then it may take a little longer for you to completely clear THC metabolites out of your system.

For myself, I'm consistently around 185-190 pounds, lift weights and I'm actively involved in jiu-jitsu.. I would estimate that I'm around 13% body fat. For me, getting completely clear of detectable THC metabolite levels below 15 nanograms per millileter (ng/ml) took a little over one month. I confirmed this through a test lab that I paid for out of my own pocket. Personally, I would highly suggest you pay for a professional lab based urinalysis before a pre-employment test. Your results will be confidential and often you don't need to provide extensive personal information. A lab based test will run you around $60 and it will give you precise levels of metabolites. A take home test will cost around $20 and will only give you a positive or a negative. So even if you test positive at the lab test, you then know how long it'll take to get to undetectable levels, and you haven't lost out on a job offer either.

Understanding how urinalyses work is crucial if you're going to try and beat them. Most pre-employment urinalyses are five panel tests. That means they'll test for 1) Coke 2) Amphetamines 3) Methamphetamines 4) THC metabolites 5) Opiates/opiods: heroin or prescription pain killers 6)Phencyclidine "angel dust." The first test that is conducted is an immunoassay which is a general test that (for your purpose) will detect anything over 50 ng/ml of THC metabolites. If you have over that amount within your urine sample, the sample will be re-tested using gas spectrometry which is accurate down to 15 ng/ml. Most people it will take them around a month to get down to that level. If you're below that 15 ng/ml level, you're fine unless you're trying to get a job as a surgical tech or some other high liability job.

NORML has some really great material on the topic, I'd suggest visiting their website if you get the chance. It will be well worth your time.

Here are a few key things to remember if you're trying to get clean
-THC is out of your blood stream in a matter of hours, urinalyses test for THC metabolites not actual THC (if you show up blazed you'll definitely fail though lol)
-THC metabolites are stored in your fat, so the quicker you burn your fat stores the quicker you'll process the metabolites out of your system
-Drug flush kits will only mask (THC) metabolites, they will not yield "positive" or "negative" results
-If on a pre-employment urinalysis you have inconclusive results for THC metabolites most employers will retract a job offer
-The only tried and true methods are
(1) Flushing: Drinking copious amounts of water to dilute your urine sample
-Keep in mind, if you show up to a urinalysis and have crystal clear piss, most reputable labs will often consider that tampering with a sample which will often equate to the withdrawal of a job offer
(2) Waiting until you're in the clear: Just wait until you're not hot

As for your original question, can you get clean in two weeks? Possibly. But you would still very much so be within the time window to yield "positive" results for THC metabolites. Take that information and do as you will, just realize everyone is different and that there is an entire industry based off of misleading and lying to people in order to make them spend money out of fear and paranoia. Hope this helps!

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I hate won't be clean in maybe 3-6 months..i could be talking gibberish.
At three months, your hair follicles will have grown hair to the point where you could get a haircut and have zero trace of any thc metabolites. At one month, most people just by normal rates of activity will have replaced the fat cells containing thc metabolites.

Yeah bro, not sure where you heard 3-6 months. But any reputable study in regards to the matter has come to the consensus that for some people (depending on body comp and frequency of use) can get under 50 ng/ml within ~16 days. So clean in two weeks being a regular smoker? Probably not, but by diluting a sample she could possibly make it work.